
Forecast for April 15-29, 2022



As we honor all religions this springtime in the observance of the Easter holiday there remain three major transits that persist in our awakening and in our evolution. First, Pluto in Capricorn (26*) forms a T-square with this full moon and will also begin its final complete retrograde cycle in the sign of Capricorn April 29th. This symbolizes throwing off the entrenchments of power we are witnessing through the rising autocracies around the world and incessant corporate consolidations. Second, Saturn in Aquarius squaring the nodal axis in Taurus-Scorpio invites us to focus on the new insights we have gained through the long Capricornian transits of Saturn and Pluto. Ask where you are still clinging to old fears and distrust in your world. Is your world a safe place, or not? Lastly, Neptune and Jupiter's conjunction @ 24* Pisces lights up our charts for a while. Consider your mediation time as necessary to calm down and surrender to the flow of Life. The risk in not doing so severs the thread with Source a