Akin For The Truth

Episode 162: Exodus - New Information, (19 of 26)



For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   As we have seen the Nuweiba Peninsula geologically, geographically and hydrologically matches conditions as described in Exodus. We have the common travel routes across Sinai Peninsula, sharply defined by impassable, craggy rock outcroppings and mountains, through which eroded stormwater beds, called wadis, snake.   We also note that they open up to a large, wide beachhead, large enough to facilitate the encampment of millions. It extends like a large delta from several wadis, and thus, to get out, the Israelites would have to backtrack or travel as far as they could northward along an arduous shoreline.   Of course, there, along the shoreline on their east side, as far as the eye could see, was the wide and very deep Gulf of Aquaba, an arm of the Red Sea.   We are now at the point in our effort to trace the steps taken by the Israelites, from Goshen to Mt. Horeb, or Sinai, during the Exodus, where we would like to expl