
Forecast for Feb. 15-28, 2022



Full Moon in late Leo (28*) square the nodal axis (28* Leo-Aquarius) may cause a certain rigidity or even some major disruptions as the emotional pressure meets resistance to change. Collectively, this could mean challenges spearheading projects on the job as everyone instinctively digs in a bit. Personally in relationship, there could be an awareness of affairs, seduction games and the resulting betrayals of trust. Do not judge, but rather pay attention to intuitive hints of change and flexibility efforts to avoid any drama. The USA first Pluto return as a country continues to reveal open divisiveness as bloodsport. Mars conjunct Venus in Capricorn adds to the right vs. wrong dialogue and possible conflicts. Jupiter is busy expanding everything with aspects to Uranus and Pluto. Jupiter in balsamic phase to Neptune accelerates our inner psychological joust with beliefs and spirituality so, regardless of outer events, ask for clarity on your personal journey to the core of your Soul.