
Forecast for April 1-15, 2022



We have four planets from 9*-12* Aries as we kick off April 2022. If you have been experiencing some impatience, interruptions, and butt edits, this is why... The Aries mantra: "I initiate with consideration of others" A powerhouse of energy that may feel like your finger in the socket. That stellium in Aquarius of Venus, Mars and Saturn all squaring the nodal axis invites us to detach, objectify, individuate, and then, innovate. Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces will demand healthier boundaries for relating. Ask: "What would you have me know Source?" "What would you have me do Source?" Mercury will enter Taurus from April 4-29 and we continue to gather up our tidbits of inner security in preparation for Mercury's retrograde cycle in May. Mars becomes uncomfortable upon its ingress into Pisces April 14th. Breathe through the impulsiveness and take considered actions as all planets are now direct on this exciting journey to the core of the Soul.