
Forecast for Dec. 4-18, 2021



Some emotional relief arrives after the weekend and the Solar Eclipse. South node eclipse season emphasizes how we have operated in the past and in the signs of Sag-Gemini, self honesty is key. Venus retrograde in Capricorn will offer us opportunity to re-assess financial issues. Postpone major decisions until late January. Get more details on the public forecasting webinar Dec. 13th. Get on Astro News for the link. Mars in Sagittarius Dec.13 - Jan.24th can be a bit unnerving, impulsive and righteous. Finally, Neptune is now going direct @ 21* Pisces. It forms squares to the Solar Eclipse/Mercury. In addition, Neptune will continue to be a focal point culminating at the conjunction with Jupiter in April. Lots of opportunity for epiphanies and clarity on this grand journey to the core of the Soul.