Staying Well

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z, hosted by senior health correspondent, Melanie Cole, MS. Melanie interviews experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.


  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Shrinking Your Prostate without Surgery?


    Prostate artery embolization is a new minimally invasive procedure designed to help men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).While undergoing the aging process, men face an increased risk of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) affects about half of men over the age of 60. BPH results when the prostate becomes enlarged and causes many unpleasant symptoms.Some of the symptoms include feeling like you constantly have to go to the bathroom, trouble starting or completely stopping your urine system, dripping, waking up in the middle of the night to urinate and feeling like your bladder is not empty after you go to the bathroom.Getting screened regularly can help identify BPH early on. How is BPH treated?Until now, drugs and invasive surgeries were the only solutions for treatment.However, there is a new, non-surgical procedure called prostatic artery embolization that is being offered to patients.Prostate artery embolization is a minimally invasive procedure that is just now be

  • Depression: A Misunderstood but Widespread Disease


    Depression affects more than 350 million people, and all too often causes a loved one to take his or her own life.Contrary to popular belief, depression is very prevalent in society and has been on the rise in the past decade, causing many of its victims to tragically end their lives. In fact, Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE) reports that suicide takes the lives of nearly 30,000 Americans annually.At some point in your life you may encounter hard times which cause you to feel down in the dumps. However, there is a difference between feeling sad and suffering from depression. Depression is a serious medical disorder that causes tenacious feelings of sadness, hopelessness and helplessness. It can interfere with your daily tasks and can lead to suicide.According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there are two types of depression: major depression and persistent depressive disorder. Major depression consists of severe symptoms such as persistent sadness, inability to eat, sleep, enjoy life a

  • What You Don't Know (But Should) About Probiotics


    There has been a lot of recent buzz surrounding probiotics, but do you really know what you're buying and consuming?Probiotics have gained popularity over the past few years, with manufacturers -- and even some doctors -- touting their numerous health benefits. If you're strolling through your grocery store, certain food groups may pop out at you with large colorful print saying, "contains probiotics." You might even see several advertisements throughout the day, urging you to buy probiotics.However, with all the recent buzz surrounding probiotics do you really know the truth about them?True probiotics are a form of good bacteria found in supplements and foods. Most known for aiding in digestive health (constipation, upset stomach, diarrhea, cramping), probiotics also support immune function and help your body better absorb nutrients.With so many probiotics on the market, do you know what do you look for on the label to ensure the probiotic is safe and effective?Food labels can be tricky, especially when ther

  • Severe Burns: Best Treatment Options


    Burns can vary from mild to severe. Do you know the best treatment for your burn?Burn injuries are very common and are caused when your skin or other organ tissue comes in contact with electricity, friction, radioactivity, chemicals and radiation causing a burn.The resulting wounds can be extremely painful. A severe burn can alter your skin permanently and could cause you to be self-conscious about your appearance, depending on where the burn is located on your body.Burns can be challenging to cure, depending on the various degree of the burn you experienced. Sunburn is categorized as a first-degree burn, whereas a burn that causes blisters are considered second-degree burns and a burn that goes all the way through your skin is a third-degree burn.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), burns are a serious health problem. In fact, an estimated 195,000 deaths happen annually due to burns caused by fires.If you're someone who has survived a burn, what are the different types of burn and wound treatmen

  • Chelation Therapy: Promising for Diabetic Patients?


    There might be a new option if you or your loved one is suffering from diabetes.Diabetes is serious metabolic disease where your body loses its ability to produce enough (or any) insulin, causing the glucose levels in your body to rise.According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, The National Diabetes Statistics Report for 2014 concluded there are 29.1 million people -- 9.3 percent of the population -- who have diabetes.There are two types of diabetes: type I and type II. Type I diabetes is typically diagnosed in childhood or young adulthood and happens when your body doesn't produce insulin. Type I diabetes treatment consists of insulin injections, a specific diabetes diet and exercise.Type II diabetes happens when your body is able to produce insulin, but does so improperly. Type II diabetes is usually treated through weight reduction, a specific diabetic diet and exercise.However, there might be a new option to help if you or your loved one is suffering from diabetes. Are you aware of chelat

  • Latest Findings on Fungal Meningitis


    The recent 2012 fungal meningitis outbreak posed a new learning and treatment opportunity for doctors, researchers and patients.Fungal meningitis is a type of meningitis caused by a fungal infection in your body that spreads through your blood and into your spinal cord. Any person is at risk for fungal meningitis; but if you have a weakened immune system due to surgeries, other diseases or medications, your chances of getting fungal meningitis drastically increase.Fungal meningitis is not contagious and therefore cannot be passed from person to person. But it can have serious symptoms that are often misdiagnosed or looked over.Why are fungal infections so challenging to diagnose and treat?Fungal meningitis can be a challenge for physicians to diagnose since the symptoms are very similar to other common illnesses like the flu. Symptoms can include a fever, headache, nausea and vomiting.However, if you suspect meningitis you can have samples of your blood or cerebro-spinal fluid tested.Recently, there have been

  • Biology of Beating Stress: How to Change Your Environment, Body & Brain


    Stress creates a dangerous domino effect causing physical, mental and emotional damage to your health.At some point in your life you will have to deal with stress. A work deadline, a fight, managing finances or simply just having too much on your plate all cause your adrenaline to rise. If you're constantly under this sort of pressure, it can lead to you dealing with stress on a chronic basis.According to a recent study by the American Institute of Stress, 48 percent of stress sufferers say stress has a negative impact on their personal and professional lives.Even if you don't think stress has a significant impact on your life, it can be the underlying cause of many health problems.You may have tried everything to help lower and keep stress away: yoga, meditation, soothing music, taking baths and even changing up your eating habits.These methods might have helped for short periods of time, but your everyday stressors find new ways to creep back into your life.Is there another, more effective way? What is the

  • Do 12-Step Programs Really Work?


    Studies have shown 12-step and abstinence treatments have low success rates.Alcoholics Anonymous, known as AA, was first originated in the 1930s in order to help those suffering from addiction. Throughout the decades, AA and many other 12-step programs have been the number one strategy used to fight and conquer alcoholism and many other addictions.However, researchers have been looking into the 12-step program to see if this is the best option for those looking to stay sober.Many studies have found the 12-step program method, specifically used in AA, does not always see successful results. In fact, these studies have identified success rates to be between five and ten percent.Why might this method fail more often than it succeeds?Some individuals might have a problem with how AA sets up its program; basically saying you are "powerless" against your addiction. Another reason why the 12-step program might fail is its faith-based principles. Some people have a hard time agreeing to this and "letting go" to a hig

  • Flesh-Eating Disease: New Treatment for a Scary Killer


    Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial infection that can spread rapidly throughout your body and destroy its soft tissue.Necrotizing fasciitis, also known as the "flesh-eating disease," is a bacterial infection that can spread rapidly throughout your body and destroy its soft tissue.According to the National Necrotizing Fasciitis Foundation, the bacterium that causes necrotizing fasciitis is within the group A Strep bacteria, the same bacteria that can cause strep throat.With just a cut, burn or bump to your skin, bacteria enters your body and can cause this flesh-eating disease. Depending on how moderate the case, you can be treated with heavy antibiotics.However, delaying care can cause the disease to worsen, allowing the toxins from the disease to destroy the tissue it infects. As a result, your tissues start to die.Even though your chances of getting this disease are very slim, it's important to recognize the symptoms and what could be posing serious health threats to you or a loved one.NeutroPhase is the

  • What is Prehabilitation for Cancer?


    With care from the time of your cancer diagnosis to the beginning of your acute treatment, prehab helps you prepare mentally, physically and emotionally.Cancer Prehabilitation is a process of continuous care from your cancer diagnosis to the beginning of your acute treatment.When you're newly diagnosed, you're usually going to look for second or third opinions. You're emotionally and physically stressed, possibly in pain and looking for a transition into chemo and surgery.Prehab interventions, given between the time of cancer diagnosis and the beginning of treatment, improve patients' health and stamina.For example, prehab can help address emotional distress and provide exercises to help certain problem areas that could be affected due to surgery or chemotherapy.How can survivors and their doctors find out more about the STAR Program prehab and rehab?Rehabilitation physician and an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Julie Silver, shares what cancer prehabilitation is and how it can help you be

  • Could those Twitches Mean Tourette’s for Your Child?


    Tourette Syndrome is typically noticed in the early stages of childhood and has an average onset between ages three and nine.Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder branded by unusual repetitive, involuntary and unwanted movements or vocalizations known as tics. For instance, you may repeatedly blink your eyes, shrug your shoulders or jerk your head. In some cases, you might unintentionally blurt out offensive words.Tourette Syndrome is typically noticed in the early stages of childhood and has an average onset between ages three and nine.How do you know when to play attention to tics?Tics become worse when your child becomes excited, anxious, tired or bored and appear to be better during calm activities. If you begin to notice these unwanted patterns of behavior, a sniffle, a hand movement or throat clearing and it doesn't seem to go away, you should contact your pediatrician.There are several medication and dietary options in helping reduce symptoms of Tourette's, but they are not 100 percent curative.

  • Influenza Pandemic Planning


    An influenza pandemic virus spreads worldwide and infects a large amount of the human population. How can you make sure you're prepared?According to the World Health Organization, influenza is categorized as a viral infection that affects your nose, throat, bronchi and lungs. This virus can be transmitted easily from person to person and is treatable within one to two weeks.Influenza pandemics are unpredictable and can spread rapidly without warning. This can lead to the infection affecting large parts of the population, causing panic worldwide.The latest influenza pandemic you might remember was in 2009, known as pH1N1, which closely resembled the swine flu. According to WHO, from April 2009-April 2010, more than 214 countries contained H1NI and reported 17,919 deaths.Even though influenza pandemics rarely happen, how do you differentiate a pandemic and epidemic?A pandemic reaches worldwide populations, whereas an epidemic is specific to one area. This could be a city, state or country. An example of an epid

  • Eat More Fat, Lose More Weight?


    It has been drilled into your heads that fat is the enemy and cutting fat is the key to losing weight. Is this true?All your life you have been told fats are bad for you. They only lead to weight gain and cause unwanted health issues. Books, dieticians and doctors have said fats are your enemy and the only way to lose and maintain a healthy weight is to cut them out completely.On the contrary, fats have been part of the food pyramid and one of the building blocks to your health for years. When fat was labeled as something to avoid, you might have steered away from certain types of foods.When this whole "fat is bad" trend began, diets started to emerge which focused on limiting your fat intake, and fat-free and low-fat foods began appearing in grocery stores.However, recent findings are showing you not only need fats in your diet, but they are necessary for keeping your weight consistent.A Journal of the American Medical Association study recently revealed that a "low fat" diet showed the greatest drop in ener

  • Painful Truth About Kidney Stones


    While your kidney stones may be small and pass unnoticed via the urinary tract, they may also cause extreme pain.Kidney stones are comprised of a compound called calcium oxalate, the result of an accumulation of dissolved minerals on the inner lining of your kidneys. These deposits can grow to the size of a golf ball while maintaining a sharp, crystalline structure.While your kidney stones may be small and pass unnoticed out of the urinary tract, they may also cause extreme pain upon exiting.According to the National Kidney Foundation, one in ten Americans will have a kidney stone during his or her lifetime. In fact, more than half a million people visit emergency rooms for kidney stone problems annually.If you have digestive problems, diabetes, other health hazards, or a family history of kidney stones, you are at a higher risk of developing kidney stones at some point in your life.How do you know if you have a kidney stone?Kidney stone pain is excruciating. If you're experiencing shooting pains in your back

  • The Impact of Stress On Headaches & Migraines


    Is your stress the reason for your dreadful headache?Everyone has stress on a daily basis, but studies have indicated that high levels of stress increase the occurrence of headaches and migraines.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), headaches are one of the most common nervous system disorders; around 47% of the global adult population has had headaches at least once within the last year. And, the study authors say around 12% of the Western population experiences migraine attacks.How does stress affect your mind and body?When you're constantly stressed, it may seem like you are always on the edge. Your body gets wired from adrenaline, causing your blood pressure to rise and the inability to fall asleep. Your body will eventually crash from this adrenaline high, and when it does, you begin to realize the hidden consequences of stress.If you're struggling to find some stress relief that doesn't include any medication, try attending a yoga class, do breathing exercises or find a place that calms you

  • Depression: Do Men & Women Suffer Differently?


    Even though the symptoms are the same in men and women, they often experience depression in different ways.You may have felt down in the dumps at times in your life due to a breakup, death of a loved one or from losing your job. This, however, does not mean you suffer from depression.Depression is a mental disorder that's characterized by having feelings of hopelessness and helplessness for a period of two weeks or more and which keeps you from performing daily tasks.Even though the symptoms are the same in men and women, they often experience depression in different ways. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental health, women are 70 percent more likely to experience depression during their lifetime.Women are more likely to be in tune with their emotions than men, which can be why it's harder to recognize these symptoms and detect depression in men.Unfortunately, men are more likely to commit suicide than women. This could be because men are more impulsive and more likely to abuse alcohol or oth

  • Video Game Study Gives Major Insights on Autism


    Could a new study on autism using video games change the way the disorder is treated?Autism spectrum disorder (also known as ASD) and autism are both categorized as general terms for the complex disorders of brain development.Autism and ASD present a mental condition that is similar the very early stages of childhood and is characterized by having difficulty communicating verbally and non-verbally, forming relationships and having trouble in social interactions.According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in 68 child have been identified with autism or ASD. Both diseases are reported to occur in all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups.Director of the Vanderbilt Brain Institute, Dr. Mark Wallace, recently published a study which reveals the senses of sight and sound are separated with autism. The study focused on children with autism between the ages of six to 18 using a video game program. The children were asked to match the audio and visuals of the game together to see if there

  • How to Approach Your Phobia


    Currently, there are 19 million, or 6.8 percent of people who are dealing with a specific phobia.It's not uncommon to have several fears throughout your life. When you were a child it might have been a fear of clowns, as you aged the fear could have switched to a fear of delivering speeches in your classes. As an adult, these fears could have changed to a fear of losing your job.However, there is a huge difference between having a fear and a phobia. A phobia is defined as having a persistent, irrational fear of a certain object, animal, situation or activity that in reality poses no actual danger.According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, phobias typically begin in childhood with the median age of onset for a phobia is seven. There are 19 million, or 6.8 percent of people who are dealing with a specific phobia.Are there any symptoms or signs to look for in a loved one that might be suffering from a phobia?Certain areas of your brain are hyperactive when you have a phobia and it can be eas

  • Health in the Digital Age: Are Your Records Private?


    The first principle of digital health is to have access to your own data. But what about other people being able to access your data and private information?Technology has helped us evolve as a society, especially within the health and medical field. However, technology has also evolved to where everything is accessible by the click of a mouse.Many doctors' offices and hospitals are now posting your blood tests, MRIs and other tests online to make it easier for you to gather your health information.You live in a digitally connected society where more than 2 billion people are using the Internet. When this many people are using online databases, the issue of privacy is a huge concern.Are people more willing to transfer information online?You might be wary of having your files online, but practitioners are trying to engage patients by asking them to share their own health story online, which is making it an easier transition.You may think there are several pros to having everything online, but you might also se

  • Heart-to-Heart: Personalized Care for Cardiology Patients


    You want your doctor to know who you are as a person, not just another patient.Do you ever feel like when you go to the doctor's office you're not being listened to? You have all the same symptoms of other patients with cardiovascular disease, so you're lumped into a category.What about individualized care?When you think about quality healthcare, you want your doctor to know who you are as a person, not just another patient... especially when it has to do with matters of your heart.In the world of cardiology, how can you make sure you're getting personalized care?First, it's important to understand who's sitting across from you. Unfortunately, when it comes to cardiovascular issues that require medical attention, you're usually taken to the hospital. This chaotic setting -- mixed with the loads of patients -- makes it more difficult to spend quality time with each person, particularly when so many people need attention.How is personalized care changing?Some patients spend more than 45 minutes with their cardi

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