Reach More Readers

037: Brian Jud - Sell Books to Non-Bookstore Buyers



When asked what Brian feels is the most powerful way to reach more readers, he responded with: "Probably in a way that you might not expect, in the sense that it’s not through bookstores or to retailers, it’s through corporations, through companies that try to reach or who have customers who are in fact your readers and you can reach them in that way. For example, we’re working with a bank that wants to reward its customers, prospects, and employees. We’re setting a separate landing page for this bank and it looks like their page but it’s really populated with books. They buy 1,000 of these onetime use codes and give them out to people. So the readers get the books for free, the bank gets the credit for giving it to them free, and we get paid. That’s a way of reaching a large number of readers in a very short period of time. The way of going through a company or an association to get them to distribute your information or your books to large quantities of readers. For example, if you have an association t