Wall St For Main St



Wall St for Main St is a start up investor education, financial education, research and consulting company. We provide alternative financial information, research, education and consulting to Main Street investors using uncommon wisdom like the Austrian School of Economics. Our goal is teaching people how to fish for themselves instead of trusting their financial adviser for everything. We interview top investors, traders, money managers, financial commentators, economic experts, authors, CEOs and newsletter writers from around the world to discuss the latest events in the global economy and financial markets.


  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 9 w/ Greg Hunter: Economy & Markets on Verge of Imploding

    13/10/2015 Duración: 01h11min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and independent financial journalist and managing editor of The News Doctors http://thenewsdoctors.com/, Eric Dubin are back for episode #9 of Welcome to Dystopia! In this episode, they interview special guest former investigative reporter for ABC & CNN and creator of the popular USA Watchdog website and You Tube channel, Greg Hunter http://usawatchdog.com/.Greg talks about his experiences working as an investigative reporter in the mainstream media and why the mainstream media is no longer objective. Greg says the media puts out lots of disinformation, half truth and intentionally lies by omission all the time. Jason asks Greg about what his listeners are telling him about the economy. Greg says many of his listeners are struggling mightily financially trying to keep their heads above water with rising bills. Greg emphasizes how we don't have a real functioning media anymore because they are no longer objective or tell the whole truth and hold people in high positions

  • James Corbett: Japan is Playing With Fire

    13/10/2015 Duración: 52min

    In this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks James about why China is dumping US Treasuries?James thinks China felt it's currency dropped too much in value and it had to sell a large amount of its US Treasury holdings to stabilize the currency. Next, Jason asks James if he thinks Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries will retaliate against China in another round of currency wars for China's devaluation?James thinks the currency wars between Asian countries never stopped and will continue unabated. Jason then asks James why he thinks the Yen hasn't collapsed yet? They discuss Japan's debt problem and how Japan may be in the process of doing a debt for equity swap throughout their entire society. Jason then asks James about whether Japan is helping prop up the US stock market and US Treasury markets because there's a 1:1 correlation with the Yen falling and the US stock market rising. James thinks Japan's government does what they are told to help the US government and US markets out at Japan's own expense.

  • Peter Grandich: "Don't Worry, Be Happy" Crowd is Thriving On Wall St

    09/10/2015 Duración: 33min

    Wall St for Main St welcome back Peter Grandich, who is a former money manager, author and Founder of Peter Grandich & Company. In this podcast, we discussed the diminishing credibility of the Federal Reserve, the likelihood of the bubble bursting in the stock markets and why some professional athletes make poor financial decision. Plus much more!

  • Jerry Robinson: Main Street Investors Should Get Out of The Market Now

    09/10/2015 Duración: 31min

    Wall St for Main St interviewed Jerry Robinson, who is the founder and editor of Follow The Money Daily. In this podcast, we discussed the recent comment from Bernanke on Wall St executives. He believed they should all go to jail for their role in the "Great Recession" but what about Bernanke himself? Also, we talked about the Trans-Pacific Partnership and what it means for Main Street. Plus much more!

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 8: Currency Wars w/ More Bombs Still to Fall!

    23/09/2015 Duración: 56min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and independent financial journalist and managing editor of The News Doctors http://thenewsdoctors.com/, Eric Dubin are back for Episode #8 of Welcome to Dystopia! During today's episode, Jason and Eric discuss whether the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates (they didn't) but the odds were low they would. Jason and Eric talk about the empty promise the G20 just pledged to not engage in another currency warhttp://blogs.reuters.com/breakingview...Next, Jason and Eric discuss Brazil and emerging markets and how their currencies and economies are in free fall because of US Dollar denominated debt and falling oil and base metal prices. After this, Jason and Eric discuss China dumping US Treasuries so quickly and what this means.Jason and Eric discuss the 200+:1 paper to metal ratio on the COMEX and what that means. After that, they discuss how dire things really are for the gold and silver miners. To wrap up the show, Jason and Eric talk about this week's Scumbags of the W

  • Julia Tourianski: State Control Perpetually Increasing Until Collapse

    14/09/2015 Duración: 35min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, Julia Tourianski. Julia runs the website Brave the World http://bravetheworld.com/ and is an active anti-state propagandist and proponent of Bitcoin. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks Julia about her background growing up in the Soviet Union in Russia before moving to Canada. Julia talks about her life in the Soviet Union, the problems with socialism and how she sees so much corruption in the US. Jason asks Julia about Canada and how Canada is copying the US and becoming a police state. Julia talks about how Canada is basically a lap dog of the US. Jason asks Julia why countries like the US are adapting more big government and socialist/fascist/totalitarian control over their population's lives when former Soviet Union countries have abandoned communism and socialism. Next, Jason asks Julia how she found Bitcoin and became a proponent of using and owning Bitcoin. Julia found Bitcoin using the Silk Road and then she learned Austrian School

  • Nolan Watson: Opportunity in Crisis w/ Miners' Debt Problems

    12/09/2015 Duración: 31min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, Co-founder, President & CEO of Sandstorm Gold http://www.sandstormgold.com/, Nolan Watson. Here's Nolan's full bio: Mr. Watson co-founded Sandstorm in 2008, prior to which he served as the Chief Financial Officer of Silver Wheaton Corp. In that role, Mr. Watson developed the silver streaming business model and helped raise over US$1 billion in debt and equity to fund Silver Wheaton's growth. Mr. Watson is a Chartered Professional Accountant (Valedictorian), holds the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst and received a Bachelor of Commerce degree, with honours, from the University of British Columbia. He has won numerous awards for his professional and charitable achievements including the Early Achievement Award by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia, Canada's Top 40 Under 40 award, CEO of the Year by Business In Vancouver and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal. Mr. Watson also serves as the Chairman of the Audit Commi

  • Peter Schiff: We Need More Free Market Capitalism

    09/09/2015 Duración: 44min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, best selling author, Austrian School Economist, investor and President & CEO of Euro Pacific Capital http://www.europac.com/, Peter Schiffhttp://www.schiffradio.com/. Peter has over 20 years of experience as a financial professional and is also Chairman of Schiff Goldhttp://schiffgold.com/ and Euro Pacific Bank.His full bio can be found here: http://www.schiffradio.com/about-peter/ and here:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_S...His best selling books include: Crash proof, Crash proof 2.0, How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes, The Real Crash, and The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets and all these books can be bought on Amazon. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason first asks Peter about deflation and when in financial history have governments allowed it for a prolonged period of time? Peter says that in a fiat currency system with central banking, governments will not allow deflation or free market forces to correct many globa

  • Charles Ortel: Market Volatility Is Only The Beginning

    04/09/2015 Duración: 36min

    Wall St for Main St interviewed Charles Ortel, who is an investor, money manager and writer. In this podcast, we discussed the volatility in the stock market, the low oil prices and how it is affecting the nationalist oil countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran and we also talked about Charles six month investigation of the Clinton Foundation. His investigation found some shocking information on how the Clinton Foundation is being managed. Check it out! 

  • Dan Steffens: Low Oil Prices Stimulating Demand

    02/09/2015 Duración: 40min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, oil expert Dan Steffens of the Energy Prospectus Group https://www.energyprospectus.com/Dan has over 30 years of experience working in the oil and gas industry. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks Dan about OPEC and the oil cartel's power over the oil market? Dan says OPEC more specifically the Saudis has tried to intentionally bankrupt shale oil companies to gain market share but that OPEC is hurting financially now with these low oil prices.Dan thinks OPEC may cut production in the near future. Next, Jason asks Dan why M&A hasn't occurred in oil exploration and production companies? Dan expects that to occur in the near future after oil prices start to rise. Jason and Dan discuss the supply/demand fundamentals of oil. Dan says 25 times the amount of real oil is traded daily in paper oil. (Does this remind you of gold and silver futures markets?)Jason asks about potential dividend cuts from Chevron, ExxonMobil, etc. Dan doesn't think th

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 7: Buckle Your Safety Belts! Volatility is back!

    02/09/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    Jason Burack and Eric Dubin return for Episode 7 of the new Welcome to Dystopia podcast. In this podcast, they talk extensively about market volatility reappearing in stocks after almost no volatility for the last few years. Jason and Eric discuss how all the major economies in the world are trying to manage or manipulate important markets. The stock market, the oil market and the gold and silver markets are discussed. With this increased intervention, Jason reads his "3 Most Important Rules for Investing in the New Normal" and how much rules changes going forward are going to be a difficult part to figure out. Next, Jason and Eric talk about the gold and silver mining sector and how there's a new article out talking about the cost of gold miners http://www.zealllc.com/2015/gm1200fl.htm and why it's not an accurate picture of the industry since the cyclical bear market for gold and silver (manipulated) started in 2011. Scumbag of the Week Nominees: 1) Former Subway sandwich pitch man and pervert/child porn af

  • Jim Willie: Coming Oil Bust Bigger Than Sub Prime Collapse

    29/08/2015 Duración: 01h27min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, editor of the Hat Trick Letter http://www.goldenjackass.com/, Jim Willie. Jim has been writing his newsletter about the global economy, gold, etc for over a decade and has had many successful predictions years in advance including predicting the 2008 collapse of US banks. During this hour+ long interview, Jason starts off by asking Jim if China is planning additional retaliation against the US after their couple of devaluations against the US Dollar for the RMB not being allowed into the SDR?Jim says the RMB will never be allowed into the SDR. Next, Jason asks Jim why do you think China, Russia and the BRICs haven't pulled the plug yet and what steps do you think need to be taken before they do it?Jim says China is currently dumping massive amounts of US Treasuries and they are requiring the RMB for trade settlement. Next, Jason asks Jim about why the oil price is falling and if the Saudis or OPEC hired Wall St to intentionally short the paper oil ma

  • David Jensen: ZIRP Leading to Collapse, Much Higher Gold & Silver Prices

    29/08/2015 Duración: 56min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, precious metals expert David Jensen who owns a private mining company and also is a paid consultant in the precious metals mining industry. During this 50+ minute interview, Jason asks David about his views about the global economy. David talks about the consequences of zero interest rate policy or ZIRP caused by governments using financial repression to manipulate interest rates. David talks about John Exeter's inverse expansion pyramid and the importance of gold during an economic collapse because of no counter party risk from owning metal. David and Jason discuss inflation, deflation, base metals and the employment situation in the US.To wrap up the interview, Jason asks David a lot of questions about the gold and silver markets and also gold and silver miners. They discuss a COMEX default, if it's possible for silver shortages and how much money gold and silver miners are losing. 

  • Michael Lebowitz: Has the Devaluation Carousel Come Off its Tracks?

    22/08/2015 Duración: 41min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, the founder and managing partner of 720 Global http://www.720global.com/, Michael Lebowitz, CFA. (Chartered Financial Analyst) Michael's articles appear on Zero Hedge and he has previously worked in the financial industry trading bonds and derivatives at Fannie Mae for 15 years including during the 2008 financial crisis and he also ran a very successful investment firm for 8 years. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks Michael about his recent articles that have appeared on Zero Hedge about share buybacks. Michael calls them fraudulent. Jason and Michael discuss all the misallocations of capital in the economy. Jason and Michael have a long discussion about the current macroeconomic situation, deflation, inflation and currency wars. Michael is more of a deflationist right now although Jason got him to admit his bills are rising on many everyday items along with his property taxes. To wrap up the interview, Jason asks Michael would investors s

  • Jeffrey Tucker: Bitcoin Is Replacing Precious Metals As Safe Haven

    22/08/2015 Duración: 37min

    Wall St for Main St interviewed Jeffrey Tucker, who is the Chief Liberty Officer and Founder of Liberty.me. In this podcast, we discussed the growing popularity of Bitcoin and he thinks Bitcoin will replace gold/silver as the safe haven for Main Street. We also talked about the debate of minimum wage, income inequality, his article on Donald Trump that went viral and much more! 

  • Silver Doctor: Physical Silver Shortage Developing?

    20/08/2015 Duración: 31min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest "Doc" from Silver Doctorshttp://www.silverdoctors.com/ to talk about his article about a potential wholesale silver shortage. Here's the link to his article: http://www.silverdoctors.com/wholesal... so you can come to your own conclusions. During this 25+ minute interview, Jason asks Doc about the journey of silver and gold from the mine site to bars and coins at the bullion dealer. Then, they discuss Doc's controversial article about a potential shortage. Doc thinks through his sources there's evidence of a developing shortage. He thinks sentiment levels for precious metals are much worse than 2008. Jason and Doc discuss whether silver can ever be in a shortage and also discuss the supply/demand fundamentals of physical metal instead of the paper price. 

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 6 w/ Kerry Lutz: Can't Accurately Predict When SHTF

    18/08/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and co-host of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast, independent financial and geopolitical analyst, and the managing editor of The News Doctorshttp://thenewsdoctors.com/, Eric Dubin, had on former successful lawyer and entrepreur and current host of the very popular Financial Survival Network show http://financialsurvivalnetwork.com/, Kerry Lutz for this week's show.Financial Survival Network has over 14 million downloads on iTunes in only a few years since it was started. During this new episode of Welcome to Dystopia, Jason asks Kerry about how he found the Austrian School of Economics and became a Libertarian when he was a successful lawyer in NYC. Kerry talks about the Austrian School Economics and then Jason asks him about the problems with today's legal system. Kerry thinks the legal system continues to spiral out of control with power and corruption and is a symptom of the decline in the US. Jason asks Kerry about inflation and deflation and if he's surprised TPTB have b

  • Dr. Kent Moors: OPEC Sovereign Wealth Funds Shorting Oil

    17/08/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, oil and energy expert Dr. Kent Moors. http://oilandenergyinvestor.com/.Dr. Moors has over 30 years of experience working in the oil and energy industries in many different positions as well as a consultant for big oil companies, oil producing countries, etc.He's invited to important oil meetings in London, Dubai, etc. During this 40+ minute discussion about the oil market, Dr. Moors says there's absolutely ZERO evidence that oil demand has collapsed but rather that there's a small over supply of oil and he also drops a bombshell that the sovereign wealth funds of Saudi Arabia and other key OPEC countries have been shorting the paper oil price to try and bankrupt higher cost and debt laden US shale oil producers so OPEC and the Saudis can regain market share. Wall St then jumped on the trade on the short side and is convinced that oil will go much lower from these levels. Dr. Moors thinks many higher cost, bad balance sheet oil producers can survive m

  • Woody O'Brien: Entitlement Culture Destroying the US

    16/08/2015 Duración: 47min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, former Wall St economist and money manager, Woody O'Brien. http://www.woodyknowsmarkets.com/ http://www.abolishfiatslavery.com/Woody is now a farmer in West Virginia where he also pays attention to commodities markets and invests in commodities and Woody has woken up to the Austrian School of Economics and is a Libertarian.During this 50+ minute interview, Jason asks Woody about his background and how he woke up. Woody says he was working on Wall St as an economist and a money manager when the technology bubble and 9/11 happened and he began asking honest questions the government was intentionally not answering. Woody talks about taxes and precious metals, about how government forces the taxpayer to pay for a bunch of things and entitlements that creates very bad incentives for people in the the US. Jason asks Woody about commodities and for how long so many commodities can sell below the cost of farmers, miners, etc?To wrap up the interview, Jason

  • Dan Collins: Financial Repression Is Coming In China

    15/08/2015 Duración: 30min

    Wall St for Main St interviewed Dan Collins, the Editor of The China Money Report. There are a lot of current events occurring in China, so we wanted you to have insights and analysis from Dan, who lives in China. In this podcast, we discussed the Yuan devaluation, currency wars, financial repression, China stock market meltdown, gold demand in China and much more! 

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