
Forecast for May 15-30, 2022



Emotional energy and Life Force consolidations occur when Earth aligns with the nodal axis of the Moon. Watch the evening sky at 11pm Sunday for the blood red Full Moon lunar eclipse. Whatever needs to be released emotionally for you is now facilitated so Allow, Allow, Allow. Where have you been resistant or inconsistent with your responsibilities? Taurus Sun and Saturn square the nodes. Saturn and Uranus are extremely active resulting in systemic convulsions and institutional breakdowns. International co=operation and agreements are up for review. Supply chains are broken and in need of repair. Saturn waning semi-sextile Neptune emphasizes this dissolution. So ask, "How am I deepening my self-reliance?" The Sun in Gemini mantra: " I gather with intuitive searching" Move forward now and be congruent with your deepest beliefs. That will insure inspired actions when Mars begins a new two-year cycle soon with the Aries ingress.