Gb @work

Salary Negotiations: are you out-pricing yourself?



Are you tired of feeling like a supporting actor in your salary negotiation? It's time to step up to the leading role and demand your deserved paycheck. Orare you out-pricing yourself in the market? In this episode of BasTalk, I'll show you how to be the Denzel Washington of salary negotiations - smooth, confident, and always in control. Welcome to BasTalk, the podcast where we discuss all things related to career and professional development. In today's episode, I discuss one of the most sensitive and important aspects of any job negotiation - salary expectations. While money isn't everything, it is a critical part of why we work, and it can be a challenging topic to navigate. In this episode, we'll dive into the realistic way to ask for money without outpricing yourself or shortchanging yourself. We'll cover topics such as knowing your worth, understanding industry standards, and negotiating confidently. We'll also discuss how to communicate your expectations professionally and