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052: Moreen Torpy: The Organized Author



Our guest speaker today is Moreen Torpy of - Today Moreen will be speaking to us about: The Organized Author Many authors experience overwhelm from time to time in their writing career. Moreen Torpy, who happens to be an Author and Professional Organizer, offers some strategies to overcome that overwhelm to get you back to the writing you’re committed to. (or that you love.) About Moreen: Moreen Torpy is an Author and Professional Organizer. Since 2004 in her role as the De-Clutter Coach, she offers her clients an improved quality of life through becoming organized. Always an organized person, Moreen remembers as a child lining up her mother’s scattered shoes, placing them carefully against a wall and posting a For Sale sign. She holds several Certificates of Study from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. Moreen’s Book is called: "Going Forward: Downsizing, Moving and Settling In". It is a step-by-step guide to de-cluttering life and liberating the spirit. Join Moreen and