Akin For The Truth

Episode 167: Exodus - New Information, (24 of 26)



For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   In our effort to trace the Exodus, we can produce an outline of what we have learned so far as follows:   1) As stated in Galatians 4:25, and confirmed by ancient historians and modern archaeology, Mt. Sinai, or Mt. Horab, is in Arabia, near the ancient, recently discovered city of Midian, not near the southern Sinai Peninsula of Christian lore; 2) the Biblically asserted times and location of Joseph and the Hebrews is archaeologically supported to be in Goshen (Tel El Daba); 3) the location of these two, even if approximate, along with the geography of the land and knowledge of other nations and where they were located during those times; 4) the enslavement of the Joseph’s family sometime after his death, the forced labor of these people by the Egyptians to make bricks for Egyptian building projects is archaeologically supported, for example by wall paintings showing Semites engaged in brick-making from the tomb of Rekh