Reach More Readers



Listen in as D'vorah Lansky, M.Ed., and her guest experts, share tips, tools, and strategies to help you reach more readers and sell more books!


  • 032: Mur Lafferty: Power of Podcasting for Fictional Authors

    07/09/2015 Duración: 28min

    My guest today is Mur Lafferty, host of the “I Should Be Writing” Podcast. She has been podcasting since 2004 and is the only woman ever (so far) to be inducted into the Podcasting Hall of Fame! Mur discusses polite ways to handle difficult guests vs. host situations. She shares some of the benefits she's experienced being a fictional author and a podcast host. Mur leaves us today with great tips to get you started on the right foot and maintain your passion for podcasting long into the future. To access the Show Notes for this episode visit:

  • 031: M. Shannon Hernandez: Using Hashtags to Increase the Reach of Your Podcast

    31/08/2015 Duración: 33min

    My guest today is Shannon Hernandez, after 15 years in education she launched into the entrepreneurial world with a passion for bringing more compassion into the classrooms. After writing her book, Breaking the Silence, My Final 40 Days as a School Teacher, and launching the podcast Transforming Public Education, she realized that she needed to proactively build her audience through the use of social media tools. She discusses some great ways to turn heads on Twitter and shares the benefits of podcasting as an author. She leaves us today with great tips that will get you acknowledging your successes and moving forward in the podcasting world. To access the Show Notes for this episode visit:

  • 030: Sara F. Hathaway: Virtual Podcast Tours for Fictional Authors

    24/08/2015 Duración: 34min

    My guest today is Sara F. Hathaway, fictional author of the book Day After Disaster. Sara has taken the podcasting world by storm by launching a Virtual Podcast Tour for her fictional novel. She discusses the virgin marketing territory that she is treading on and how we can follow along in her footsteps. Sara shares the many benefits of taking your fictional novel on a Virtual Podcast Tour. She leaves us today with great tips that will get you motivated and on your way to launching your own Virtual Podcast Tour today. To access the Show Notes for this episode visit:

  • 029: Andy Sokolovich: How to Approach Potential Guests

    17/08/2015 Duración: 34min

    Today we’ll be speaking about how to approach potential guests and how to leverage your guest’s social status to grow your audience. My guest is Andy Sokolovich, of and host of “Theme-Addicts” podcast. Andy started his podcast to help others put their Gallop Strength Finder results into action. He hosts some amazing guests from all over the world and today, he is going to show us how he has obtained such a successful lineup of guests. Andy shares many benefits he has experienced by broadcasting his passion as a podcast and leaves us with great action steps to further your podcasting success. To access the show note for this episode visit:

  • 028: Jessica Rhodes: Get Booked as a Guest Expert on Podcasts

    10/08/2015 Duración: 35min

    My guest today is Jessica Rhodes, the founder of Jessica serves the podcasting community by connecting podcasters with guests and guests with podcasts. This unique view of the podcasting world has given Jessica some inside details of podcasting interviews that she is delighted to share with us today. She discusses some of the ways we can get the attention of podcasters so they are interested in interviewing us and some of the benefits of getting interviewed on podcasts. Jessica leaves us with actionable tips on how to be a memorable guest and get listeners to join our communities. To access the Show Notes visit:

  • 027: Daniel Hall: Grow Your Email List by Delivering Great Content on Your Podcast

    03/08/2015 Duración: 36min

    My guest today is Daniel Hall, creator of Real Fast Training Products. Daniel is passionate about getting his message into the hands of his community so they can take actionable steps towards building their own communities and sharing their own messages. In this episode, Daniel shares with us the steps he takes to create and deliver quality content. He discusses some of the benefits to podcasting that we can all prosper from. Daniel infuses his interview with actionable steps that will build your list and keep your community growing! To access the show notes from this episode, head over to:

  • 026: Aprille Janes: Enhance Your Message Through Story Telling

    27/07/2015 Duración: 34min

    My guest today is Aprille Janes, creator of The Bolder Business Podcast. Aprille’s mission is to teach entrepreneurs about the power of their story. With her background in corporate America blended together with a passion for fictional writing, Aprille saw the logic in connecting a story to business. Today Aprille will be speaking to us about: Enhancing Our Message Through Story Telling. She discusses some of the ways you can bring your story to life and how to find content for your stories. Aprille explains some of the many benefits of using this story based delivery method. She leaves us today with some helpful tips for getting your story out to the world. To view the show notes for this episode visit:

  • 025: Rob Walch: Top Myths about Podcasting

    20/07/2015 Duración: 37min

    My guest today, Rob Walch, is the vice president of Libsyn (an audio hosting company) and co-author of Tricks of the Podcasting Masters. Rob works daily in the podcast world on both a professional and personal basis. This extensive podcasting experience has given him some unique knowledge about common myths that people have about podcasting. Today Rob discusses some of the ways you can avoid these pitfalls and connect with your community. He explains benefits of getting involved in podcasting today and leaves us with some essential tips to get your podcast topping the iTunes charts. To access the show notes for this episode visit:

  • 024: Jessica Kupferman and Elsie Escobar of She Podcasts

    13/07/2015 Duración: 30min

    My guests today are Jessica Kupferman and Elsie Escobar, creators of She Podcasts and Podcasting School for Women. Jessica and Elsie are passionate about building a community of women who can share podcasting goals and successes in a positive and supportive environment. In this episode, Jess and Elsie will give us a behind the scenes peak into the creation of their popular show and their content creation methods. They discusses some of the ways to make it easier for your community to connect with you and leave us with some helpful tips for podcasters looking to make the leap into the podcasting world!

  • 023: Daniel J. Lewis - SEO and Podcast Reviews for Podcasters

    06/07/2015 Duración: 34min

    My guest today is Daniel J. Lewis, creator of The Audacity to Podcast. Daniel is on a mission to help new podcasters launch and improve their podcasts. In this episode, Daniel will give us some helpful pointers on how to increase the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of our podcast. He discusses some of the benefits podcasting brings to the author community and he explains why the reviews you receive, deserve a second look. He leaves us today with some helpful tips for podcasters who are ready to get their message out into the world! To access the show notes for this episode, head over to:

  • 022: Pam Brossman: Podcasting to Market Your Books, Business & Expertise

    29/06/2015 Duración: 33min

    My guest today is Pam Brossman, creator of Awesome Women Inc. Pam’s goal is to inspire woman to live their dreams and share their messages. In this episode, Pam shares with us the strategies she uses to drive her business with valuable content that she delivers via her popular podcast, Awesome Boost. She shares some of the benefits her business has experienced thanks to her podcasting activities. Pam leaves us with some actionable steps that you can take to get your podcast pumping up your business today! To access the show notes for this episode head over to:

  • 021: Lou Mongello: Building Community Online and Offline

    16/06/2015 Duración: 34min

    My guest today is Lou Mongello, creator of WDW (Walt Disney World) Radio. Lou has translated his passion for Walt Disney into a unique podcast that has taken his dreams to new heights. In this episode, Lou shares with us how he was able to organically create a unique community of devoted listeners. He shares some of the personal benefits he was able to receive and how he was able to create the Dream Team Project which gives kids with life threatening diseases a chance to experience Disney World. He leaves us with some actionable steps that you can take to get your podcast community growing! To access the show notes for this episode head over to:

  • 020: Sandra Beckwith - Using Publicity to Promote Your Podcast

    15/06/2015 Duración: 35min

    My guest today is Sandra Beckwith, creator of Build Book Buzz and author of Get Your Book in the News – How to Write a Press Release That Announces Your Book. Sandra’s passion for helping authors achieve their goals motivates her to develop some outstanding content that is of value to anyone in the Podcasting and Publishing World. In this episode, Sandra will share with us some insider information about how to get the attention of the media in a way that is quick and easily duplicated. We will explore some of the benefits to obtaining this main stream media publicity. She leaves us with some actionable steps that you can take to get your podcast in the media limelight today! To access the Show Notes for this episode, head over to:

  • 019: Jim Collison - Hosting Live Podcasts and More...

    09/06/2015 Duración: 37min

    My guest today is Jim Collison, creator of TheAverageGuy TV. Jim’s shows emphasize his passion for all things high tech. In this episode, we learn how Jim is expanding the definition of podcasting with his live-audience chat room podcasts. We will explore some of the interesting benefits that Jim has found through podcasting. He leaves us with tips on how you can become a successful podcaster as well! To access the show notes head over to:

  • 018: Dvorah Lansky - Virtual Podcast Tours

    01/06/2015 Duración: 32min

    Today I have the honor of being interviewed by my friend and business partner, Doug Foresta. I’ll be sharing some of the many podcasting secrets I have discovered through my podcasting foray. In this episode, we will look at what the biggest benefits of podcasting have been to me and what has surprised me the most about podcasting. We will explore how you can increase your visibility exponentially with a Virtual Podcast Tour and I’ll leave you with some great tips on how you can get featured on other peoples’ podcasts! To access the Show Notes go to: To access your Free Insiders' Guide to Getting Featured on Podcasts in Your Niche go to:

  • 017: Paul Colligan - Leverage Technology to Expand Reach and Revenue

    25/05/2015 Duración: 32min

    In this episode, podcasting pioneer Paul Colligan shares his epic involvement in the podcast movement and explains the new trends that are available to podcasters. He shares some of the many benefits that authors and entrepreneurs alike have access to by podcasting their passions. Paul claims that, “what separates your podcast from all others will grow your audience more than anything else,” and he gives us tips to help achieve this goal. For the full show notes head over to:

  • 016: Kathleen Gage - Playing Full Out

    18/05/2015 Duración: 53min

    In this episode, Kathleen Gage talks about putting 100% effort into each task we take on in our lives. She shares her passion for solo entrepreneurs and explains some of the benefits that authors and business owners alike can experience with podcasting. Kathleen leaves us with some valuable tips and the understanding that “if you have a message to share, treat the podcast as part of your business and take the podcast seriously but don't take yourself too seriously, you will then have a good future in podcasting.” To access the full Show Notes head over to:

  • 015: Dave Jackson - Getting Started with Podcasting

    11/05/2015 Duración: 34min

    My guest today is Dave Jackson, author of More Podcasting Money and the founder of the School of Podcasting. In this episode you will learn about the benefits of podcasting and how they can expand your audience to a global listening base as well as give you a better understanding of who your audience is. Listen in as Dave explains some Podcasting best practices to get you off to a great start. To view the complete show notes visit: Learn How to Podcast with Dave at:

  • 014: Christy Hausler - How to Avoid Common Podcasting Mistakes

    04/05/2015 Duración: 35min

    My guest today is Christy Hausler: founder of Team Podcast and host of Brick and Mortar Reporter Podcast. In this episode, Christy gives us some advice on avoiding the common mistakes that podcasters make. She shares her passion for local business and explains some of the benefits that businesses, both local and global, can experience with podcasting. She leaves us with some valuable tips that will ensure your podcast is well on its way to a successful life. To access the full show notes visit: To connect with Christy visit:

  • 013: David Moskowitz - Producing Paid For Podcasts

    26/04/2015 Duración: 30min

    My guest today is David Moskowitz, founder of The Membership Academy. In this episode, David gives us some ideas about how to establish a paid-for membership for our podcasts and how that could be useful, in the right circumstances. He explains some of the benefits he has experienced with the power of podcasting and he explains how you can enter your niche and establish yourself quickly. To access the show notes for this episode (and others in the series) visit:

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