Connect The Dots

S4E1: Rabbi Vicki Axe | Count Your Blessings



About This Episode: In this week’s podcast, we visit with Rabbi Vicki L. Axe.   Singer, choir geek, teacher, clergy, wife, mother, grandmother and rabbi to name but a few roles Rabbi Axe has held in her diverse life.  Inspired in childhood by her father’s storytelling, in college by her choir director’s leadership and throughout her life by her family, Rabbi Axe is well travelled, well read, and in touch with her community both near and far. Rabbi Axe is a quintessential outside the box thinker.  She is driven by excellence and creativity. The most important part of this story is that we were brought together by what Rabbi Axe calls “divine choreography” – her spiritual concept of connecting the dots and Geoffrey is honored to call her his aunt. Mentions: When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Shir Ami, CT Connect with Rabbi Vicki Axe: Facebook Connect with nine dots: E-mail Geoffrey nine dots Media Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Faceboo