Connect The Dots

S3E4: Dr. Joy Wolfram | Think Small: Reshaping the Story



In this episode we talk with Dr Joy Wolfram, an esteemed and pioneering nanoscientist of the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. From butterfly flight to tiny fire engines inside the human body, we hear how Dr. Wolfram was inspired by her experience as a young scientist exploring the differences between butterflies and their flight time, to developing new strategies for the treatment of cancer. The amazing analogies in her storytelling enable us to understand the complex and skilled laboratory work that is revolutionising the design and treatment of multifunctional and targeted therapies of cancer through nanoscience.   We learn how the trait of a successful scientist relies on presentation of information and data in a compelling manner. Connecting the dots of scientific knowledge is important to make sense and capture the attention of the audience.  Remembering information and allowing data to tell the story, while being flexible and able to adapt the narrative in an ever changing world of scientific data is im