Wall St For Main St

Dr. Kent Moors: OPEC Sovereign Wealth Funds Shorting Oil



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, oil and energy expert Dr. Kent Moors. http://oilandenergyinvestor.com/.Dr. Moors has over 30 years of experience working in the oil and energy industries in many different positions as well as a consultant for big oil companies, oil producing countries, etc.He's invited to important oil meetings in London, Dubai, etc. During this 40+ minute discussion about the oil market, Dr. Moors says there's absolutely ZERO evidence that oil demand has collapsed but rather that there's a small over supply of oil and he also drops a bombshell that the sovereign wealth funds of Saudi Arabia and other key OPEC countries have been shorting the paper oil price to try and bankrupt higher cost and debt laden US shale oil producers so OPEC and the Saudis can regain market share. Wall St then jumped on the trade on the short side and is convinced that oil will go much lower from these levels. Dr. Moors thinks many higher cost, bad balance sheet oil producers can survive m