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James Corbett: Japan is Playing With Fire



In this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks James about why China is dumping US Treasuries?James thinks China felt it's currency dropped too much in value and it had to sell a large amount of its US Treasury holdings to stabilize the currency. Next, Jason asks James if he thinks Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries will retaliate against China in another round of currency wars for China's devaluation?James thinks the currency wars between Asian countries never stopped and will continue unabated. Jason then asks James why he thinks the Yen hasn't collapsed yet? They discuss Japan's debt problem and how Japan may be in the process of doing a debt for equity swap throughout their entire society. Jason then asks James about whether Japan is helping prop up the US stock market and US Treasury markets because there's a 1:1 correlation with the Yen falling and the US stock market rising. James thinks Japan's government does what they are told to help the US government and US markets out at Japan's own expense.