Connect The Dots

S3E7: Tracy Lee Stum | Imaginary Narrative



In this episode we talk with the gifted and very talented street artist Tracy Lee Stum.  Her globally immersive experiences in 3D street painting, 3D murals and anamorphic installations attract viewers all over the world.   Born with crayons in her hand and the ability to tell incredible visual stories, Tracy was always drawn to a career as an artist.  Inspired by the stories her mother would tell that unlocked her imagination, she describes her childhood filled with journeys into the imagination. After a career in visual merchandising crafting vignettes for retailers, Tracy discovered chalk sidewalk drawing at a festival in CA and was hooked. The ability to travel internationally was a bonus to come out of this experience of making artwork, and meeting and working with local artists in other countries connected her to the world.  We hear how Tracy’s ephemeral and precious artwork invites viewers to step into her world, and connects her with the ideas, thoughts and opinions of her viewers.  Her interactive 3D