Reach More Readers

047: Ellen Finkelstein - The Power of PowerPoint for Authors



Ellen has written numerous books on PowerPoint and Internet Marketing and since 1999 has been helping people to present and market themselves more effectively. Along the way, she learned a lot about Internet Marketing, including: • Creating websites and blogs: Her websites get approximately 300,000 visitors per month • E-mail marketing: She has developed an e-mail list of over 22,000 subscribers • Webinars: Ellen has created and delivered dozens of webinars and organized the popular Outstanding Presentations Workshop webinar series, with over 4000 registrations. • Social Media: Ellen has grown her Twitter, her popular LinkedIn group, and her Facebook audience to over 8,000. Today Ellen will be sharing her most recommended way to reach more readers, her favorite productivity tip, and more... Join Ellen and 15 other guest experts at the Reach More Readers Virtual Summit at: or Listen in to the entire podcast series at http://ReachMoreRe