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S3E6: Lu Ann Cahn | A great story is better than sex.



In this episode we talk with Emmy-Award winning veteran journalist, speaker and author, Lu Ann Cahn.  Storytelling has played a major role in Lu Ann’s career, but it is the combination of grit, persistence and hard work along with her natural talent that has contributed to her successes. Initially attracted by the excitement of being a TV news reporter, Lu Ann decided to pursue a career in journalism.  Her instinct for great storytelling and understanding what makes a compelling and factually based story is what has steered her through four decades of newscasting.  We hear how storytelling in the news has evolved over the years and where it could be headed. We also hear how Lu Ann challenged herself to turn the No’s in her life into Yes’s, with her year long challenge of ‘I Dare’ to ‘Do the New’- on a journey to becoming ‘unstuck’ and rewarding herself with new experiences and a new perspective on life.   Lu Ann’s personal story has changed over the years, but her sensibilities and humor has remained constant