Gb @work

For a few leads more : The battle of marketing & sales.



Picture this: The marketing team is the fearless tightrope walker, carefully balancing creativity and strategy, aiming to captivate the audience with their daring stunts. Meanwhile, the sales team is the master juggler, skillfully tossing leads and negotiations in the air, hoping to catch them all and score that coveted win.But wait! Amidst the circus mayhem, there's often a comical misalignment between these two groups. It's like watching the tightrope walker and the juggler accidentally swap places, resulting in a hilarious and chaotic performance that leaves everyone scratching their heads. In this episode of BasTalk, I dive deep into the age-old rivalry between marketing and sales. Join me as I explore the common misunderstandings between these two crucial departments and uncover the keys to fostering a harmonious collaboration. From misaligned goals to communication breakdowns, we dissect the challenges and provide practical strategies for bridging the gap. Tune in to gain valuable insights on h