Akin For The Truth



Another great podcast hosted by LibSyn.com


  • Episode 3: Beaver, a Toothsome Testimony of Pre-thought (3 of 4)

    16/09/2016 Duración: 03min

      As we continue studying the remarkable design of the beaver, let's take a closer look at their dams and how they build them.    

  • Episode 2: Beaver, a Toothsome Testimony of Pre-thought (2 of 4)

    13/09/2016 Duración: 03min

    Just like an engineer is trained to alter habitat beneficially, beavers alter their habitats. If the beaver's habitat doesn't have enough water, they'll build a dam, canals, and more.  

  • Episode 1: Beaver, a Toothsome Testimony of Pre-thought (1 of 4)

    10/09/2016 Duración: 03min

    Let's take a look at the beaver - and all of its many unique features that enable the creature to work underwater.     

  • Episode 169: Exodus - New Information, (26 of 26)

    07/10/2013 Duración: 04min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For myself, I have not found criticisms of the central themes of this research very compelling. For example, perhaps one of the more notable argument sets I have found is that produced by the group authoring the article series “Debunking Christianity”. At their website they enlist SEVEN Criticisms of Wyatt’s Claim that he discovered and photographed a 3,500 year old “Egyptian Chariot Wheel” .   On another website, a critic claims to have attempted to reproduce the route traveled by Moller and his group, a journey in which he claims that “none of the discoveries claimed in the movie “The Exodus Revealed” were observed. Unfortunately, to date, and unlike Moller and his group, they themselves produced no photographed or video documentation of their research.   Therefore, to date, despite accusations of poor research and outright fraud by his critics, I personally have found no reason to doubt his findings, or his documentati

  • Episode 168: Exodus - New Information, (25 of 26)

    05/10/2013 Duración: 04min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   Previous theories portraying the path of the Exodus and location of Mt. Horeb, or Sinai, have not been supported by any research of Jewish tradition or archaeological discovery, and so have reflected poorly on the viability, in the opinion of the scientific community, on the accuracy of the Biblical account of the Exodus.   However, fresh research has been accomplished, shedding new light, beginning with the discovery Israeli settlements in Goshen dated to Joseph’s time, the appearance centuries later of the Hebrews, and the nation of Israel in Canaan, location of the Mountain of God via historical evidence and archaeological inference in Northwestern Arabia by ancient Midian, and a trade route through a system of dried riverbeds terminating at the only possible campsite west of the Gulf of Aqaba, referred to as the Red Sea, the Nuweiba Peninsula, under which has been found chariot wheel-base looking coral and metallic debr

  • Episode 167: Exodus - New Information, (24 of 26)

    03/10/2013 Duración: 05min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   In our effort to trace the Exodus, we can produce an outline of what we have learned so far as follows:   1) As stated in Galatians 4:25, and confirmed by ancient historians and modern archaeology, Mt. Sinai, or Mt. Horab, is in Arabia, near the ancient, recently discovered city of Midian, not near the southern Sinai Peninsula of Christian lore; 2) the Biblically asserted times and location of Joseph and the Hebrews is archaeologically supported to be in Goshen (Tel El Daba); 3) the location of these two, even if approximate, along with the geography of the land and knowledge of other nations and where they were located during those times; 4) the enslavement of the Joseph’s family sometime after his death, the forced labor of these people by the Egyptians to make bricks for Egyptian building projects is archaeologically supported, for example by wall paintings showing Semites engaged in brick-making from the tomb of Rekh

  • Episode 166: Exodus - New Information, (23 of 26)

    01/10/2013 Duración: 04min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   Last time we cited findings from remote operating vehicle video undersea camera at the Gulf of Aqaba, off the Nuweiba Peninsula.   Looking southward underwater from this crossing ridge, a deep canyon, plunging deeper than the Grand Canyon, can be seen extending southward for over 50 miles. By the way, we could look at the reasonability of a presumed crossing of millions of people trying to cross this underwater crossing ridge.   Assuming that 2 million Israelites left Egypt who had to cross the Red Sea within a single day, could such a feat be accomplished at Nuweiba Beach? Looking at the , produced in 1995 in cooperation with the US Geological Survey, UK mapping and the Suadi Government, as well as other cooperative research data, it is observed that this underwater landbridge is quite wide, perhaps at least 3 miles of walkable surface. 

  • Episode 165: Exodus - New Information, (22 of 26)

    29/09/2013 Duración: 03min

      For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   Last time we looked at powerful inferences of discovered chariot-wheel and axle – shaped coral discovered, photographed and videoed, on the sea floor at the gulf of Aqaba, as it extends from the Nuweiba Peninsula. We noted that these formations exclude any recent site-seeding, or planting of evidence, because, though one could have dropped chariot wheels and axles into this area, no one can simulate coral shaped like chariot wheels and axles. The coral had to have been shaped over a very long time period. Additionally, the deterioration of the base materials beneath these coral formations is very compelling. It testifies to very old age.   But this evidence, found undersea to confirm the reasoning, Scriptural inference and archaeological evidence that brought us to the Nuweiba Peninsula, does not exist in a vacuum. Further understanding is provided by other undersea observations.   These observations help speak to the

  • Episode 163: Exodus - New Information, (20 of 26)

    25/09/2013 Duración: 02min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.     As mentioned last discussion, when searching the Aqaba Gulf basin for any indications of the Exodus events recorded in the Bible, researchers knew exactly what they were searching for.   Now the sea floor off the Nuweiba shoreline has coral, scattered about, making undersea research complicated. As a living organism that tends to adhere to solid objects, not sand or silt, coral, as it grows, will often do so along the lines of the object that it adheres to, defining the original shape of the object. So thereby the coral could preserve the look of the object, long after the object itself has deteriorated and disappeared in the sea water.   In his undersea research in the area, and the video-tape documentation, Dr. Moller observed that the coral formations found off the Nuweiba Peninsula differed distinctly from that of corals elsewhere off the Gulf of Aqaba coast.   For example, since the sea bed was mostly sand or si

  • Episode 162: Exodus - New Information, (19 of 26)

    23/09/2013 Duración: 04min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   As we have seen the Nuweiba Peninsula geologically, geographically and hydrologically matches conditions as described in Exodus. We have the common travel routes across Sinai Peninsula, sharply defined by impassable, craggy rock outcroppings and mountains, through which eroded stormwater beds, called wadis, snake.   We also note that they open up to a large, wide beachhead, large enough to facilitate the encampment of millions. It extends like a large delta from several wadis, and thus, to get out, the Israelites would have to backtrack or travel as far as they could northward along an arduous shoreline.   Of course, there, along the shoreline on their east side, as far as the eye could see, was the wide and very deep Gulf of Aquaba, an arm of the Red Sea.   We are now at the point in our effort to trace the steps taken by the Israelites, from Goshen to Mt. Horeb, or Sinai, during the Exodus, where we would like to expl

  • Episode 161: Exodus - New Information, (18 of 26)

    21/09/2013 Duración: 02min

    At this point in our ongoing discussion we find the Israelites hemmed in by the mountains on the west, rough terrain on the north and south, and the Gulf of Aqaba Red Sea extension on the east, encamped on the vast Nuweiba beachhead, with no where to go, except to return via the wadi from which they came.   So now we look at Exodus 14:9, where it is recorded “Then the Egyptians chased after them with all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen and his army, and they overtook them camping by the sea, beside Pi-hahiroth.”   It is recorded thusly that the Egyptians, upon overtaking the Israelites “seized on the passages by which they imagined the Hebrews might fly, shutting them up between inaccessible precipices and the sea; for there was on each side a ridge of mountains that terminated at the sea, which were impassible by reason of their roughness, and obstructed their flight; wherefore they pressed upon the Hebrews with their army…”   Moses didn’t know what to do.

  • Episode 160: Exodus - New Information, (17 of 26)

    19/09/2013 Duración: 06min

    A well known trade route that travels from northern Egypt southward along the Suez east coastline, then, just as Moses had when fleeing to Midian 40 years earlier, sharply turning northeastward through the mountains and onto the desert plains, a flat and compacted route well suited for travel as it skirted along north of the Sinai’s rugged mountain ranges, is the only route that remains.   It is estimated that, since Scripture states that the Israelites traveled towards the city day and night (guided and covered by day by a cloud and lit and led by a fire at night), that they could have made this journey in less than the three weeks granted by Scripture.   Exodus 14:2 tells us “And the Lord spoke to Moses saying “Tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp before Pi-hahiroth between Migdol and the sea. For Pharaoh will say of the sons of Israel, “They are wandering aimlessly in the land, the wilderness has shut them in”.”

  • Episode 159: Exodus - New Information, (16 of 26)

    17/09/2013 Duración: 03min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   Last time we concluded that the Gulf of Aqaba, not that of the Suez, for historical and archaeological and Biblical reasons, is the better candidate for the miraculous Red Sea crossing recorded in the book of Exodus.   So, if the Gulf of Aqaba is that referred to by Scripture, where along its Eastern shore would we be able to mark Israel’s crossing? Two possibilities can be located. The first is found near the southern tip of the Sinai…a world famous and popular location because of its spectacular coral reefs and aquatic life, called the Straits of Tiran.   The Straits of Tiran are the narrow sea passages, about 13 km (8 miles) wide, between the and peninsulas which separates the from the .   It is named after located at its inflow, on which the has an observation post to monitor the compliance of in maintaining freedom of navigation of the straits as provided under the .   Aside from being quite out of the way

  • Episode 158: Exodus - New Information, (15 of 26)

    15/09/2013 Duración: 02min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   Yam Suph is mentioned 23 times in the Old Testament, traditionally understood to refer to the salt water inlet located between Africa and the Arabian peninsula, known in English as the . More recently, alternate understandings of the term have been proposed for those passages where it refers to the Israelite as told in Exodus 13-15. These proposals would mean that Yam Suph is better translated in these passages as or Sea of Seaweed. First Kings 9:26 identifies "yam suph" with the Red Sea (at Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba).   This Yam Suph also describes the body of water crossed by Moses and his people. The Biblical reference to this body as the “great deep” matches the geography of the Gulf of Aqaba, which, bordered by steep and treacherous mountain ranges, plunges more than a mile below sea level at some points. And, recall it satisfies another Biblical description as outside the borders of Egypt. 

  • Episode 157: Exodus - New Information, (14 of 26)

    13/09/2013 Duración: 05min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   In our effort to trace the Exodus, we can produce an outline of what we have learned so far as follows: 1) As stated in Galatians 4:25, and confirmed by ancient historians and modern archaeology, Mt. Sinai, or Mt. Horab, is in Arabia, near the ancient, recently discovered city of Midian, not near the southern Sinai Peninsula of Christian lore; 2) the Biblically asserted times and location of Joseph and the Hebrews is archaeologically supported to be in Goshen (Tel El Daba); 3) knowing the location of these two, even if approximate, along with the geography of the land and knowledge of other nations and where they were located during those times; 4) the enslavement of the Joseph’s family sometime after his death, the forced labor of these people by the Egyptians to make bricks for Egyptian building projects is archaeologically supported, for example by wall paintings showing Semites engaged in brick-making from the tomb of Rekhm

  • Episode 156: Exodus - New Information, (13 of 26)

    11/09/2013 Duración: 05min

    Now, shortly after Josephus, the Greek geographer Ptolemy identified Madian as located in the Arabian Peninsula. 1900 years later, archaeologists excavated this city, that, according to ancient records, had once stood near Mt. Sinai.   The ruins of Madian lie just outside the present existing town of El Bod, located near Saudi Arabia’s northwest coast.   Now 15 miles east of El Bod is a mountain of interest, perhaps the best candidate as the true Mt. Sinai. It is, as cited by Josephus, the tallest mountain in northwest Arabia, standing at over 8000 feet, named Jabel Allos. I identified this mountain as that presently called Jabal Al Lawz (Mountain of Almonds), Latitude 28° 40' 60 N, Longitude 35° 17' 60 E.   There is no solid proof as to whether this or any other particular mountain is the actual Mt. Sinai, and that question is not particularly important as far as our discussion is concerned. To me, the main set of questions that are resolved by locating the general area of Mt. Sinai is that we may thus be ab

  • Episode 155: Exodus - New Information, (12 of 26)

    09/09/2013 Duración: 04min

    In our recent discussions we have brought forth the idea that Midian, not Southern Sinai Peninsula, is the real location of Mt. Sinai. Now, let’s take a closer look at some evidences of this idea.   Long before Christian tradition placed Mt. Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula, some 750 years earlier, in about 250 BC, the translators of the Septuagint, those 70 or so scholars in Alexandria, assumed in their translation of the Exodus account, merely as a matter of fact, that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia. Three centuries later the Jewish historian/philosopher Philo, in his work “ the Life of Moses” placed the mountain “east of what was later called the Sinai Peninsula, and south of Palestine”,. Philo was a Jewish philosopher who was born in Alexandria, Egypt. His family was powerful and influential with ties, through his brother Alexander's son by marriage, to the daughter of Herod Agrippa.    Whereas Philo’s Greek predecessors, Eratosthenes, Herodotus, Hesiod and Hecataeus, (with the exception of Strabo) ignored Israel, P

  • Episode 154: Exodus - New Information, (11 of 26)

    05/09/2013 Duración: 06min

    We mentioned in the last chapter that it was when Moses was in Midian that he encountered God at Mt. Horeb (Mt. Sinai). So, according to the Bible, we should be looking there, not all the way down at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula.    As it can be seen on most ancient maps, and as is well attested historically by such as Philo, Josephus and others, the land of Midian was in Arabia, with, along its west border, the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). This is where Moses first settled after fleeing Egypt, and then encountered God at Mt. Horeb (Sinai), and where he brought Israel directly after crossing the Red Sea.   And Paul in Galatians tells us in Galatians 4:25, as we will discuss later, that Sinai is in Arabia.   For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.

  • Episode 153: Exodus- New Information (10 of 26)

    03/09/2013 Duración: 06min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   As we mentioned last time, in our effort to retrace the Exodus, we must now turn back to the central question, “So Where is Mt. Horeb, Mt. Sinai?” In Exodus 3:12 we read:   And the Lord said to Moses, “When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain”.   For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.

  • Episode 151: Exodus - New Information (8 of 26)

    02/09/2013 Duración: 05min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   Last chapter we found from the Israel stele that Israel was mentioned by name as a nation during the reign of Merneptah, who reigned from 1213 – 1203 BC, during the time of the Judges, two centuries before the anointing of King Saul by Samuel, and the reign of David. Such an Egyptian campaign easily fits into the scenario we find in Israel during the time of the Judges, when various foreigners would, from time to time, venture into Canaan and, for a while, conquer Israel, or

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