Staying Well

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z, hosted by senior health correspondent, Melanie Cole, MS. Melanie interviews experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.


  • GlassesOff: An App to Improve Your Vision


    Could an iPhone app make your reading glasses a thing of the past?Have you been depending on glasses in order to read, watch and see? You know the frustration of losing glasses or not being able to read dinner menus or your favorite book. It may seem the only option available for your aging eyes is Lasik surgery.What if there was a way to change your vision so you wouldn't need to use reading glasses OR go through surgery?GlassesOff is a personalized product that monitors user performance and progress to constantly adjust your eyes. It's important to understand how vision works, as the quality of an image captured and the ability to process that image in your brain can be very different from your friends, family and strangers.Your visual cortex is in charge of imaging through your eyes, but, until now, doctors and scientists have been focusing on just the eyes and the not brain.How long until you see results from using this app?CEO of GlassesOff, Nimrod Madar, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss the developmen

  • New Tiny Implant Cardiac Monitor May Save You from a Stroke


    A new medical device may help better treat and prevent strokes for hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S.Atrial fibrillation, or flutter, is a common type of abnormal heartbeat and has been linked to risk of stroke. In this condition, the heart rhythm is fast and irregular. Atrial fibrillation may occur without your knowledge, causing you not to seek medical attention and thus increase your risk of death from stroke.Atrial fibrillation is the most common abnormal rhythm of the heart, and at least five million Americans suffer from the condition.What if there was something that could help prevent strokes from happening in those who suffer from atrial fibrillation, other than medication?A new device about the size of a AAA battery can be injected into your skin. This device then automatically hooks up with a bedside transponder. If you have any abnormal rhythms in your heart, it will find the nearest cell phone tower and transmit that information to your caregiver.Doctors will now be able to tell when you'

  • 3 Major Gynecological Cancers


    Most gynecological cancers are hard to diagnose because of their vague symptoms.You've been debating on whether or not a women's health exam is needed. You haven't been going annually like suggested and can't remember the last time you got yourself checked out.Do you know the importance of getting these exams?By routinely getting these exams, you are reducing your risk of gynecological cancers. In the U.S., endometrium cancer (uterine) is the most common cancer of the female reproductive organs. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, about 52,630 new cases of cancer of the uterus will be diagnosed in 2014. About 8,590 women will die from cancers of the uterine body.Another major gynecological cancer is ovarian cancer, which accounts for three percent of cancers among women but causes more deaths than any other cancer of the reproductive system.Cervical cancer forms in the tissues of the cervix (the organ connecting the uterus to the vagina). This usually is a slow growing cancer that may not have

  • Caffeine & Heart Disease: What's the Correlation?


    Americans drink an estimated 400 million cups of coffee a day, and caffeine, in various forms, is consumed by 80 percent of the population.Who doesn't enjoy a freshly brewed coffee in the morning or a tea for midday pick-me-up? There's no denying the numerous health benefits associated with caffeine. However, these benefits work in moderation. Going overboard and obsessively drinking caffeine can trigger insomnia, increase your heart rate and cause anxiety.Does caffeine have harmful effects on your heart?If you stick to caffeine in moderation, your heart heath is not in harm's way. However, if you're having more than six cups of coffee a day or more than 400 mg of caffeine, then you might want to consider slowing down.One misconception of coffee drinkers is how much caffeine is actually in one cup. Did you know that in one cup of coffee there are 100-125 mg of caffeine? Monster energy drinkers consume 160 mg of caffeine per 16 fl. oz.Cardiologist on the medical staff of UnityPoint Health, Sanjeev Puri, MD, FA

  • Oral Cancer: Do You Know the Symptoms?


    According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, 43,250 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year alone, causing 8,000 deaths.Oral cancer is a group of cancers including mouth cancer, tongue cancer, tonsil cancer and throat cancer. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, 43,250 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year alone. Unfortunately, oral cancer has a high death rate because the cancer is typically discovered late in its development.Do you know the symptoms?The most common symptoms are lesions on your tongue or on your cheek. These can feel dense and look discolored. You might also notice sores within your mouth. It's important to note that canker sores usually only last a couple of days, so if the sore is persistent for more than a week, you should consult your physician.Risk factors for oral cancer are tobacco and alcohol use, sun exposure, the human papilloma virus (HPV) and if you have already had some other form of head or neck cancer.There are ways f

  • Free Prescription Medications through Patient Assistance Programs


    Have you suffered from paying too much for your prescription medications?Prescription drugs can make it a lot easier to manage your health; but they can come with a huge price tag, leaving you burdened. Use of prescription drugs can also lead to many people depending on these medications.According to the Centers for Disease Control, over the last 10 years, the percentage of Americans who took at least one prescription drug in the past month increased from 44 percent to 48 percent.Have you heard of patient assistance programs?Patient assistant programs have been around for a few decades but have gained popularity in recent years. There are also over 200 programs available that are run by pharmaceutical companies to make sure you are able to receive your medication at little to no cost.The main criteria to get assistance from the patient assistant programs are a lack of prescription drug coverage and your income level. For instance, if you are single and make around $23,000-24,000 a year, you could qualify.Emer

  • Are ACL Injuries More Common in Women?


    ACL injuries are on the rise in women, and ACLs are the most common knee injury. In fact over 200,000 torn ACLs occur in the U.S. each year.Your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of four ligaments that are located in your knee to provide stability. When a quick change of direction or if part of your knee comes in contact with a hard object, or a pivot happens in your knee, your ACL can be torn.You will know for sure if you've torn your ACL when your knee pops, swells and you feel excruciating pain. When your ACL is torn, your knee can become unstable. Surgery is an option, since there is a way to reconstructing your ACL from other tissue. This gives your knee back the stability it lost during the injury.Is there any way to you can prevent an ACL injury from happening?There are ACL prevention programs that teach athletes certain positions that are helpful in changing directions, positions to avoid and exercises that can be done.Orthopedic surgeon with Illinois Bone and Joint Institute, Dr. Eric Chehab jo

  • Imbibing Too Much? Signs You May Be An Alcoholic


    You like to have a few drinks every night when you come home from work... that's no big deal, right?Recent studies have shown that 53 percent of adults in the U.S. think that one or more than one of their relatives has a drinking problem. Are you part of that statistic?Alcoholism is a chronic and often progressive disease that causes you to drink too much alcohol and affects your ability to live a normal and healthy life.Excessive alcohol use can cause immediate and long-term health related risks, including car accidents, alcohol poisoning, neurological problems, cancer, liver disease and in some cases, death.How do you know if you have a problem?If your drinking gets in the way of your job, causes problems with any relationship, spurs legal problems or if your body goes through withdrawal, you may have a problem.There are also other signs that you might be a binge alcoholic, which is a pattern that brings your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. This happens when you consume cop

  • Triamcinolone Acetonide Nasal Spray Moves OTC


    FDA approves steroid triamcinalone acetonide (TAA) nasal spray to be sold over-the-counter. Are there any risks?If you have allergies, you know the worst time of year is when the seasons begin to change. Allergies leave your nose runny, your sinuses stuffed and your mood completely miserable.Did you know that one in five people in the U.S. have allergies or asthma symptoms? In fact, 55 percent of the U.S population tests positive for more than one allergen.Usually you'd have to get a prescription from your physician in order to get your allergies in control.Not anymore.Recently, the FDA voted 10-6 in a favor to allow the steroid triamcinolone acetonide (TAA) to be sold over the counter, allowing allergy sufferers more easily available treatment options.Nasal steroids are the most common relief for allergy sufferers, giving release to itchy, runny, stuffy and dry nose. Nasal sprays that contain triamcinolone acetonide are the only products used to eliminate ALL these symptoms in one prescription and is conside

  • What's the Deal with Morning Wood?


    You're woken up every single day by your man's erection. Does this mean that he is more aroused in the morning?Sharing a bed with your man can be great... that is until your daily wake-up call comes from between your sheets and not the alarm on your nightstand.You may think your guy just had a very intimate sexual fantasy in his sleep and is looking for a way to have it satisfied. This is not always the case.Did you know that morning wood has nothing to do with sexual desire?Actually, it happens when your man is in his REM (rapid eye movement) sleep cycle. During REM, your body turns off some neurotransmitters that regulate body functions. One of these neurotransmitters is in charge of stopping erections.REM decreases norepinephrine levels, and testosterone is free to pump as much blood into the penis, causing an erection.This doesn't mean that men aren't aroused immediately when they wake up. Each person is different; some men and women may be aroused in the morning while others get randy later in the day.Di

  • Oral Sex Debate: Are You Missing Out?


    Oral sex can be just as intimate, if not more intimate than sex. Are you missing out?Oral sex is just as intimate -- if not more intimate -- than sex. In fact, a recent survey in Woman's Day indicates that couples will spend at least 20 minutes on foreplay before intercourse.A reported 41 percent of women enjoy giving and receiving oral sex and feel empowered while doing so. However, 17 percent don't like it and feel that it can be demeaning.Is there anything you and your partner can do to help you enjoy the benefits of oral?The first step to help you and your partner get intimate is to communicate your fears, desires and fantasies to each other. When you're open and honest, it helps you both feel connected and more intimate with one another.Are you missing out on not participating in oral sex with your partner? Sexologist Ava Cadell, PhD, shares why oral sex is beneficial, as well as ways to help you and your partner reach satisfaction when you're intimate.

  • How to Orgasm Every Time You Have Sex


    You know the Big O feels great, but you aren't always reaching it. Are there ways to increase the chances during intercourse?It's no surprise that orgasms make sex amazing; but what if you can't climax every time you and your partner are intimate? You're not alone. According to several surveys, only about 25 percent of women always climax with their partner.The female orgasm is much more complex than a male's. Many women aren't getting the right stimulation during intercourse because the majority of typical positions are not focusing on the right areas.Placing a pillow underneath your pelvis during the missionary position helps reach the g-spot, an erogenous zone located inside your vagina.Also, making sure you're in the right state of mind is crucial to helping you reach an orgasm. If you focus on what you and your partner are doing during foreplay, each kiss and touch will increase your chances of climaxing during intercourse.What are some other ways to reach an orgasm every time you and your partner have s

  • How to Fight Fair in Your Relationship


    How you argue and resolve conflict with your partner can determine a happy and successful OR doomed relationship. No matter if you've been dating for five years, or married for two, you are bound to have fights with your significant other. Some may seem silly and are easily resolved and forgotten within 10 minutes. But what about those other stubborn and never-ending fights? Depending on how you argue and resolve conflict with your partner can make all the difference in determining a happy, successful relationship or a doomed one. During any fight, it's important to ask yourself what you are truly upset about and why this fight is taking place. Are you looking to resolve the conflict or to just get even with your partner? Or does it all come down to winning an argument and the subject of the fight is irrelevant? If your go-to move is to insult character and hit below the belt, bring up past issues and refuse to back down, you're not fighting fair and you need to take a breath. What are so

  • Considering Adoption? What You Need to Know


    Adoption can be an expensive and a prolonged process. Learn how to be fully prepared for the road ahead.Did you know that hundreds of thousands of couples are looking to adopt each year?According to the U.S. Department of State, from 1999-2012 there was a total of 242,602 adoptions. More than half of these were female and under the age of one year.Adoption can be an expensive and a prolonged process depending on the services that you decide to enlist. For example, at The Cradle, an adoption agency in Illinois, the average waiting time is one year after you complete your home study.How do you know which adoption agency to choose?There are two equally important questions you should ask when considering adoption. First, what post-adoption services are available to you, your child and birth parent? And second, it's important to ask exactly what services you are going to get with the specific adoption agency that you choose.President of The Cradle, Julie Tye, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss everything you need

  • Why You Need Perfect Posture


    Having poor posture plays a role in many injuries and can be the reason for your chronic body pains.You've been told your whole life to sit up straight, and you might have even had a mother or teacher physically correct your slouched back. You might want to thank them instead of rolling your eyes. Do you know why posture is so important for your health?At a foundational level of your health, correct posture is the most important thing you can practice. Every element of your health -- including breathing, exercising, how you perform your daily functions -- depends on your posture. In fact, did you know that posture uses 90 percent of your energy value?Unfortunately, you are naturally and constantly compromising your posture and have been since the day you were pulled out of the birth canal. Learning sit up and walk actually damaged the tendons that hold your body together, causing you to lean over and become out of alignment.Is there anything that you can do to restore your posture?The best way to correct your

  • Prevention-Driven Heart Care


    Is there a way to stop a heart attack from happening?Heart disease is the number one killer for both men and women, and according to the CDC, kills 600,000 people every year in the United States.What is the most important way to prevent heart disease from happening?Unfortunately, there is not just one thing that needs to be changed to lower your risk of heart disease; it's your whole lifestyle. The most common outcome of heart disease is a heart attack or stroke, which is caused by plaque building up in your arteries. Having a heart healthy diet that eliminates your weekly KFC, McDonald's and greasy, fatty fast foods would be a great start. Managing your blood pressure, incorporating more veggies, fruits and healthy fatty acids into your diet can also help prevent heart disease.Another essential way to prevent heart disease is by exercising. Exercise lowers your stress and inflammation levels and improves your circulation, cholesterol and fat levels.You ready to get that gym membership yet?It may seem like a

  • Coffee & Caffeine: How to Cut Back


    Did you know that coffee is a $30 billion industry and that Americans drink an estimated 400 million cups a day?You've grown found of having a few cups of coffee in the morning before work, a cup or two at work and before you know it by the end of the day your head is pounding and your hands are shaking.Is this a sign you need to cut back?There's no denying the powerful benefits of what coffee can do for your health. However, if you're constantly craving the "fix" and wondering when your next caffeine dose will be, you might have a problem.The hardest question you have to answer is why you need to drink coffee or energy drinks. Are you turning to your cup of coffee to get you going in the morning and skipping your balanced breakfast? Or did you not get enough sleep and need a quick pick-me-up?Whatever the answer may be, if you are relying on caffeine to get you through your day, you might want to find other alternatives.Try substituting your 16 oz. heavy cream, light sugar drink for a meal balanced of carbs,

  • Can Marriage Boost Your Health?


    Can marriage really improve your mental, emotional and physical health?Regardless of whether your relationship is loving or painful, it's going to have an impact on your physical and emotional health.Did you know there are surprising benefits of being married, other than to have someone else take out the trash in the morning?Your companionship can keep you healthier, happier and better off financially.If you take the leap of faith into the long-term commitment of marriage, you are more likely to have better physical health. Research has shown that couples that are married have a better chance of surviving cancer than single, widowed, separated or divorced people. In fact, according to research, 90 percent of married women who were alive at 45 made it to 65 versus 80 the percent of divorced and non-married women.Married couples are also more likely to have better mental health than those who are not. Marriage decreases depression, anxiety and feelings of loneliness.Don't think that if you get married all your

  • Downside of Jealousy: You're Only Hurting Yourself


    Some say a little jealousy is okay; but what is it really doing to your health and your body?Studies have shown that a little jealousy might actually help your relationship; but what happens when it turns obsessive? What does jealousy really do to your health?Jealously activates your adrenal glands, which gives you that fight-or-flight feeling and creates psychological stress on your body. When chronically activated, this reaction can mess with your sleep schedule, appetite, mood and increase your blood pressure... not to mention the tension it builds within your relationship.More than likely you're creating this jealously in your head, causing you to over-think and overreact.If you know the green-eyed monster a little too well and are prone to jealousy-induced rage, there are some things you can do before your relationship is ruined and your health is damaged.Ask yourself, why do you feel this way?If you feel insecure or perhaps have been burned in a past relationship, it's important to know your self worth

  • Destination Wellness: Plan Your Yoga Retreat NOW


    If you're a fan of yoga, wellness or travel, a yoga getaway is just what you need.Are you a fan of wellness, yoga and travel? If you've always wanted to truly get away from everything and focus on your peace of mind and your health, a yoga trip is just for you.And, if you've never been on a yoga retreat but have always wanted to go, there's no excuses now as to why you can't.Specific destination yoga retreats have gained popularity throughout the last few years. Destinations have popped up all around the world in places like India, Thailand, Mexico, the Caribbean, Italy, Colorado Mountains, Costa Rica... the list continues.The important thing is to have a good plan.First is your location. How much are you really looking to get away and spend? Then, it's important to decide what type of retreat you want to take. Will it be an all-active vacation, taking five hours of yoga along with learning how to surf? Or, will it just be strictly yoga?Should you go alone, or bring a bunch of your wellness buddies? Yoga retr

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