Akin For The Truth

Episode 158: Exodus - New Information, (15 of 26)



For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   Yam Suph is mentioned 23 times in the Old Testament, traditionally understood to refer to the salt water inlet located between Africa and the Arabian peninsula, known in English as the . More recently, alternate understandings of the term have been proposed for those passages where it refers to the Israelite as told in Exodus 13-15. These proposals would mean that Yam Suph is better translated in these passages as or Sea of Seaweed. First Kings 9:26 identifies "yam suph" with the Red Sea (at Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba).   This Yam Suph also describes the body of water crossed by Moses and his people. The Biblical reference to this body as the “great deep” matches the geography of the Gulf of Aqaba, which, bordered by steep and treacherous mountain ranges, plunges more than a mile below sea level at some points. And, recall it satisfies another Biblical description as outside the borders of Egypt.