Wall St For Main St

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 186:54:38
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Wall St for Main St is a start up investor education, financial education, research and consulting company. We provide alternative financial information, research, education and consulting to Main Street investors using uncommon wisdom like the Austrian School of Economics. Our goal is teaching people how to fish for themselves instead of trusting their financial adviser for everything. We interview top investors, traders, money managers, financial commentators, economic experts, authors, CEOs and newsletter writers from around the world to discuss the latest events in the global economy and financial markets.


  • Dave Collum: 2015 Review; Bond Markets Will Reset in 2016?

    13/01/2016 Duración: 01h02min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, Cornell University Chemistry professor, Dave Collum. Every year, Dave writes an extensive report reviewing the year and a preview of the year to come. Dave's 2015 review 2016 preview can be found here: http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/95...http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/95...The report is also available on Zero Hedge. During this 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Dave to summarize in a few sentences markets in 2015. Dave talks about how confusing markets are becoming and how it is difficult for value investors looking for quality but cheap valuation stocks that are not resource stocks.Jason says how he sees a lot of value in oil and energy companies and Dave and him discuss the oil markets and shale oil's potential to become the next major global crisis. Dave thinks all bond markets are going to need a "reset" in the near future. Next, Dave talks about the junk bond and bond markets and how the global debt binge keeps rising. Jason asks Dav

  • Rick Rule: 2016 Will Be Painful for Commodities

    13/01/2016 Duración: 32min

    Wall St for Main St interviewed Rick Rule, who is the President of US Sprott Holdings. In this podcast, we looked back on 2015 and discussed the energy market, precious metals market and the economy. Rick also provided his insights on what he thinks will happen in 2016 in the commodities sector. Plus much more!

  • Patrick Byrne: Block Chain Tech Will Force More Transparency on Wall St

    13/01/2016 Duración: 36min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, Co-Founder and CEO of Overstock.com http://www.overstock.com, Patrick Byrne to talk about the economy, the block chain and Austrian School of Economics. Patrick is a a "classical liberal" and a big proponent of Austrian School of Economics, the free market and Bitcoin and the block chain. Overstock was one of the first major businesses to accept Bitcoin. Patrick is a key investor in Tee-Zero https://t0.com/, which is a block chain trading platform that will (hopefully) force Wall St to become more transparent with its investing and trading practices.

  • Charles Hugh Smith: Radical Changes in Jobs Market Now & in Future

    23/12/2015 Duración: 47min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, author and popular economic blogger, Charles Hugh Smith http://www.oftwominds.com/blog.html. Charles came on to discuss his new book, A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology and Creating Jobs for All: The Future Belongs to Work That Is Meaningful which can be purchased on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017....Charles' other books he's authored are listed here: http://www.oftwominds.com/CHS-books.htmlCharles' full bio: Charles Hugh Smith is the author of the oftwominds.com blog, #7 in CNBC's top alternativefinancial sites, and nine books on our economy and society, including "Why Things AreFalling Apart and What We Can Do About It," "The Nearly Free University and the EmergingEconomy," "Get a Job, Build a Real Career and Defy a Bewildering Economy" and most recently, "A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology and Creating Jobs for All." His work is published on a number of popular financial websites including Zero Hed

  • Chris Martenson & Adam Taggart: Prosper in Challenging Times

    23/12/2015 Duración: 29min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, Dr. Chris Martenson and his business partner at Peak Prosperity http://www.peakprosperity.com/, first time guest Adam Taggart.Chris and Adam co-founded Peak Prosperity and also created the popular Crash Course video series on the 3Es: Economy, Energy and the Environment that has woken a lot of people up about what's really going on in the world since the video series debuted around 2007. Chris worked as a corporate executive for a Fortune 500 company before quitting his job and changing his lifestyle and Adam worked on Wall St and was an executive at Yahoo before also quitting his job, waking up and changing his lifestyle as well. They came on a podcast to talk about their new book, Prosper!: How To Prepare for the Future and Create a World Worth InheritingThe book can be bought on Amazon and Audible in hard cover, ebook and audio book formats. http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/95...For a limited time, the book is also 50% for Audible members until

  • Steve St. Angelo: Shale Oil Giant Ponzi? Peak Silver Approaching?

    23/12/2015 Duración: 53min

    During this 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Steve about his recent article about how the Shale oil industry in the US is collapsing. Jason and Steve talk about the oil markets and how many higher cost shale oil producers have been able to delay bankruptcy. Steve calls shale oil a "Giant Ponzi scheme."Steve is predicting US oil production will collapse in the next few years unless the oil price goes much higher. He also says global consumers cannot afford oil prices above $70/barrel. Next, Jason asks Steve about the gold and silver mining industries. Steve agrees with Jason that at least half the primary gold and silver miners would be bankrupt already if oil prices hadn't collapsed helping to cut costs or if gold and silver weren't much higher in currencies other than the US Dollar. Steve thinks silver miners are a great speculative investment considering how cheap they are. To wrap up the interview, Jason and Steve discuss the supply/demand fundamentals for gold & silver. Steve thinks a lot of silver mi

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 13 w/ Adam Dick: No Guns For You!

    23/12/2015 Duración: 59min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and independent financial journalist and managing editor of The News Doctors http://thenewsdoctors.com/, Eric Dubin are back for Episode #13 of Welcome to Dystopia! This week's special guest is Adam Dick who is a lawyer and senior fellow at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity http://ronpaulinstitute.org/Adam's full bio is: Adam worked from 2003 through 2013 as a legislative aide for Rep. Ron Paul. Previously, he was a member of the Wisconsin State Board of Elections, a co-manager of Ed Thompson's 2002 Wisconsin governor campaign, and a lawyer in New York and Connecticuit. Adam helped Ron Paul with his domestic policy. Adam is also an expert on the 2nd Amendment and he came on the show to talk about his new article http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/...Adam released his article after President Obama's speech/address on Sunday night and the New York Times article about eliminating gun ownership in the US: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/05/opi...For most of thi

  • Jim Willie: $1 Trillion/month in Reverse Repos Keeping Zombie System Alive

    23/12/2015 Duración: 01h52min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, editor of The Hat Trick Letter at Golden Jackass.com http://www.goldenjackass.com/, Jim Willie. This is an interesting 90+ minute interview.Questions/Topics for the interview include:• Recently, there was a secret meeting between Russia and a Saudi Prince- Was the meeting about a coordinated oil production cut to move the price higher to save the world's largest oil producing countries? Or about what to do about Syria and pipelines? Or a mix?• The IMF has said Saudi Arabia can only survive at most 5 years of low oil prices at their current burn rate in foreign exchange reserves before they go bankrupt too. Almost every other OPEC producer has spent most of their oil profits almost as soon as the profits come in and are in much worse shape than the Saudis. Will OPEC be going to China begging for a bailout if oil prices don't rise again soon? • Some Wall St commodity traders are illegally buying $10/barrel oil on the black market from ISIS. Why ha

  • John Rubino: Feds Will Reverse Interest Rate Hike Soon

    23/12/2015 Duración: 38min

    Wall St for Main St interviewed John Rubino, the editor of Dollar Collapse and author of The Money Bubble. In this podcast, we discussed the Feds decision to raise interest rate and how it will pave way to reversing the hike. We also did a 2015 review where we analyzed the emerging market, Brazil and China collapse and look forward to 2016.

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 12: US Trying to Block China from SDR?

    20/11/2015 Duración: 01h12min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and managing editor of the News Doctors http://thenewsdoctors.com/ and independent financial journalist, Eric Dubin are back for Episode #12 of Welcome to Dystopia. With the horror in Paris, we need to stress that terrorism doesn'temerge out of a vacuum. Paul Craig Roberts' article on Paris attacks: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2015/...It has a political context, and it's impossible to understand the events in Paris without understanding that ISIS arose from conditions created by U.S. and allied nation policy - including direct financial and training support, particularly from Saudi Arabiaand Turkey playing key roles. The roots of U.S. policy of fomentingIslamic radical terrorist groups as a tool extend all the way back tothe early 20th Century (led by the U.K.), but the biggest milestonealong the development of this "tool" is best represented by formerNational Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski's plan to build-upAl-Qaeda as a proxy force, setting an Afghanistan "bear

  • Rob Kirby: Financial System Totally Criminal

    20/11/2015 Duración: 50min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, derivatives expert, precious metals expert and longtime veteran of the financial industry, Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics http://www.kirbyanalytics.com/During this 45+ minute interview, Jason asks Rob about interest rates and if Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve can raise them?Rob thinks at most there will be 1-2 token interest rate increases of 25 basis points and those are by no means guaranteed, before the Federal Reserve has to reverse course and lower interest rates as close to zero as possible across the entire yield curve. Rob then talks about how interest rate swaps affect the Fed's ability to raise rates. Jason brings up a recent Bloomberg article how Wall St banks are offering discounted interest rate swaps to attract people to buy them. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/article...Jason then asks Rob if there will be bail ins to force Americans to put their savings into US Treasury bonds? To wrap up the interview, Jason and Rob talk about the

  • Dr. Mark Thornton: Why Keynesians Have A Phobia For Deflation

    16/11/2015 Duración: 44min

    Wall St for Main St welcome back Dr. Mark Thornton, who is a Austrian economist and Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute. In this podcast, we discussed the differences between Keynesian economic and Austrian economic on deflation, interest rates and  the boom/bust cycle. Find out why the government and central banks fear and loathe deflation!

  • Bill Holter: Silver Most Undervalued Asset

    11/11/2015 Duración: 32min

    Bill Holter writes and is partnered with Jim Sinclair at the newly formed Holter/Sinclair collaboration. Prior, he wrote for Miles Franklin from 2012-15. Bill worked as a retail stockbroker for 23 years, including 12 as a branch manager at A.G. Edwards. He left Wall Street in late 2006 to avoid potential liabilities related to management of paper assets as he foresaw the Great Financial crisis coming. In retirement he and his family moved to Costa Rica where he lived until 2011 when he moved back to the United States. He was a well-known contributor to the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) commentaries from 2007-present. Bill has retained a working relationship with Miles Franklin and can help with any of your precious metals needs including storage. During this 25+ minute interview Jason asks Bill about the inflation/deflation debate. Jason and Bill talk about how the mainstream media and experts like Harry Dent talk non stop about deflation while people's grocery bills, healthcare bills and asset pric

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 11 w/Daniel McAdams: Middle East Not Going According To Empire Plan

    11/11/2015 Duración: 01h09min

    This week's episode had special guest Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute For Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/, Daniel McAdams. Daniel McAdams is the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute. He formally served as the foreign affairs, civil liberties, and defense policy advisor to U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, MD (R-Texas) from 2001 until Dr. Paul’s 2012 retirement. There's a popular misconception that libertarians advocating for a non-interventionist foreign policy is tantamount to isolationism. Nothing could be further from the truth, and the Ron Paul Institute is making progress advancing this understanding.In a little over a month, power relationships in the Middle Eastern war theater have shifted considerably. Daniel provides us with perspective on the recent United Nations meeting between Russian and U.S. officials, and what conclusions we might draw now that the U.S. policy establishment is being forced to play out a hand with unanticipated cards and, with Moscow essentia

  • Eric Sprott: Copper/Base Metals Bust Will Exacerbate Silver Supply Problems

    26/10/2015 Duración: 33min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sprott group of companies http://sprottinc.com/, Eric Sprott. Eric is a successful investor and has over 40 years of experience in the investment industry and has managed client funds for 37 years. During this 25+ minute interview, Jason asks Eric why does Wall St still give the Federal Reserve any credibility? Eric says no central bank should have any credibility left after all the artificial booms and busts the last few decades all over the globe. Eric blames the Keynesian mindset of many market participants for letting the status quo continue. Next, Jason asks Eric about the recent elections in Canada and if the results of those elections means higher taxes on Canadian oil companies and Canadian mining companies?Eric says it would be crazy for Canadian politicians to raise taxes on their resource companies during a long, painful bear market. Jason then asks Eric about weaker commodity currencies and t

  • Dr. Joseph Salerno: Another Major Bust Coming Soon

    26/10/2015 Duración: 46min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, Professor of Economics at Pace University, Academic VP of the Mises Institute https://mises.org/ and author of Money: Sound & Unsound, Dr. Joseph Salerno https://mises.org/profile/joseph-t-sa...During this 40+ minute discussion, Jason asks Dr. Salerno about the difference between the Austrian School of Economics, Keynesian Economics, Monetarism and Marxism. Dr Salerno summarizes these economic schools. Next, Jason asks Dr. Salerno, which Austrian School of Economics books beginners who are curious should start with?Jason then asks Joseph about Keynes and Keynesian Economics and why Keynesian Economics is largely to blame for the global economic problems we are experiencing. Jason then asks Dr. Salerno about the Austrian True Money Supply or TMS, which is something Dr. Salerno invented with Murray Rothbard to to track monetary supply growth or inflation. Despite the mainstream financial media, Wall St, the Federal Reserve and academic Keynesians

  • Andrew Chanin: ETFs Great Tools for Investors to Diversify

    20/10/2015 Duración: 47min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of Pure Funds http://www.pureetfs.com/index.html, Andrew Chanin to talk about his success as an entrepreneur, his ETFs, the gold and silver markets and technologies like cyber security, mobile payments and big data where he recently launched ETFs. Andrew's company has become a great success and a pioneer innovator in exchange traded funds (ETFs) since its inception in 2010. His entrepreneurial success story was recently featured in a Bloomberg article: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/article...Learn about Andrew's path to success and his innovative ETFs in this 30+ minute interview!

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 10: Crony Capitalists/Warmongers of the World, Unite!!

    20/10/2015 Duración: 01h48min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and independent financial journalist and managing editor of The News Doctors http://thenewsdoctors.com/, Eric Dubin are back for Episode #10 of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast! This is a long episode over 90 minutes. In this episode, Jason and Eric discuss:1) Glencore, base metals collapsing and emerging markets potentially collapsing2) China globalizing the Yuan even more with another new infrastructure system for the next global financial system https://www.rt.com/business/318103-china-payment-system-yuan/3) Deutche Bank http://thenewsdoctors.com/a-liquidity-crisis-hit-the-banking-system-in-september-dave-kranzler/4) The CME permanently banning 3 small HFT traders for manipulating gold and silver markets http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-12/cme-group-permanently-bars-three-traders-for-exchange-violations5) The current bear market rally in stocks and how it probably won't last and how capital is being rotated into gold and silver stocksJason and Eric also disc

  • David Morgan: Why Glencore Could Be The Next Lehman

    16/10/2015 Duración: 45min

    Wall St for Main St interviewed David Morgan, who is the editor of The Morgan Report and the co-author of The Silver Manifesto. In this podcast, we discussed the current state of the silver/gold market including the precious metals stocks. Also, we talked about Glencore and the impact it could have on the economy and commodities market. Plus much more!

  • October 2015: Listener Questions Answered

    14/10/2015 Duración: 59min

    In this podcast, Wall St for Main St took the the time to answer a few questions from our listeners. We had a few questions on the inflation vs deflation debate, how to store gold/silver internationally, how to open a bank account off shore and much more!

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