Gb @work

Show Me the Money: A Tale of Appraisals and Salary Hikes



Are you ready to face the annual appraisal tango? Or perhaps you're bracing yourself for the nerve-wracking salary hike limbo? Well, get ready because we're about to dive into the crazy world of appraisals and salary hikes on BasTalk! In this episode, we'll explore the quirks and challenges of navigating the delicate dance between appraisals and salary hikes. From the dreaded self-assessment forms to the nerve-racking discussions with your manager, I'll share anecdotes, insights, and some much-needed reality checks. So, put on your appraisal shoes, tighten your salary negotiation belt, and get ready for a wild ride through the land of performance ratings and compensation negotiations. We'll uncover the secrets, share some untold stories, and remind you that sometimes, you can only laugh in the face of appraisal madness. Whether you've experienced the disappointment of a minuscule raise or the exhilaration of a surprising salary boost, this episode will resonate with every hardworking p