Akin For The Truth



Another great podcast hosted by LibSyn.com


  • Episode 150: Exodus - New Information (7 of 26)

    02/09/2013 Duración: 03min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   As we discussed last time there is, based on fairly recent archaeological work in the delta regions of Egypt, no real doubt that a substantial Israeli population lived in Goshen prior to the Hyksos invasion, and, further, that the existence of Israel has also been documented to exist just a few hundred years afterwards.   “What documentation?” you might ask. If the Biblical account of Jewish history is accurate, then it would be expected that there should also be some archeo

  • Episode 149: Exodus - New Information (6 of 26)

    02/09/2013 Duración: 04min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   Last chapter we summarized, as we adjust our guess regarding the area of location of Mt. Sinai to a more Scripturally and historically supported area, that the path from Goshen, the trek across the Sinai Peninsula, and the Red Sea encampment and crossing are adjusted as well, with stunning results. And so we began our retracing of the Exodus at the beginning….Goshen, Egypt. We saw that the earliest remains of Asiatics at Tell el-Daba included houses and tombs (12th Dynasty,

  • Episode 148: Exodus - New Information (5 of 26)

    02/09/2013 Duración: 06min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   Last time we were reading Genesis 47: 5 and 6, which records Pharaoh’s response to Joseph’s request to bring his family into Egypt. There the Bible records “Then Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, “The land of Egypt is before you. Have your father & brothers dwell in the best of the land, Let them dwell in the land of Goshen.”   We then put forth the question, “Have there been any relatively recent archaeological evidences supporting this Scripture?” Simplest answer… Yes. 

  • Episode 147: Exodus - New Information (4 of 26)

    02/09/2013 Duración: 02min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   Last chapter we began our series on the Hebrew Exodus by observing that much of the theory about the Exodus in modern times has been, it seems to be turning out, based on Christian lore and myth, rather than any real historic or archaeological bases. As a consequence, it would seem that findings along the lines of these theories had been found wanting, fueling skepticism among critics. Even archaeological and historical defenders of Scriptural accuracy find themselves ration

  • Episode 146: Exodus - New Information (3 of 26)

    02/09/2013 Duración: 02min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   Last time we were identifying a question that does, to many, present a serious challenge to the historicity of the Exodus, namely; “why does there seem to be such a large body of missing archaeological evidence for such a grand event?” So the question is, I think, rightly asked, that, if such a miraculous, titanic event as the Exodus actually occurred: this sudden, monumental occurrence, the birth of a nation by a series of unparalleled miracles, then why has so little evide

  • Episode 145: Exodus - New Information (2 of 26)

    02/09/2013 Duración: 04min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Last time we noted how that much of the theory about the Exodus in modern times has been, it seems to be turning out, based on Christian lore and myth, rather than any real historic or archaeological bases. So we posed the question “Is there really no reliable evidence that the Exodus took place? Can it be possible that the Scriptural records, found so historically accurate by both critics and defenders alike in so many instances, could have made such a blatant blunder as to report such huge and historically significant errors about the very origin of the nation of Israel?”    Listen for more.

  • Episode 144: Exodus - New Information (1 of 26)

    02/09/2013 Duración: 03min

    For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   Have you ever heard it said, or read somewhere that the story of the Exodus, that incredible, monumental series of events, hasn’t really left an archaeological footprint? Indications that these huge scenes, such as the parting of the Red Sea (wherever that was), a trek across the desert by millions, destruction of hundreds of Hebrew-seeking, Egyptian  chariots don’t seem to have turned up, though diligently searched for by archaeologists, historians and pilgrims, for centuri

  • Episode 174: Coal - 5 of 5

    02/01/2012 Duración: 03min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   Last time we ended our discussion pondering how intelligent observers in the last century could miss such obvious facts as we’ve been discussing as they were developing theories about the origin of coal. It was proposed that, as is often is the case when discussing origins, that it may have to do with foundational beliefs, world views if you will, upon which any theory is built. If you don’t believe, or worse, are vehemently opposed to the Biblical claim of a worldwide flood, then the idea of a violent, world-wide, sudden event occurring in marine waters c

  • Episode 173: Coal - 4 of 5

    29/12/2011 Duración: 03min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   This fourth of a five part, closer look at what most of us have been taught about coal and how it developed, continues to challenge the idea that coal developed in freshwater swamps over millions of years. So far we’ve reviewed seven observable facts that demonstrate that coal contains marine plants and animals and so should not be theorized to have been generated from freshwater swamps; that coal beds are often impaled by tree trucks oriented in all directions and so should not be believed to have layered over long time periods; that the beds and the tree

  • Episode 172: Coal - 3 of 5

    26/12/2011 Duración: 03min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   We have been looking at the theories proposed for the origin of coal, and noting reasons for preferring the flood theory above the more commonly known swamp theory. The three reasons discussed last time; many plants found in coal are not swamp plants, trees found in coal beds sometimes contain energetically transported foreign material, and fossils of salt-water life is often found in coal, all seem to contradict the millions-of-years, slow layering, fresh-water swamp theory. Now, a fourth observation supporting the flood theory: upright tree trunks penetr

  • Episode 171: Coal - 2 of 5

    23/12/2011 Duración: 03min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   Last time we began to examine the two prevalent theories today used to explain the formation of coal on the Earth; the swamp theory and the flood theory, and how they fit into the Biblical record. The swamp theory claims that, millions of years ago, much of our land was covered by freshwater swamps. In these swamps were leaves, stems, spores, free trunks, branches, plant roots, resins, charred wood from swamp fires, other organic material, and mineral (inorganic) matter were deposited within the swampy basins. This process continued for many years forming

  • Episode 170: Coal - 1 of 5

    20/12/2011 Duración: 03min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Finally, there is a somewhat interesting website, a work in process, at jackakinforthetruth.com To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   What do you think about coal? Bet you didn’t expect that question today. Well, coal is important to the Bible-believer, because in its study one can find a powerful demonstration of Noah’s great Flood.   The first documented US coal mining was probably a 50 ton excavation that was dug in 1748. Today, we produce over one billion tons per year...  jack

  • Episode 175: Limitations of Science, or of Scientists - 1 of 2

    26/09/2011 Duración: 03min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack The support actually provided by science for and against religious belief is very much exaggerated in today’s culture. The reason for this is understandable. Science, when operating within its own arena, has been quite successful. For example, in a typical environmental laboratory like mine there is a wide variety of scientific experiments, if you will, occurring every single day. Such a lab has a number of instruments, standards, equipment, tools, glassware, and personnel... jack

  • Episode 178: Numbers and the Bible - 2 of 2

    24/09/2011 Duración: 03min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack   The world’s population, by generally accepted historical information, was, in 1700 AD, 600,000,000, in 1800 AD, 900,000,000…a .4% rate increase. Due to war, natural disaster, food availability, etc., calculating population growth is an imprecise business. But we do know that the estimated population increase between 1700 and 1800, .4%, predated the great advances made in medicine associated with increased rate growth that would occur in late 19th and 20th century. Last time we used calculations to verify the accuracy of Genesis as it describes those 70 Semites that became a nation of an estimated three million within 430 years. Now, using this premed

  • Episode 177: Numbers and the Bible - 1 of 2

    22/09/2011 Duración: 03min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack Let’s say you read in the Bible that a little clan of 70 Semites, who in about 1850 BC came down from Palestine, led by Jacob, through Beersheba to Egypt to live near Jacob’s son Joseph, and that this small group of 70 Semites, within just 430 years, grew to a population of some three million. Can we believe it?  

  • Episode 176: Limitations of Science, or of Scientists - 2 of 2

    16/09/2011 Duración: 03min

      For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and. For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack The words of Jesus, in answer to His disciples’ question about the details of His return, are recorded by Luke, Chapter 17. In that night, Jesus said, two shall be sleeping in bed, one shall be taken and the other left. Surely a nearby scientist or philosopher listening to Jesus would see no problem with His statement, for Jesus said He would be returning at night and that two would be sleeping in bed. .But the rest of Jesus’ answer may seem confusing, for He goes on to say that two women will be grinding, and two men will be working in the field, one taken and the other left.   Grinding meal was traditionally done in the morning, and no one worked i

  • Episode 205: New Testament Reliability

    26/06/2011 Duración: 08min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon  called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and . For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone icon....Jack The quotations are so numerous and widespread that, if no manuscripts of the New Testament were extant, the New Testament could be reproduced from the writings of the early Fathers alone.     Geisler, 1986 Indeed, so extensive are these citations that, if all other sources for our knowledge of the text of the New Testament were destroyed, they would be sufficient alone for the reconstruction of practically the entire New Testament. Bruce Metzger,   1992

  • Episode 180: Thermodynamics Revisited - 2 of 2

    21/02/2011 Duración: 04min

     For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon  called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and . For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. Last time we were looking at the inevitable and very natural observations that all things tend to decay, become disordered over time, and that this law is unbreakable, and, according to Scripture, purposeful, subjecting us all and the very universe itself to seeing our emptiness and presenting us with the very real hope for redemption. And the Scripture even tells us how this natural or spontaneous tendency towards disorder and death came to be. Genesis, the book of beginnings, reveals to us an event that occurred just after the creation of the earth, the heavens, and all life. It occurred as the result of another creation; free will. Although they received warning from God that the wages for the sin of disobedience was death, Adam and Eve nevertheless ch

  • Episode 179: Thermodynamics Revisited - 1 of 2

    16/02/2011 Duración: 04min

    For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon  called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and . For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. In the minds of some that hold to an evolutionary explanation as to how natural things have come into being, evolution, ever-increasing order and complexity, seems to be quite natural. But, in the sciences today a term is often used to describe the natural way of things, that is: the way they happen in nature when nature is left to itself. The term is “spontaneous”. All around us in nature we notice events occurring spontaneously, or naturally, and we have come to expect them to play out in certain ways. When lightning hits the side of a mountain during a thunderstorm, causing a fire, we expect that the fire will destroy vegetation, not create it. When a river swells during the rainy season, we expect increased erosion of river banks, and possible damage t

  • Episode 206: Woodpecker - Amazing Demonstration of Design

    14/11/2010 Duración: 03min

    Not too long ago we noticing some interesting, specialized examples of irreducible complexities found in the bombardier beetle, beaver, giraffe and the fruitfly. We also briefly discussed the woodpecker. Let's look today a little close at this very special bird. The woodpecker has a specialized tongue in a tough beak with a sharp point; a shock absorbing tissue behind the bill; a tough, double reinforced skull; a stiff tail for bracing itself; strong leg muscles to hold on; and special four-clawed feet to give added support. The woodpecker can hammer at a tree with a force of over 1000 Gs; 300 times greater than the effect that pushes our astronauts on lift off. For your consideration...the following is an excerpt from a radio spot on KAPL 1300 AM radio, Jacksonville, Oregon  called " Akin For the Truth", or at KCGP LP 106.7 Radio, and . For other tools, you may want to check out our Website at akinforthetruth.net. To listen to the entire spot on this Podcast (a few minutes long), click the little microphone

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