Staying Well

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RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z, hosted by senior health correspondent, Melanie Cole, MS. Melanie interviews experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.


  • 10 Things Every Woman Should Know by 25


    It's time to put on your big girl panties and learn what you need to succeed in life before getting any older and wasting any more time.Time moves pretty fast. Before you know it, you're in your mid-20s and reminiscing about those college days when you could eat, drink and sleep like a pro.You may hate to hear it, but it's time to put on your big girl panties and learn what you need to succeed in life before getting any older and wasting any more of your time on things that are unnecessary.You've been through it all: never-ending job searches, bitter friendships, several heartbreaks and those feeling of regret after long nights of partying. But now you're serious about what you are willing to tolerate as you approach your late-20s and beyond.For instance a big one is to cut the social fat. Just because you've known your best friend since you were 13, doesn't mean you have to be friends for life. Just because she treats you like garbage but you put up with it anyway doesn't mean you should. Well, don't! End th

  • Myths & Truths About Lesbian Sex


    You've heard, and might have seen it all before, but what do you really know about sex between lesbians?There are a lot of myths about what lesbian sex is and how it should be. Unfortunately, the misinformation on what lesbian sex should look like mostly comes from movies and porn.Newsflash: just because you saw it in a movie doesn't mean it actually exists.Just to make things clear, there is no such thing as "Lesbian Sex" either. Sex is part of everyone's sexuality. It's just sex.The first myth you're probably thinking of is penetration and that there is no sex unless penetration exists. False. Any person, regardless if they are a lesbian or not, may not believe penetration is part of sex. It all comes down to what that specific person likes.Co-Founder of Everyone Is Gay, Kristin Russo, joins Melanie Cole, MS, to debunk all the myths you've heard about lesbian sex.

  • Can Cord Blood Cure Sickle Cell?


    Sickle Cell is a red blood cell disease that has no widely available cure.Sickle cell disease is a condition that changes normal, round red blood cells into cells that are shaped like half moons. Sickle cells move through your blood stream and have a higher risk getting stuck on blood vessels, which can stop oxygen from getting through.Sickle cell is an inherited disease that causes lifelong health problems such as horrible pain and anemia. Antibiotics and immunizations are available to help maintain pain but there is no widely available cure other than stem cell donation, which can be very hard to find a direct match.What about Cord Blood?Chloe Pratt, a five-year-old girl was born with sickle cell. Chloe was fortunate and received a stem cell donation taken from the umbilical cord blood of her brother. Chloe is now a healthy and active child.Pediatric hematology and oncology and stem cell transplant specialist, Joel Weinthal, MD, and Father of Chloe Pratt, Kebreon Pratt, share Chloe's story,  as well as how

  • Is Rebound Sex a Way to Move On?


    After a breakup you might think the quickest way to get over someone is to sleep with someone else. But is that healthy?You and your long-term partner just broke up, leaving you devastated, vulnerable and wanting to get over it as soon as possible.What about rebound sex?Before hitting the sheets with some random stranger, think of why you are really having rebound sex. Is it a way of revenge, to make your ex jealous? Or do you need a self-esteem boost?If it truly is a matter of self-esteem, rebound sex might be a way to make you feel attractive, desirable and wanted again and to erase the memory of your ex. But if it's primarily about revenge, you might want to think twice.In the long run, do random hook-ups help you move on faster and even expedite the process of  finding your next relationship?Founder and Editor of The Psychology of Human Sexuality, Justin Lehmiller, PhD, shares how rebound sex can be beneficial but how it can also be a huge mistake.

  • Fire Up Your Energy with Food


    You're tired ALL the time but don't know why. Can your food choices be to blame?You are eating healthy, you exercise daily and get enough sleep every night but you're still so tired. Could it be your healthy diet that's ruining your energy levels?Think about it. Certain foods that you eat cause your blood sugar to rise rapidly then immediately fall, creating a chaotic mess of your energy levels and overall well being.What did you eat for breakfast today? If you skipped it because you didn't have time or didn't feel hungry you're not alone; 31 million Americans skip breakfast daily, which brutally impacts your blood sugar and energy levels.A great food that's easy to make and doesn't require lots of time is oatmeal. Oatmeal is full of protein, fiber and carbohydrates. If you want a little extra flavor, you can add fruit which will also give you a boost of antioxidants.Are there ways to continually boost your energy levels throughout the day?Associate Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Po

  • Foods to Keep Your Arteries Clean


    Just because you exercise doesn't mean you're in the clear of heart disease. What you put on your plate can save your life.Heart disease is the number one killer for both men and women. You may think that you don't have anything to worry about since no one in your family has had heart issues. You exercise daily so you should be in the clear, right?Wrong.Just because your family history is clear and you exercise does not mean that you are free to shove your face with unhealthy, sugary, high calorie, processed foods. What you put on your plate can either shorten or save your life.Those foods high in saturated fats and trans fats do damage by adding layers of plaque within your artery walls. But, don't panic if your diet has previously consisted of fast food and a bag of Cheetos with every meal. It's never too late to add foods such as whole grains, fish, nuts, fruits and veggies to help lower your risks and to keep your arteries clean.What are some foods that you can eat and won't get tired of?President of the

  • Infertility Issues? Super Foods Can Help


    You hear about the foods you can and can't eat throughout pregnancy. But what about foods to help increase your chances of becoming pregnant... do they exist?You and your partner are trying to create mini-mes but have experienced a little trouble along the way. You've been trying for months but don't have a pregnancy to show for it.Before heading to your doctor to begin invasive testing, you may want to try your own fertility treatments by eating natural super foods.A major super food is buckwheat, a healthy grain that significantly drops insulin and testosterone levels, which is a process that increases ovulation. When you're ovulating, your chances of conceiving are that much higher. Also, to those who need to eat gluten-free, buckwheat is 100 percent free of wheat (even though it's mentioned in its name).So... who is eating these foods to help boost fertility? The woman or the man?Both.Men and women both have an endocrine system, which is critical for making babies. It wouldn't hurt if your man ate these f

  • Engaged? Questions to Ask Before Tying the Knot


    First comes love, then comes marriage... unfortunately, most couples skip a crucial step between their love and their future.Love can be wonderful, special and rare; but love can also be blinding. If you have certain expectations of what your future holds with your significant other (having five kids, practicing a specific religion, working while also being a full-time mom) wouldn't you think to talk to your partner before the wedding date?Most couples don't.While dating, you are just sharing little things like blankets to watch a movie or food to snack on. When you're engaged, you're not just sharing the little things anymore; you're sharing things that you might not have realized.So, what questions should you be asking your significant other before or during your path to marriage?One of the fundamentals is asking what you and your significant other expect out of marriage. You may have these unspoken expectations of what roles you and your spouse will hold during marriage.Another important question to think

  • Is Killing Crazy? Link Between Mental Illness & Murder


    According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, 1 in 4 Americans suffer from a mental illness.Every day that you turn on your television, pick up a newspaper or surf the web, it seems another mass murder that has taken place. The gun violence, bombings, stabbings and even beatings talked about daily might make you wonder why someone would ever commit these heinous crimes.Were these just random acts of violence, or is there a link between untreated mental illness and murder?According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, 1 in 17 Americans suffer from a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression. The vast majority of those people are not going to be violent.So what leads one person to be violent and not the other?There are some factors such as social isolation, having a violent background or coming from a violent background or a violent community, substance abuse and anger management issues that can all play a role in an increased risk of violence.Licensed Cli

  • Are You a Social Alcoholic?


    You say you don't have a "problem" because you only drink at social gatherings. But is that just an excuse?A social alcoholic, or a social drinker is known as a low-risk drinker. You may not think that you have a problem and become defensive when your friends or family members begin to question your drinking habits.You're just a social drinker, after all, and there is really nothing to worry about. But what does that even mean?Of course you can go to a party and have a few drinks while being social; however, might you be having the same symptoms as an alcoholic but just in a social setting? Or are you saying that you're a social drinker to hide your true patterns of alcohol abuse?A true social drinker should be able to stop drinking without having any cravings, without wanting to suppress emotions, or without feeling like you have to sneak around to get a drink.Addiction expert at Rosecrance, Dr. Thomas Wright, MD, explains the differences between a social drinker and an alcoholic, as well as the signs to loo

  • Ways to Emerge from Heartbreak


    Broken heart? Step away from the Ben and Jerry's.When you're in a long, loving relationship, it's hard to process that you've just been dumped. If the breakup was out of nowhere, it can leave you more vulnerable than ever.You may think the best therapy post-breakup is a tub of your favorite Ben and Jerry's, a sappy romantic comedy and to take shelter on your couch for weeks.This is not the answer.If you don't allow yourself to move on, it only damages your overall health. Depression, lack of sleep, junk-food eating and reflecting on the past will keep you from moving past the breakup and finding love again.When you're grieving, it's hard to focus on staying healthy and positive. The most important way to emerge from heartbreak is to love yourself and take time for yourself.Licensed psychologist, Dr. Sherrie Campbell, PhD, shares ways to emerge out of your heartbreak in a healthy and positive way.

  • Beyond Sex: Becoming Emotionally Intimate with Your Partner


    Your emotions are just as important as sex in your relationship. So what happens if that essential element is missing?You thought that it would never happen to your relationship. You two shared an intense passion for one another, and could barely keep your hands to yourself.The years passed, and so did the times that were once spent fogging up windows and engaging in multiple sweat sessions. You're having sex less often that you ever imagined, whether the cause is exhaustion from both you and your partner's demanding jobs, your children, or if your man suffers from ED.You're feeling less connected to your partner than ever.Is there another way?Michael Russer was diagnosed with prostate cancer and unfortunately, from the cancer and the treatment, he was left completely impotent. Through this, however, Russer found the number one reason that couples drift. It's not necessarily just due to lack of desire, but also the result of a lack of emotional intimacy.Russer, author and motivational speaker, shares how beco

  • Men & Eating Disorders: It’s a Guy Thing Too


    Despite growing awareness about eating disorders, in recent years these disorders have been on the rise in men.Did you know 40 percent of Americans have experienced an eating disorder, or know someone with an eating disorder?Eating disorders are commonly associated with females; however a recent study found that 17.9 percent of teenage boys and 2.4 of percent men have experienced some form of an eating disorder.Do eating disorders affect men the same way they affect women?For many women, eating disorders are associated with a desire to be skinny; and even though some males also have this desire, most males who suffer from an eating disorder are usually concerned with their muscular build.Why have eating disorders in men been increasing?Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Dr. Kenneth Weiner, MD, FAED, CEDS, discusses why eating disorders are on the rise in men, the signs and symptoms and what treatment options are available.

  • Do’s & Don'ts of a Breakup


    Should or shouldn't you obsessively stalk your recent ex-flame on Facebook? Um, probably not.Breakups can be hard, especially when you thought things were going great. Even though it sounds like a good idea at the time to throw things at your recent flame's head out of rage, obsessively stalk your ex's Facebook, or call and randomly hang up... it's not.Not only are you holding on to all the upsetting emotions of the breakup that can cause even more stress and damage to your health, you're also not allowing yourself a chance to heal and move onIt's also not uncommon that since this huge change in your life just happened, you are impulsively thinking of ways to change everything else in your life: the way you look, quitting your job or just moving to a different city/state to start over.Wanting to do these things is just a quick fix to mentally erase what just happened. However, it doesn't mean that some of these things aren't a bad idea.Licensed psychologist, Dr. Sherrie Campbell, PhD, shares the most importan

  • Top Foods to Boost Your Heart Health


    Heart disease is the number one killer for men and women. But, changing to a heart-healthy diet can lower your risks significantly.If you're trying to watch what you eat while also being heart conscious, you're not alone. More than 26.5 million adults have heart disease. You may think that if your family history doesn't have a long line of heart issues, you're in the clear.You are wrong.While your genetics do play a role in your health, a huge factor is your lifestyle.According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death of both men and women. Every year 715,000 Americans have a heart attack. Eating a heart-healthy diet can decrease those risks significantly. Your doctor will probably recommend to eat a diet that is low in salt, fat, saturated fats and to eat more fruits and veggies. However, that doesn't mean that your food has to be bland and boring.One heart-healthy food that can be eaten to help lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) is oatmeal. Oatmeal is also full of omega-3 fatty acids, foliate,

  • 7 Health Benefits of Beer


    Learn why you should make some room in your fridge for a six pack.Beer lovers, rejoice! Recent research has shown that drinking beer has surprising health benefits. YES, you read correctly. During your check-ups, doctors often say that drinking alcohol in moderation is good for your health, but wine has usually been the go-to beverage.But here is a little-known secret: did you know that wine and beer contain the same amount of antioxidants?This doesn't mean that you should be pounding beers back like you're back in college; but one or two beers certainly wouldn't hurt.According to the USDA, after conducting over 50 different studies, it was found that beer that is consumed moderately saves 26,000 lives per year due to lowered disease risk.If you haven't already, go to your fridge, crack a cold one and do a little dance for the beer in your life.What other benefits does beer have that support a healthy life?Nutrition consultant Karen Ansel, MS, RD, discusses why beer is good for your health.Some Beer Benefits:

  • Eat Like a Caveman: What You Need to Know about Going Paleo


    Paleo is also known as the caveman diet, hunter-gather diet, and the stone-age diet... but what makes it so popular?Another diet that has made its way into your thoughts, and you're questioning whether or not you should give it a go: the Paleo diet.Paleo has been around for many decades, but in recent years has gained popularity and has actually been revered as one of the top dieting plans.So, what exactly is the Paleo diet?Also known as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gather diet, the Paleo diet focuses on eating wholesome foods containing high protein and high fiber foods such as leans meats and fish, fruits and veggies, nuts and other healthier fats.If the cavemen didn't have access to refined sugar (and sorry to say, they didn't), you shouldn't either. Say goodbye to junk food, processed food and dairy.What else should you know before trying this diet?Professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University, Dr. Loren Cordain, PhD, discusses the Paleo diet in dep

  • Medical Marijuana: Safe for Your Aging Pets?


    More states are beginning to legalize medical marijuana usage, which has many vets and animal behavioral experts wanting research done on safety for pets.Times are changing, and for the first time in many years medical marijuana isn't getting bashed like it used to. Regular people, and even doctors, are more open to usage... especially if it helps ease their patients' pain.What about medical marijuana for your aging four-legged companion?More states are beginning to legalize medical marijuana usage, and many veterinarians and animal behavioral experts are raising the importance of research on the safety for pets.Is it safe, and should you use it for your pet?Expert on Animal Behavior, Darlene Arden, CABC, discusses if medical marijuana for your aging pets can help ease their pain.

  • Are You Normal or Nuts?


    Do you ever feel paranoid, neurotic and even phobic about certain thoughts that you have? Is that normal? Or nutty?Sometimes you may feel paranoid, neurotic and even phobic about certain thoughts that you have. You don't dare share them in fear of being accused of being "nuts."Certain thought processes or even certain actions that you have done might make you wonder if you are a real-life version of the Looney Tunes crew. How normal is it to think certain absurd thoughts? Are you the only one?For instance, is it normal to think about your own (or a loved one's) funeral? Recent findings show not at all.Readers Digest recently spoke to a panel of experts to get all the right answers to your normal or nutty thoughts.Executive Director for Readers Digest, Courtenay Smith, discusses the development of this story and why you may often wonder if you're normal or nuts.

  • Stay Stress-Free While Planning Your Wedding


    Your wedding day should be one of the best days of your life, but all the planning can be a huge stressor. How can you stay calm, cool and collected?You just got engaged to the love of your life and you are overjoyed with emotions. Planning the wedding should be a fun, exciting and happy time... right?Staying within a budget PLUS trying to please yourself, your partner, your parents and your soon-to-be in-laws can drive even the most grounded person to insanity. It's no wonder typically easy-going women turn into bridezillas.It happens to almost everyone, so why aren't more brides speaking out about the true stressors involved with planning a wedding?Turns out it's not just the bride-to-be that gets overwhelmed. A recent survey found that 23 percent of men said they found planning their big day was the most stressful life event.Is there a way to stay calm, cool and collected through all the planning?Bridal coach and stress management expert, Jeri Kadison, shares how to stay stress-free throughout the planning

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