Staying Well

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z, hosted by senior health correspondent, Melanie Cole, MS. Melanie interviews experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.


  • Life of an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon


    Orthopedic trauma surgeons encounter anything from small injuries like falls to major injuries like gunshot wounds while working in the ER.An orthopedic surgeon is called upon to treat patients suffering from the most serious and often life-threatening types of injuries. An orthopedic trauma surgeon treats traumatic injuries that affect a person's bones or joints and may also treat muscles and cartilage.In many cases, this type of surgeon treats patients who have been injured in car accidents, falls, and other types of accidental injuries. Orthopedic surgeons may also treat those who have suffered injuries as a result of physical attacks.As a potential patient, what are the most important elements you have to look at when first entering the emergency room?It's sometimes overlooked, but all of those doctors and nurses work as part of a team. If you're calling 911 or if you're entering the doors of an ER, there are several different layers of medical professionals that are working together to make sure your hea

  • Prostate Cancer? A Tiny Seed Implant Could Save Your Life


    Brachytherapy treatment involves placing a radioactive seed with a high dose of radiation into the prostate gland.Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that starts within the prostate gland. This gland wraps around the urethra and makes up part of the male reproductive system.According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men. Prostate cancer usually occurs in older men, with an average age of 66 at the time of diagnosis.Some doctors are trying new options for treating prostate cancer, including a treatment called brachytherapy. During this procedure, a "pellet" the size of a grain of rice is filled with iodine 125, which is a radioactive agent that is inserted in the prostate to kill off the cancerous cells. The benefit of this procedure is that it reduces the radiation exposure to healthy tissue.The seed implantation is used primarily in men that show early stages of prostate cancer that is slow-growing.This form of treatment is typically tolerated well, with v

  • AIDS: Countdown to a Cure by 2020


    There's never been a more optimistic time for finding the cure for AIDS.AIDS, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is the final stage of the HIV disease that causes damage to your immune system. When you have AIDS, your body's cellular immunity is severely decreased, which lowers your resistance to infection.You may think that HIV/AIDS is no longer a huge epidemic and that not that many people are suffering from this disease. However, according to the AIDS website, more than 1.1 million people in the U.S. are living with the HIV infection, and 1 in 6 people are unaware of their infection.In the past few years, there have been several breaks in research that hold a promising hope that the cure for AIDS can and will be found. Why does amfAR believe a cure for HIV/AIDS is feasible by the year 2020?Remember the Berlin patient? His real name is Timothy Brown, and he was thought to be the first and only person to be cured of HIV. He was diagnosed in 1995 and aggressively controlled the virus for several years by

  • Lyme Disease in Children


    According to the Centers for Disease Control, 300,000 Americans contract Lyme disease each year. Some of them are kids.Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is spread through the bite of a black-legged tick. The peak season for Lyme disease is July-September.In August 2013, a report from the Centers for Disease Control stated that 300,000 Americans contract Lyme disease each year. This is 10 times the amount previously believed by health officials.Some of them are kids.What is the most common way to know if your child has Lyme disease?Lyme disease mimics the flu, but also will cause rashes among your child's body. If you notice a rash, fever, fatigue, muscle and joint aches call your doctor immediately.How can you prevent tick bites from happening?The best way to protect your body from being exposed to ticks is to wear clothes that cover your whole body. This may not seem like an ideal option, especially during the hot, humid days of the summer; but it is worth preventing the risk of exposure.Most import

  • Your First Colonoscopy: What You Need to Know


    Even if colon cancer doesn't run in your family, it's still important to get a colonoscopy.Have you ever had a colonoscopy? If you have, you may dread going back; and if you haven't had one yet, you're holding out for as long as you can.It's important not to put it off any longer.A colonoscopy allows your doctor to take a look at the inner lining of your large intestine, rectum and colon by using a long, thin, flexible tube. This test helps your doctor discover any ulcers, tumors, inflammation or bleeding.The procedure sounds painful, invasive and unnecessary. Why would anyone need this, especially if you have stellar digestive health? Before opting out, there are many benefits you need to be aware of.Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer, is life threatening. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of cancers that affect both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S.At what age should you start having routine colono

  • Why Your Child Can't Sleep


    Physicians and psychologists estimate that as many as 30% of children may have a sleep disorder at some point during childhood.You know the importance of a good night's sleep, but in all reality, you're probably still able to function if you've gotten less than five hours. Your child isn't so lucky. According to the National Sleep Foundation, your child will spend about 40 percent of childhood asleep. Sleep is crucial during this time period, as it directly impacts mental and physical development.Does your child have a difficult time sleeping?Physicians and psychologists estimate that as many as 30 percent of children may have a sleep disorder at some point during childhood. Sleep disorders have implications for both social-emotional adjustment and for school performance. Some sleep disturbances are mild, fairly common, and fairly easy to treat. However, other disturbances might be harder to address.What might be the reasons why your child can't sleep?There are many reasons why your child could be having a ha

  • Medicaid Expansion: An Essential Tool to Fight HIV


    As of March 2014, 25 state governments have not expanded Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). How does this effect the HIV/AIDS population?As of March 2014, 25 state governments are not expanding Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) even though the federal government would cover the vast majority of costs.The majority of the states that are not expanding Medicaid are in the south. In these states, an estimated 8.5 million uninsured Americans, who would have qualified for full Medicaid coverage, will most likely remain uninsured.Medicaid expansion is critical to help fight HIV/AIDS because of the extreme poverty levels of many of those affected. Oftentimes, these individuals have no other health care options.How will this affect the southern U.S. population going forward?Unfortunately, if you're uninsured, the only way to find out if you have HIV is when the symptoms are problematic. Sometimes, that is too late. Medicaid would provide screenings and tests, regular checkups and a way to edu

  • Liver Transplant: Everything You Need to Know 


    There are several clues your body gives off when your liver is shutting down and is in need of a transplant.Your liver is the second largest organ in your body and has several jobs in order to keep your body running efficiently. One of the main functions is processing your food (and beverages) into energy.You absolutely need your liver in order to survive.A liver transplant is a surgical procedure to remove your diseased liver and replace it with a healthy liver from a donor.According to the American Liver Foundation, more than 6,000 liver transplants are performed each year in the U.S.Why would you need a liver transplant?Most patients who need a liver transplant are those who suffer from chronic liver disease. The second most common reason is if you have liver cancer that cannot be treated with a partial transplant.There are several clues your body gives off when your liver is shutting down or is in need of a transplant. If your skin turns yellow, you bruise or bleed easily, increased forgetfulness or confu

  • Is Chronic Joint Pain Slowing You Down?


    Joint pain can happen for several reasons and can range from mild to completely unbearable, leaving you unable to perform simple daily activities.Your joints connect your bones and provide support while your body is in motion. If you've had damage to your joints, you can experience chronic excruciating pain.Joint pain can happen for many reasons such as sprains, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or as a result of an injury.What's the most common reason for joint pain?Typically, the most common reason you experience joint pain in your knees, hips, hands, and ankles is from overuse. This can be from excess activity that your body is not used to.You may experience pain in your joint during certain activities, like weight-bearing exercises or just from walking. As soon as you stop these activities, your joints may not ache as much. However, if you continue to ignore the aches during and after activities, the damage is still done. If the damage is bad enough, it can be irreversible, also known as arthritis.Arth

  • Can Diabetes Lead to a Limb Amputation?


    An estimated 60,000 diabetics undergo amputations annually. What signs and symptoms do you need to look out for?Diabetes is a growing problem in the U.S. In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million children and adults have diabetes.Of the millions of Americans who have diabetes, 15% will develop a slow-healing wound, or chronic foot ulcer. People who suffer from these wounds aren't likely to have feeling in the affected area and the ulcers often go unnoticed.Once diagnosed, these wounds can be very hard to treat and at times require removal of the afflicted limb. An estimated 60,000 diabetics undergo amputations annually.What causes these non-healing wounds?Non-healing wounds occur from the breakdown of your skin and can happen for a number of reasons, including poor circulation, nerve damage, blood sugar levels not under control and when a wound does appear, not taking care of the wound in a proper way.It is crucial that you make sure that your blood sugar levels are in National Sta

  • 8 Ways to Help Your Child Cope with Stress


    Stress can be found in children as much as in adults. How do you know when to step in and help?Stress happens in your world whether you want it to or not. Stress can come from work, school or relationships. You may think that adults are the only ones who are capable of becoming stressed and that your child's life is happy and carefree. Sometimes, however, stress can come from within and can easily be found in children as much as it is in adults.Children who first leave home to go to school can go through separation anxiety, encounter bullying or have a harder time following school curriculum. All of these factors can lead to varying levels of stress.How can you help your child if you're noticing signs of stress?It's important that you set up a healthy, positive environment, starting with the food your child is eating. The food kids eat, just like the food you eat, helps fuel their little bodies and brains to get through a busy day.Another important tip is to make sure your children are getting enough sleep. E

  • What to Expect from Foot & Ankle Surgery


    Depending on the shoes you wear, the exercises you do could play a role in your risk for eventual foot or ankle surgery.The human foot is a very complex structure with 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 ligaments and muscles working together to achieve a unique combination of stability and flexibility.What you do on a daily basis and what you're wearing on your feet could be factors that could lead you to eventually have foot or ankle surgery.One thing you can do to prevent your chances of needing surgery is to stretch your calf and hamstring muscles as soon as you wake up and periodically throughout the day.What about the types of shoes that you wear? Might that make a difference?Unfortunately, the saying "beauty is pain" is all too common. If you're someone who likes to wear high heels, you're putting yourself at extra risk. Constantly arching your foot can cause major problems.What would be the reason you would need surgery?This varies for everyone; however, if you are constantly in discomfort and pain,

  • Are You Considering Dental Veneers or Dentures?


    Your smile is an important part of first impressions. If you have cracked, missing, chipped or yellowed teeth, you might consider dentures or veneers.Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. They are bonded to the front of your teeth and can change color, size and shape. What are veneers used to fix? Veneers are usually used to fix teeth that are discolored, worn down, chipped or broken, or to fix the gaps between your teeth. The procedure for getting dental veneers requires you to visit your orthodontist three times. You would need a consultation, an appointment to make the veneers and lastly, to apply the veneers. What about dentures? A denture is a removable replacement for your missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Would you consider having teeth implants? Dr. Elliott Dudley of Aspen Dental in Nashville, TN, joins Melanie Co

  • Adult Braces vs. Invisalign: What's Right for You?


    Braces aren't just for kids! But what adult wants to have a metal mouth?You've had horrible teeth your whole life, but have been ignoring your overbite and crooked teeth for years. It's never too late to make a change! If you've finally decided it's time to improve the appearance of your mouth, you might be wondering your options. When you think of braces you tend to imagine thick, metal train tracks. Who wants to deal with that in adulthood? However, braces have evolved from what you're used to. Now, there are ceramic braces made of a clear material that's much less obvious than traditional metal braces. Brackets are attached to the back of teeth holding wires that pull them into a new position. What about Invisalign? With this option, customized plastic aligners fit like tooth guards over your teeth, gently moving your bite into a new position. How much do braces and Invisalign each cost? Everyone's mouth is different and needs different adjustments. Typically, braces can run from $3,500-$6000. Ceram

  • Common GI Issues in Women


    Are you constantly feeling tired, nauseous or bloated? You may have gastrointestinal (GI) issues.Does the following scenario sound familiar? Almost every day you feel uncomfortable due to bloating, cramping or an upset stomach. It happens so often that you don't think anything of it. However, you may want to listen to your gut... it could be telling you something is seriously wrong.Might you have a digestive issue that you're not properly addressing?Bloating is very common. Numerous things relating to a gastrointestinal problem can cause bloating, but it can also mean a gynecology issue such as endometriosis. However, one of the main reasons you become bloated has to do with what you are eating. You may want to try eliminating certain foods to pinpoint your specific underlying cause.Remember, your body is unique. What helps your body may harm someone else's, which is why it's a good idea to seek a professional consultation at some point.If you're constantly stressed, you might be wreaking havoc on your gut. K

  • Emerging Techniques in Spinal Surgery


    Minimally invasive surgery has similar results to traditional techniques with less blood loss, pain, muscle damage and a shorter recovery time.Back pain is very common amongst individuals. In fact, according to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans experience back pain at any given time.Your spine is composed of 26 bones, multiple ligaments, muscles and discs that could be compromised when you've injured your back. More than likely you will need to go see a doctor in order to find the best treatment option for you.Have you heard of minimally invasive surgery?Even though back pain is widely common, that doesn't mean the answer is always surgery. However, if you're someone who has a ruptured disc, surgery is your best option.For instance, for a discectomy (the surgical removal of a herniated disc), the incision would be a one-inch incision that allows surgeons to go in-between your muscles and take out a minimal amount of bone to remove the ruptured disc.Minimally invasive spinal surgery i

  • Why Are Minorities at Greater Risk for Diabetes?


    Diabetes is on the rise among African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders. Why is that?Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body's inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood.This disease is on the rise throughout the nation. In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million adults and children in the U.S. have diabetes which accounts for 8.3 percent of the population. It is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.Another statistic? Minorities are more likely than Caucasians to develop diabetes.What makes minorities more at risk for this disease?Diabetes can run in your family, which increases your risk of developing the disease. Beyond genetics, there are also cultural attitudes and socioeconomic factors that can play a role in the growing epidemic.For instance, every culture has different takes on what comfort food is. These foods are passed down from generation to generation, even though they may

  • Seasonal Allergies: What Treatment Is Best for YOU?


    According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 16.9 million adults and 6.7 million children suffer from seasonal allergies.Springtime can be wonderful, especially if you live in an area where the winters seem to drag on. The blooming flowers, buds on the trees and the appearance of green can bring you back into a happier state of mind. However, springtime also means that the presence of pollen, dust and allergens increase, causing your to feel foggy, stuffed up and uncomfortable.You're not the only one who is miserable.In fact, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 16.9 million adults and 6.7 million children suffer from seasonal allergies.Allergy symptoms can often mimic the symptoms of a common cold. How do you really know the difference and when to seek medical attention?Typically, allergy symptoms include an itchy nose, skin or eyes, runny nose, watery eyes, and feeling congested. These symptoms also occur seasonally, especially in the spring and fall.

  • Healthcare Reform: New Role of the Community Pharmacy


    Your community pharmacist role is changing, for the better.Trying to understand and discuss healthcare reform can be confusing and frustrating. But a trend has emerged in healthcare, helping to ease some of the angst: an expansion of the community pharmacist.A community pharmacy is a pharmacy that deals directly with people in a local area. Responsibilities of a community pharmacy include counseling, checking and dispensing prescription drugs to the patients with care, accuracy and legality.The roles of these pharmacists are changing, for the better.Pharmacists now are providing more support than they ever have in the past. For example, community pharmacists give out immunizations and are more involved with patients. They provide ongoing support in order to maintain your individual health.Can a community pharmacist help advocate for patients?Community pharmacists put all their efforts into advocating for YOU. Whether it's helping you answer questions about medications, having a close relationship with your do

  • Simple Workouts to Do in Your Hotel Room


    You don't need to head to your hotel's gym in order to get an effective workout when staying away from home.Whether you've had to travel for work or a relaxing vacation, have you ever panicked about when you could fit in a workout? If you're a fitness fanatic, the thought of taking a vacation from your workout routines can send your anxiety through the roof.What if there was a way to go on vacation while still having time to get an effective workout?It IS possible to work out at the airport or on the plane. It won't be a huge sweat session, but it still counts as exercise. When you're on the plane, just getting up and walking around can help your body. Sitting down, lifting your legs and moving your feet into tiny circular motions can also get your blood moving.Hotel fitness rooms are often small and offer little equipment; but if you pack certain items, you can stay in your room and still get some exercise. A great item to bring along is resistance bands. They are light and have different strengths for diffe

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