Wall St For Main St

Welcome to Dystopia Episode 6 w/ Kerry Lutz: Can't Accurately Predict When SHTF



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and co-host of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast, independent financial and geopolitical analyst, and the managing editor of The News Doctorshttp://thenewsdoctors.com/, Eric Dubin, had on former successful lawyer and entrepreur and current host of the very popular Financial Survival Network show http://financialsurvivalnetwork.com/, Kerry Lutz for this week's show.Financial Survival Network has over 14 million downloads on iTunes in only a few years since it was started. During this new episode of Welcome to Dystopia, Jason asks Kerry about how he found the Austrian School of Economics and became a Libertarian when he was a successful lawyer in NYC. Kerry talks about the Austrian School Economics and then Jason asks him about the problems with today's legal system. Kerry thinks the legal system continues to spiral out of control with power and corruption and is a symptom of the decline in the US. Jason asks Kerry about inflation and deflation and if he's surprised TPTB have b