Gb @work



Its a series of topics related to work life. People, process and philosophies of the corporate life shared with you without the pressures of being politically correct.


  • Introverts and Extroverts: Can they coexist in the same team?

    08/07/2023 Duración: 44min

    Welcome to BasTalk, the podcast where I dive deep into the fascinating world of the workplace and uncover the hidden dynamics that shape our professional lives. I'm your host, Aayan, and in today's episode, we're delving into the intriguing topic of introverts and extroverts in the workplace. Introverts and extroverts bring unique perspectives, strengths, and challenges to the table. As we navigate the ever-evolving dynamics of the modern workplace, it's crucial to understand how these contrasting personalities can collaborate, complement each other, and thrive together. Join me as I explore the strategies introverts can employ to make their mark in a world often dominated by extroverted energy. I'll unravel the secrets of how introverts can shine in sales, tackle extroverts head-on, and find their voice amidst the chatter. So, whether you're an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between, this episode is for you. Get ready to unlock the power of introverts, appreciate the strengths

  • Love at work sight : Did you find love at work?

    01/07/2023 Duración: 45min

    Welcome to BasTalk, the podcast that delves into the fascinating world of work and uncovers the truths that often go unspoken. In this episode, I delve into the intriguing topic of love at work and its unique challenges. Join me as I explore the delicate balance between professional boundaries and personal connections. I discuss the stereotypes associated with office romances and share stories that will make you laugh, cringe, and maybe even relate. Whether you're curious about the dynamics of love at work or wondering about situations for your workplace romance, this episode has something for you. Subscribe, review, and share this episode with others interested in exploring love's intricacies in the corporate world. Join us on BasTalk as we uncover the untold life stories at work. #BasTalk #LoveAtWork --- Send in a voice message:

  • Boss Encounters: Navigating 1-on-1 Challenges

    24/06/2023 Duración: 44min

    Welcome to another exciting episode of BasTalk! In this episode, I dive into the world of 1-on-1 meetings with your boss, exploring 10 effective strategies to make the most of these crucial interactions. From "The Shawshank Alignment" to "The Matrix of Communication," we'll walk through these approaches that will leave you feeling empowered and ready to conquer any 1-on-1 challenge. So grab your popcorn, tune in, and let's unlock the secrets to mastering the art of 1-on-1s with your boss! Don't forget to share your thoughts using #BasTalk and join the conversation. Lights, cameras, meetings! --- Send in a voice message:

  • The COMIC Syndrome : How some leaders mess things up.

    17/06/2023 Duración: 46min

    The circle of mess in companies ( COMIC) is often a result of chaos owing to the messiah syndrome. You bring in someone to fix the mess, but they create more mess in turn. In this episode of BasTalk, I dive into the notorious "Messiah Syndrome" that often plagues the common workplace. From leaders who think they can walk on water to the messiah-like belief in one's infallibility, I explore the humorous side of this workplace quirk. Discover how to protect your career, manage the dynamics, and maintain your sanity amidst the chaos of an alpha boss. Remember to follow Aayan on Twitter @Aayanisms and visit his for more ways to connect. Subscribe, review, and share this episode with your friends and colleagues who understand the struggles of the workplace. Let's build a community that embraces the humor and reality of work life together. Get ready to laugh, learn, and BasTalk your way to success! #BasTalk #MessiahSyndrome #WorkplaceHumor #ProtectYourCareer --- Send in a voice mess

  • Lost in the Jungle: Finding Your Way with Difficult Managers

    10/06/2023 Duración: 43min

    Welcome to the untamed territory of the corporate jungle, where navigating through the thickets of differing opinions can be as treacherous as facing a formidable tiger. In this episode of BasTalk, I delve into the challenges of working with a manager who seems to disagree with everything you say. Just like maneuvering through the dense undergrowth, we'll explore strategies to tame the unruly tiger, foster effective communication, and find common ground amidst the roar of differing perspectives. So buckle up and join me on this adventure as I uncover the secrets to thrive in the jungle of workplace dynamics. #BasTalk #TigerTalks --- Send in a voice message:

  • For a few leads more : The battle of marketing & sales.

    04/06/2023 Duración: 42min

    Picture this: The marketing team is the fearless tightrope walker, carefully balancing creativity and strategy, aiming to captivate the audience with their daring stunts. Meanwhile, the sales team is the master juggler, skillfully tossing leads and negotiations in the air, hoping to catch them all and score that coveted win.But wait! Amidst the circus mayhem, there's often a comical misalignment between these two groups. It's like watching the tightrope walker and the juggler accidentally swap places, resulting in a hilarious and chaotic performance that leaves everyone scratching their heads. In this episode of BasTalk, I dive deep into the age-old rivalry between marketing and sales. Join me as I explore the common misunderstandings between these two crucial departments and uncover the keys to fostering a harmonious collaboration. From misaligned goals to communication breakdowns, we dissect the challenges and provide practical strategies for bridging the gap. Tune in to gain valuable insights on h

  • Mediocrity:Are you the Nightingale perched between the Crows?

    28/05/2023 Duración: 46min

    Picture this: a rowdy gathering of crows, happily cawing away, convinced they possess the finest vocal talents known to the bird kingdom. But what happens when the mesmerizing Nightingale takes center stage? Brace yourselves for feathers to fly as we explore the collision of average and extraordinary. Join us as we unpack the dynamics, uncover workplace parallels, and discover strategies to soar above the mediocrity trap. It's time to witness the epic encounter between the Crow and the Nightingale. Let's dive in! PS: No Crows were harmed in making this podcast, and respect for all birds is equal! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bad Hires or Bad Managers?

    21/05/2023 Duración: 54min

    Who should be held accountable for a good hire to become a bad hire? Imagine you're the captain of a magnificent ship, setting sail on a promising voyage with a crew handpicked for their skills and potential. But as you navigate the corporate sea's unpredictable waters, you encounter unexpected challenges and turbulent waves. Suddenly, what seemed like smooth sailing turns into a tempestuous storm, leaving you questioning if you've become a bad hire. Just like the weather can shift without warning, the perception of being a bad hire can sometimes come out of nowhere. It's like finding yourself adrift in uncharted territory, desperately trying to regain your course and prove your worth. But fear not, dear sailors of the workforce, for in this episode, we will explore why even the best hires can face stormy seas and how to steer your way back to success. Join us as we uncover the hidden currents that can transform a promising hire into a perceived liability. We'll discuss the warning signs,

  • Show Me the Money: A Tale of Appraisals and Salary Hikes

    14/05/2023 Duración: 53min

    Are you ready to face the annual appraisal tango? Or perhaps you're bracing yourself for the nerve-wracking salary hike limbo? Well, get ready because we're about to dive into the crazy world of appraisals and salary hikes on BasTalk! In this episode, we'll explore the quirks and challenges of navigating the delicate dance between appraisals and salary hikes. From the dreaded self-assessment forms to the nerve-racking discussions with your manager, I'll share anecdotes, insights, and some much-needed reality checks. So, put on your appraisal shoes, tighten your salary negotiation belt, and get ready for a wild ride through the land of performance ratings and compensation negotiations. We'll uncover the secrets, share some untold stories, and remind you that sometimes, you can only laugh in the face of appraisal madness. Whether you've experienced the disappointment of a minuscule raise or the exhilaration of a surprising salary boost, this episode will resonate with every hardworking p

  • FoeBros : working with colleagues you want to Unfriend

    08/05/2023 Duración: 45min

    Welcome to BasTalk, the podcast where we discuss work-related things with a touch of humor. Today's topic is one that we all dread – collaborating with colleagues we can't stand. It's like trying to dance with a partner with two left feet or playing a duet with someone who's tone-deaf. But don't worry, I'll help you navigate the minefield of difficult co-workers with laughter and a few examples. So sit back, relax, and get ready to dance the tango of office politics. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Outcomes vs Activities: Striking a Balance

    02/05/2023 Duración: 43min

    Welcome to BasTalk, where we explore topics in a way that’s easy on the ears and the brain. Today’s topic is a real head-scratcher: do outcomes matter more than activities, or is it the other way around? It’s a bit like asking whether the chicken or the egg came first – or like trying to figure out whether a popcorn machine is a movie theater accessory or a movie theater is a popcorn machine accessory. It’s time to get cracking and see if we can figure this one out! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Turn around bottom performers or let them go?

    27/04/2023 Duración: 43min

    Turning around bottom performers is like teaching a fish to climb a tree. But with the right tools, it's not impossible! Welcome to BasTalk, the podcast for all things business and leadership. In this episode, I'll discuss the challenging topic of turning around bottom performers in the workplace. Whether you're a people manager trying to lead a struggling team, or a team member struggling to keep up with your colleagues, we've got you covered. I'll explore the common causes of poor performance, its impact on the team and the organization, and, most importantly, practical strategies for turning things around. Join us as we dive deep into this critical topic and equip you with the necessary tools to succeed. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Salary Negotiations: are you out-pricing yourself?

    18/04/2023 Duración: 40min

    Are you tired of feeling like a supporting actor in your salary negotiation? It's time to step up to the leading role and demand your deserved paycheck. Orare you out-pricing yourself in the market? In this episode of BasTalk, I'll show you how to be the Denzel Washington of salary negotiations - smooth, confident, and always in control. Welcome to BasTalk, the podcast where we discuss all things related to career and professional development. In today's episode, I discuss one of the most sensitive and important aspects of any job negotiation - salary expectations. While money isn't everything, it is a critical part of why we work, and it can be a challenging topic to navigate. In this episode, we'll dive into the realistic way to ask for money without outpricing yourself or shortchanging yourself. We'll cover topics such as knowing your worth, understanding industry standards, and negotiating confidently. We'll also discuss how to communicate your expectations professionally and

  • How Long Should You Stay in One Role?

    12/04/2023 Duración: 43min

    Are you the Flash or the Superman of your career? Join us on BasTalk as we unravel the secret of tenure in the corporate world. Welcome to another episode of BasTalk, where we dive deep into the world of business and careers. Today's episode is all about tenure in an organization - how long is long enough for a role, and what are the implications of staying in a role for too long or switching too frequently? Are you like Superman, sticking around for years and becoming a company legend, or more like The Flash, always on the move looking for the next adventure? Stay tuned to find out! --- Send in a voice message:

  • The F Word

    06/04/2023 Duración: 41min

    Welcome to BasTalk, where we turn sour lemons into lemonade! Today, we're talking about the dreaded F-word...Feedback! Feedback: From Sour Lemons to Lemonade! Don't worry; we won't spit out sour faces all day. Instead, we'll be dishing out tips on how to turn feedback into something that can quench your thirst for growth and success. So, grab a glass, add some sugar, and join me on this journey, from sour feedback to sweet lemonade! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Namaste America:1st timer's guide to managing a team in India

    01/04/2023 Duración: 53min

    Namaste America: an American managers guide to managing an India Team for the first time. So if you are an American manager managing an India team for the first time ever, this is your survival toolkit! Welcome to BasTalk, where I talk about all things work-related, from the mundane to the downright hilarious. Today's episode is all about an American boss managing an Indian team for the first time, and boy oh boy, let me tell you, it's like mixing ketchup and ice cream - it just doesn't quite fit together! But fear not, because I've got some funny culture clashes and remedies that will have you chomping your veg-burger faster than ever! So grab a chai latte and pull up a chair, because this is going to be one long winding ride. --- Send in a voice message:

  • The Wolf of Sales Street: Alpha Leaders and their Beta Teams

    27/03/2023 Duración: 46min

    Why did the aggressive sales leader go on a diet? To stay lean, mean, and ready to close deals! The Alpha Sales Leader's Dilemma: Balancing Strength and Collaboration with Their Beta Team! Welcome back to BasTalk, the podcast where I dive deep into the common workplace and tell you about things they don't tell you at work! In this episode, its about Alpha Leaders and their Beta Teams. Get ready to explore the world of aggressive alpha leaders and their impact on their teams. I'll be breaking down the typical traits of alpha leaders, the negative side effects, and how they can rectify their own mistakes. But that's not all - I'll also be sharing some strategies for team members to tackle aggressive alpha leaders. So, whether you're an alpha leader looking to improve your leadership skills, or a team member looking to survive in a pack led by an alpha, this episode is for you. Get ready to laugh, learn, and think of ways to deal with this situation better. And don't forget to

  • VUCA : what happens when SHTF?

    21/03/2023 Duración: 45min

    "Welcome to BasTalk, where we take the VUCA world by storm, or at least try not to get blown away!" Introduction to VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) and its impact on the workplace. Real-life examples of VUCA in action, including hilarious stories of unexpected situations in the office. Tips and tricks for navigating the VUCA world and staying sane, including how to embrace change, communicate effectively, and collaborate with your team. Hilarious anecdotes and jokes throughout the episode to keep things light and entertaining. So, tune in to BasTalk for fun, informative episode on surviving in the VUCA world! Don't forget to subscribe or follow us for more episodes on real issues at work. --- Send in a voice message:

  • New Job: a survival guide for new joiners.

    15/03/2023 Duración: 45min

    Hello and welcome to BasTalk, the podcast where I break down the complexity of the corporate world one episode at a time!  Congratulations on your new assignment! You made it. And I have something for you. Today, I'm talking about the bane of every new joiner's existence - the dreaded first day at a new job. Whether you're as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs or as confident as a Bollywood hero walking into a dance-off, we've all had those jitters.  But fear not, my dear listeners! Today, I'll delve into new joiners' myths, mishaps, and misadventures with a healthy dose of humor and a reality check. So grab your chai, kick up your feet, and get started on this crazy ride in the world of new joiners! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Women tackling male stereotypes at work

    09/03/2023 Duración: 36min

    Welcome to BasTalk, the podcast where we tackle tough topics with a no frill approach! Today's episode is all about Dismantling Stereotypes for Indian Women in Tech breaking down the stereotypes against women in tech in India.  But what exactly is a stereotype? And what are the typical types of stereotypes that many India women in tech face? But if you skip to the good part - I'll also explore ways to sensitise ignorant men in the team about the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. So, whether you're a woman in tech or a man looking to be a better ally, this episode of BasTalk is for you! So grab your headphones and get ready for some  real world insights. --- Send in a voice message:

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