Reach More Readers



Listen in as D'vorah Lansky, M.Ed., and her guest experts, share tips, tools, and strategies to help you reach more readers and sell more books!


  • 052: Moreen Torpy: The Organized Author

    28/12/2015 Duración: 12min

    Our guest speaker today is Moreen Torpy of - Today Moreen will be speaking to us about: The Organized Author Many authors experience overwhelm from time to time in their writing career. Moreen Torpy, who happens to be an Author and Professional Organizer, offers some strategies to overcome that overwhelm to get you back to the writing you’re committed to. (or that you love.) About Moreen: Moreen Torpy is an Author and Professional Organizer. Since 2004 in her role as the De-Clutter Coach, she offers her clients an improved quality of life through becoming organized. Always an organized person, Moreen remembers as a child lining up her mother’s scattered shoes, placing them carefully against a wall and posting a For Sale sign. She holds several Certificates of Study from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. Moreen’s Book is called: "Going Forward: Downsizing, Moving and Settling In". It is a step-by-step guide to de-cluttering life and liberating the spirit. Join Moreen and

  • 051: Frances Caballo - Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day

    21/12/2015 Duración: 13min

    Our guest speaker today is Frances Caballo. She will be speaking on Social Media in Just 30 Minutes a Day Frances is a guest speaker for the 30-Day Productivity Challenge. You can find out more at Episode Description: Are you spending too much time on social media? Is the Internet diverting your time away from your next writing project? Listen in as Frances shares a four-step process that will help you to expand your platform and reach more readers without taking hours from your day. About Frances: Frances Caballo of, is a social media manager and author with 25 years of experience in the communications industry. She’s a regular speaker at the San Francisco Writers Conference and has written four books including, Twitter Just for Writers. Her focus is on helping authors surmount the barriers that keep them from flourishing online, building their platform, finding new readers, and selling more books. Her clients include authors of every gen

  • 050: Dr Jeanette Cates - Practices of the Productive Author

    17/12/2015 Duración: 13min

    In this episode Dr. Jeanette Cates talks about the Practices of the Productive author. A productive author is a prolific author. And a prolific author is a profitable author. You'll exit this episode with a ton of ideas that you can use immediately! To access the entire Reach More Readers podcast series, head over to: About Jeanette: Jeanette is a productivity NUT! She has spent all of her adult life finding faster, easier ways to do things. And she shares her tips in several of her books and many information products. Jeanette is a best-selling author with more than half of her 15 plus books earning Best-Seller status. With an average of a new book every two months, Jeanette applies her productivity systems in her book publishing business. She is a respected, long-term member of the online business community. Her ability to explain complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner has earned her the title of "The Technology Tamer." To learn more with Jeanette, check out

  • 049: Doug Foresta - Reach More Readers Through Podcasting

    28/10/2015 Duración: 10min

    Doug Foresta is a veteran podcaster. He has produced over 800 podcast episodes with New York Times bestselling authors and Academy Award winners. Doug is the founder of Stand Out and Be Heard, a global community of podcasters. His passion is helping people get their message out into the world in a big way. In today's episode, Doug will be sharing his most recommended way to reach more readers, his favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Doug and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at:

  • 048: Eamonn Obrien - Make Powerful Speeches

    27/10/2015 Duración: 14min

    In today's episode, Eamonn will be sharing his most recommended way to reach more readers, his favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Eamonn and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: Eamonn O’Brien is the founder of The Reluctant Speakers Club (, President of the Professional Speaking Association of Ireland, and the author of ‘How to Make Powerful Speeches’ book (the 2nd Edition is now available on Amazon as well as the multi-award winning The Reluctant Speakers Club Blog. His podcast is included in the most recent list of the Top 100 Small Business Podcasts by Small Business Trends. He works with business leaders and owners to conquer their fears of speaking in public with confidence. Members learn how to hone their communication skills and speak with an unprecedented degree of clarity, persuasiveness, and authority. To listen in to the entire podcast series visit

  • 047: Ellen Finkelstein - The Power of PowerPoint for Authors

    26/10/2015 Duración: 16min

    Ellen has written numerous books on PowerPoint and Internet Marketing and since 1999 has been helping people to present and market themselves more effectively. Along the way, she learned a lot about Internet Marketing, including: • Creating websites and blogs: Her websites get approximately 300,000 visitors per month • E-mail marketing: She has developed an e-mail list of over 22,000 subscribers • Webinars: Ellen has created and delivered dozens of webinars and organized the popular Outstanding Presentations Workshop webinar series, with over 4000 registrations. • Social Media: Ellen has grown her Twitter, her popular LinkedIn group, and her Facebook audience to over 8,000. Today Ellen will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Ellen and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or Listen in to the entire podcast series at http://ReachMoreRe

  • 046: Ginny Carter - Sreamline Your Book Marketing

    21/10/2015 Duración: 11min

    Ginny Carter is a business book ghostwriter and book writing coach. She’s on a mission to turn speakers, coaches and experts from aspiring authors to actual authors with the credibility to gain more clients and charge more for what they do. Today Ginny will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Ginny and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or Listen in to the entire podcast series at

  • 045: Kristen Joy - The Book Ninja

    20/10/2015 Duración: 14min

    Introduced to books as entertainment and education since birth, Kristen ( read her first Nancy Drew book when she was six years old and began her professional publishing journey in 2003 when she served as Marketing Director for a vanity publishing company with a traditional arm. In-between worldwide travel to speak at business events about writing, publishing, and book marketing, Kristen helps authorpreneurs reach their dreams and create books that bring them business. Today Kristen will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Kristen Joy - The Book Ninja - is the Premier Event Sponsor for the Reach More Readers Annual Book Marketing Conference Online. Join Kristen and our other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or Listen in to the entire podcast series at

  • 044: Diane K. Bell: Publish Yourself to Wealth

    19/10/2015 Duración: 12min

    Diane K. Bell is the award winning, #1 best selling author of “Publish Yourself To Wealth: Build Your Perpetual Prosperity Platform”. Diane’s passion is guiding professionals and transitioning boomers as they turn their knowledge, skills and expertise into perpetual income streams. She is adamant about helping her clients and new authors reach more readers and successfully market their books and build their businesses. Her own book launch spurred her 2 most recent ventures. She invites podcasters, bloggers and newly published authors seeking more exposure to add your listings to the Webcasters Guest Exchange. Today Diane will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Diane and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or Listen in to the entire podcast series at

  • 043: Tamara Patzer - List Building for Authors

    16/10/2015 Duración: 12min

    Tamara Patzer is a best-selling author and video marketing consultant serving authors and experts via Blue Ocean Authority. She solves every author's problem: how to get found and seen and how to have fun while benefiting from the third-person credibility of media including TV, Radio, Magazines and Newspapers as well as Podcasts and Digital Media. Today Tamara will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Tamara and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or

  • 042: Sara F Hathaway - The Power of Pinterest for Authors

    13/10/2015 Duración: 14min

    Sara is the author of the book, Day After Disaster, host of the Changing Earth Podcast, and revolutionary fictional book marketer. Sara grew up in the country where she developed a profound interest in the natural world around her. After graduating with honors from The California State University of Sacramento with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, she launched into a career in business management. Upon realizing that her passion was for writing and a rural life she published her first novel. She has combined her business background with her love for fictional writing to pave new roads for authors and she delights in helping others achieve the same success. Today Sara will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Sara and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or

  • 041: Brian Basilico - Building Social Media Book Buzz

    11/10/2015 Duración: 12min

    Brian is an internationally recognized, award winning author and speaker (and a self professed geek). He’s the founder and president of B2b Interactive Marketing Inc., an award winning marketing consulting and production company in Aurora, Illinois. B2b helps companies & non-profits market their products & services through the effective use of online tools including: websites, blogs, eMail, social networking, Google, S.E.O., YouTube, and more. Today Brian will be sharing his most recommended way to reach more readers, his favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Brian and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or

  • 039: Rachel Henke: Promote Your Expertise with a Book

    06/10/2015 Duración: 12min

    Rachel is the bestselling author of The Niche Expert and soon to be published The Freedom Solution. Rachel is the freedom business coach to coaches & experts around the world. ‘Breaking free’ of the corporate world upon relocating to a sleepy village in the UK, she started her first home based business working from the breakfast bar round her two young daughters back in 2003. Years later, tired of being away from her children so much, her love affair with the internet began and she attracted a global following. Today Rachel will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Rachel and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or Listen in to the entire podcast series at

  • 040: Linda Stirling - Enhance Your Website & Amazon Presence

    06/10/2015 Duración: 11min

    Linda Stirling works with writers around the globe, helping many achieve bestseller status. Using strategies she’s refined, she coaches writers on how to create long-term, life-affecting income from their books. Linda’s heart is in helping every writer she works with achieve his or her dreams. She tells her students, “It doesn’t matter how well you write, if no one can find your books. Don’t let your work fall into the black hole of oblivion.” Her programs give writers the tools they need to get visible and stay visible so they can entertain, motivate, inform, or inspire others. Today Linda will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Linda and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or

  • 038: Donna K. Fitch - Expand Your Author Presence

    02/10/2015 Duración: 14min

    When asked what she feels is the most powerful way for authors to reach more readers, Donna responded with, "I think that is through developing their author presence. You might want to call it your author platform. Let me explain a little bit about what I mean by that. When I was growing up in Huntsville, Alabama I heard something that I don’t think most kids growing up get to hear. That is the sound of rocket engines being tested on a daily basis. Huntsville was the home of Redstone Arsenal, as well as NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. From an early age I was very intrigued and interested in the space flight and travel. You’re probably thinking, “What does that have to do with an author platform?” When you think about pictures that you’ve seen on TV or on the internet of rockets and rocket engines, they’re always enveloped with a framework or a structure that enables those rockets to blast off from a stable platform. To me, that’s what your author platform is. It’s something that gives you a basis for

  • 037: Brian Jud - Sell Books to Non-Bookstore Buyers

    30/09/2015 Duración: 15min

    When asked what Brian feels is the most powerful way to reach more readers, he responded with: "Probably in a way that you might not expect, in the sense that it’s not through bookstores or to retailers, it’s through corporations, through companies that try to reach or who have customers who are in fact your readers and you can reach them in that way. For example, we’re working with a bank that wants to reward its customers, prospects, and employees. We’re setting a separate landing page for this bank and it looks like their page but it’s really populated with books. They buy 1,000 of these onetime use codes and give them out to people. So the readers get the books for free, the bank gets the credit for giving it to them free, and we get paid. That’s a way of reaching a large number of readers in a very short period of time. The way of going through a company or an association to get them to distribute your information or your books to large quantities of readers. For example, if you have an association t

  • 036: Jane Tabachnick - Author Media Kits

    28/09/2015 Duración: 13min

    When asked what she feels is the most effective way to reach more readers, Jane responded with, "I think the most effective way for authors to reach more readers is to use the right platforms. When I say platforms I mean websites, social media sites, or communities where their ideal audience spends time. If you don’t know who your ideal reader is, then I would recommend spending time to develop that avatar or reader profile so you understand who they are better." Listen in as Jane shares her favorite productivity tip, the power of having a media kit, and much more. Today Sandra will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Jane and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or

  • 035: Bill O'Hanlon - Grow Your Business by Building Relationships

    22/09/2015 Duración: 15min

    In today's episode Bill O'Hanlon, author of over 30 books and a guest on Oprah, joins us to discuss how he reaches more readers. Bill wants authors to realize that they are 100% responsible for getting their work out there no matter who is the publisher. He shares simple ways to be productive and not overwhelmed by the marketing process and tells us why Facebook is his number one social media go-to resource. Bill's views on “the author's three main functions” will help you to get perspective and clarity. Join Bill and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or

  • 034: Sandra Beckwith - Reach More Readers Through Guest Blogging

    13/09/2015 Duración: 14min

    In this episode Sandra Beckwith shares powerful strategies for reaching more readers through guest blogging. Here's what Sandra has to say about Guest Blogging: "I think one of the best ways for authors to reach more readers is actually by doing guest blog posts. Writing articles for the blogs of other bloggers, bloggers who reach their target audience. It’s a great way to give people a sample of your writing. It’s a great way to showcase what you know. It’s a really great way to reach readers who you wouldn’t find if you kept your writing confined to your own blog. Guest blogging is when you identify blogs that are relevant to your topic; blogs that not only are relevant to your topic, but that reach the same audience that you’re going after. You start by doing a little research. Who out there is communicating with the people I want to reach with my message? You do the research and you build, if you can, a little database, whether it’s a Word table or an Excel file. Start to identify those bloggers

  • 033: Dvorah Lansky - Announcing Our New Podcast Format - Rea...

    11/09/2015 Duración: 04min

    Enjoy this episode where I share some very exciting announcements. This podcast series is about to be transformed to meet the needs of our listeners. Until now, we've spoken primarily about "podcasting for authors and entrepreneurs!" Moving forward we will expand our focus to include other ways to reach more readers. The next 20 episodes or so will be dedicated to our amazing guest speakers from the Productivity Master Class and the Reach More Readers 9th Annual Book Marketing Conference Online. For details about the event visit:

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