Staying Well

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z, hosted by senior health correspondent, Melanie Cole, MS. Melanie interviews experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.


  • Why Are So Many Veterans Taking Their Own Lives?


    During the time of a recent study published in The Annals of Epidemiology, there was at least one veteran who committed suicide each day.Putting your own life at risk for the freedom and protection of millions of other lives is one of the most selfless and courageous gestures a person could make.However, it seems like every day there's an article featuring yet another veteran who has taken his or her life after returning home from overseas. Does this mean there's a flaw within America's healthcare system and how returning soldiers are being taken care of?Veteran's suicide has been one of the most controversial topics that doctors, researchers and families of veterans have been discussing for many years.In fact, a recent study published in the February issue of the Annals of Epidemiology highlighted this issue. Thousands of military personnel's lives have been taken due to suicide. The study looked at all 1,282,074 veterans who served in active duty units between 2001-2007 and who also left the military during

  • Gambling Addiction: How to Spot the Warning Signs


    A whopping 88 percent of U.S. adults have gambled at some point in their life; but when does it turn into a problem?According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, approximately three million American adults have a gambling addiction. Damon Dye, EdD, sheds some light on what gambling addiction really is and what you can do to help yourself or a loved one who’s addicted. A gambling addiction is similar to drug or alcohol addiction, because biochemical changes happen in the brain that make it nearly impossible for the addict to control or modify their behavior. Damon Dye, a licensed mental health professional and a National Board Approved Clinical Consultant for the National Council on Problem Gambling, estimates that a gambling addiction affects around three percent of the population. Between 95 and 97 percent of people can gamble without becoming addicted.Casual vs. ProblematicSo, how can you tell when your gambling habits have crossed from recreational to addictive? Most gambling is done socially, so

  • Eat Better & Live Longer: Improve Your Heart Health in Just 8 Weeks


    Heart disease is the number-one killer for both men and women but can be highly preventable.Even with the progression of understanding heart disease, it's still the number-one killer among men and women. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year. That's one in every four deaths.The good news is, heart disease can be prevented. Depending on whether your doctor has encouraged new and healthy behaviors, or if you have a known history of heart disease in your family, you might be able to turn your life around in just eight weeks.How can you improve your heart health in such little time?You can make a HUGE difference in just a short period of time, and it all starts with getting just a little more active. Recently, studies have shown the dangers of sitting too long and how it can damage your health as much as smoking. However, by getting up and walking frequently, you can reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol, boost weight los

  • 5 Ways to Reinvigorate Your Love Life


    When was the last time you tried something new with your partner?Being in a loving relationship can be such an euphoric time. As you grow into your relationship, everything new can be exciting, and before you even realize it, you're head over heels.However, depending on how long you've been with your partner, you might find that life has thrown just about every curveball at your relationship; you have a demanding job, you're involved in social clubs, you may have a kid (or two)... all leaving you little room for intimacy.Romance in your relationship might have found a more comforting level, which might have put a halt to you and your partners sex life. However, on romantic holidays, like an anniversary,  it can create an overwhelming pressure and expectation for you to show affection, appreciation, and achieve the best sex ever. It might also be a great time to ask yourself, when was the last time you and your partner tried something new?Not to worry, there are five ways you can reinvigorate your love life an

  • Dry, Itchy & Uncomfortable Down There: Do You Have a Yeast Infection?


    Three out of four women experience a yeast infection at some point in their lives.If you've ever experienced a yeast infection, you know how uncomfortable the symptoms are. You may also remember how embarrassed you may have felt, and that you didn't want to discuss it with anyone... even your doctor.However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 75 percent of all adult women have had at least one yeast infection at some point. A yeast infection is a type of vaginitis (inflammation of your vagina) that occurs when the natural bacteria and yeast in your vagina are disrupted and cause excess yeast, which leads to an infection.What are the symptoms of a yeast infection?Symptoms associated of a yeast infection include itching, irritation in and around your vagina, burning, swelling, redness, vaginal pain, soreness, and a thick odor-free discharge. It's important to note that if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor right away to rule out the poss

  • Trick or Trouble: Life-Saving Advice for Your Pets this Halloween


    Halloween can be fun and exciting for you and your children, but can cause stress and anxiety for your pets.Halloween can be a fun and exciting time for your family. You may also think to include your cat or dog in the Halloween dress-up and trick-or-treat rituals. Or, if you're in charge of candy distribution this year, you may think strangers in costumes constantly ringing the doorbell won't be a problem for your companion.However, without following safety precautions, your playful Halloween night could turn into a real-life nightmare with your pet seriously injured or sick.What specific candies are especially dangerous to your pets?When it comes to candy, you don't necessarily have to worry about your cat as much as you do your dog. Anything within mouth (or paw reach) such as chocolate, raisins, pumpkins, cookies, and other treats can be extremely toxic to your dog if ingested in large amounts. You also want to be careful of candy wrappers that are carelessly tossed in your house or throughout your neighb

  • Periodontal Disease: Do You Need Gum Graft Surgery?


    Gum graft surgery is a procedure where tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth and used to help treat your infected gums.Maintaining dental hygiene is crucial for your overall health. Not only do you depend on your mouth for breathing, but it's also the opening where food enters and digests into your intestines. When your mouth isn't taken care of, you could increase your risk of developing several oral infections and diseases.For instance, periodontal disease happens when plaque continues to build up and hardens on your gum line and causes your gums to swell. Usually, brushing and flossing can help get rid of access plaque, but can quickly form in your mouth within 24 hours. The longer the plaque is left in your mouth, the harder it is to get rid of.What are some symptoms of periodontal disease?If you have swollen and bright red gums, if your gums are tender to touch, receding gums, new spaces between your teeth, bad breath, a bad taste in your mouth, and if your teeth are loose, then you might have peri

  • Death With Dignity: Why Terminally Ill Patients Seek Aid in Dying


    Medical aid in dying is a controversial topic. Should terminally ill patients be allowed to decide their death?If you've been told you have a terminal illness and your time is limited, your whole life can flash in front of you. It can also turn your world completely upside down. The journey ahead may be painful, uncertain, terrifying and extremely emotional. Trying to live a "normal" life may not be possible anymore.If you knew you were going to die a painful and slow death in the months to come, would you consider medical aid in dying?29-year-old Brittney Maynard learned she has a rare brain cancer that left her with six months to live. Just newly married and trying for a family, Maynard's life as she knew it was over. There is no cure that is going to save her life. The radiation she would need would deteriorate her quality of life, and instead of being able to enjoy her last living months, her days would be spent bedridden and unpalatable.She has stated several times that she does not want to die, but she

  • Ebola Scare in the US: The Beginning of the End?


    Is the U.S. really prepared if an Ebola outbreak was to occur?When the news first broke about a deadly virus in Western Africa in March, you might have paid little attention. Over the last few months, the virus has taken thousands of lives. But you still may not have felt threatened.Until now.Currently, five Ebola victims are in the United States for treatment. This may have caused you to question if you're truly safe.Who are these fateful five?The first to arrive were medical missionaries Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly. Both had been serving in Africa and were transported back to the U.S. to seek medical treatment for Ebola. They received an experimental drug, ZMapp, and have been Ebola-free ever since.Another doctor and missionary, Dr. Rick Sacra, was flown in from Africa and taken to a Nebraska hospital. He was treated for Ebola over a three-week period.Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian man, began showing symptoms of Ebola after visiting his family for a couple of weeks in the U.S. He is fighting for his

  • How Marijuana Can Impact Your Quality of Sleep


    Contrary to popular belief, marijuana can actually disrupt your sleep pattern and cause greater sleep problems to arise.According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana is the most common illicit drug used in the United States. In fact, usage among adolescents has been on the rise since 2007. Many states have legalized marijuana usage; but, do you really know what it's doing to your health?A study conducted by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania suggests marijuana usage could be associated with impaired sleep quality, especially if you've been using the drug since your teenage years.Prior studies have shown that many use marijuana as a sleep and stress aid to help relax. However, recent research suggests that marijuana can actually disrupt your sleep pattern and cause greater sleep problems.The researchers used adults ranging from 20-59 years old that responded to a 2007-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). In this survey, a h

  • 9 Health Benefits of Pet Ownership


    Your pet brings many other health benefits besides unconditional and loyal love.If you have a dog or cat, you may already know the wonderful perks of having a furry companion. The happy greeting as soon as you come home from work, the endless kisses, and the comfort of a snuggle can make you appreciate each day.Whether you're a cat or dog (or maybe small rodent or reptile) person, there are numerous health benefits to owning a pet. Your pet brings many other health benefits besides unconditional and loyal love. Studies have shown that having a pet lowers blood pressure, reduces your stress and anxiety, boosts your immunity, and boosts your mood. What are some health benefits associated with pet ownership?Pet allergies are the most common allergies and can often trigger asthma. However, studies have found that animals, specifically cats in your home, can help you develop immunity to asthma and other allergies. Also, according to a study that was published in the Journal of Physical Activity, dog owners walk an

  • 8 Biggest Retirement Mistakes & How to Prevent Them


    What do you need to do to make sure you are able to retire?Have you dreamed of your retirement since you started your first day of work? Some days it can seem like your retirement is a far-fetched fantasy that you will never see. However, this does not mean you shouldn't know your options and begin planning for that day.Unfortunately, researching the options of retirement can be confusing, which can lead to unrealistic planning of your future. In fact, according to the Federal Reserve, one in five people who are near the average retirement age have ZERO money saved. Also included in the study conducted by the Federal Reserve: 41 percent of people between the ages of 18-29 said they have never thought about retirement.Not saving enough money is one of the biggest retirement mistakes you can make.Why does it seem people aren't concerned with their retirement planning?It may seem foolish to not save money for your retirement, but not many people have that option. If you're stuck at a job earning low wages, or ca

  • How to Sleep Better When Traveling


    What are some things you can do to help promote healthy sleep while you're away from home?When you have to travel for work, or if you're finally on your way to a vacation, one of the biggest concerns of your trip might be getting enough sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need roughly seven to eight hours of sleep each night.But, long travel delays, uncomfortable seating in a plane, car or train, missing the comfort of your own bed, and crossing time zones that cause jet lag can cause you to miss out on some much-needed shuteye.What exactly is jet lag?Jet leg happens when your internal clock is disrupted when you travel across time zones, which can cause extreme fatigue, insomnia and irritability.How can you maintain healthy sleep while traveling?Sadly, there is no way around traveling; but there are some things you can do to help promote healthy sleep while you are on the road (or in the air) and at an unfamiliar hotel.While packing your luggage, be sure to include earplugs and a face m

  • When Do You Need CareFlight Air Responses?


    If you have an emergency but cannot be reached by an ambulance, what are your options?What if you or a loved one had an emergency trauma but were out of reach of an ambulance? Are you able to be airlifted to the nearest hospital?CareFlight is a growing medical advancement that gives you quick and safe transportation 24 hours a day to the nearest hospital when you are unable to drive and don't have access to an ambulance.Miami Valley Hospital (MVH) started using CareFlight services in 1983 and currently serves over 200 hospitals and more than 700 fire and police departments. CareFlight is also equipped with mobile intensive care units (ICU) that have up-to-date medical technology and top emergency practitioners.When would you need to call CareFlight?Typically, CareFlight is used in any trauma: motor vehicle accidents, if you've fallen from a significant height, shootings or stabbings, and heart attacks or strokes.How much does CareFlight cost?Unfortunately, using CareFlight can be a little more expensive than

  • Disaster Prep in the Digital Age: Are You Ready?


    September is National Preparedness Month. Do you know the tools you need if an emergency occurs?Throughout the years, there have been many notable tragedies all over the world that have left many without their homes, family members or resources to survive.It's hard to predict when a natural disaster will occur; but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared for when it does.The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security which sustains that all citizens -- together as a nation -- can prepare, protect, respond and recover from any natural disaster or hazard. FEMA recommends that you use all your resources available to stay connected and safe during a natural disaster. Your smartphone offers a world of knowledge and information, right at your fingertips. Keeping your phone at hand is second nature, so why not take the time to turn it into a life-saving device in times of emergencies?Smartphones are capable of incredible things, and staying connec

  • What If You Suspect Medical Malpractice?


    What information do you need to know before pursuing a medical malpractice suit?Medical malpractice is professional negligence by a healthcare provider. It occurs when a specific treatment provided falls below accepted standards of practice in the medical community and results in an injury or death in the patient receiving the treatment.It is often seen in outpatient care centers.These centers can seem appealing for certain procedures, since they can offer benefits of convenience and affordability. However, some outpatient centers may not have the proper equipment or staff on standby, ready to deal with an emergency.According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the United States.Joan Rivers, 81, went into cardiac and respiratory arrest at an outpatient surgery clinic in Manhattan during an elective vocal cord procedure and was then rushed six minutes across town to Mount Sinai Hospital for emergency care. She died one week later.

  • Chronic Cough Enigma: How to Recognize Silent Reflux


    Silent reflux causes stomach acid to back up into your nasal airway, throat, and voice box and can be the reason for your chronic cough.If you have trouble breathing in, you may be one of more than 100 million Americans suffering from Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR), otherwise known as silent reflux.There are two valves located at both ends of your esophagus (called a sphincter muscle) that help the contents in your stomach flow from one end to the other. However, with LPR, the sphincter muscles don't work properly and stomach acid moves back into the throat, nasal airway and voice box.Unlike acid reflux where you can feel indigestion and heartburn, the symptoms you feel if you have LPR are very different and are exactly what the name suggests: silent.Symptoms include hoarseness, postnasal drip, sinusitis, allergies, asthma, sore throat, trouble swallowing, and cough.What is enigmatic chronic cough and how is it related to LPR?An enigma is defined as something that is difficult to interpret or understand and v

  • Pregnant & Tired of Waiting? Risks of Early Elective Delivery


    40 weeks may seem like a long time to be pregnant, but do you know the health risks associated with an early elective delivery?Pregnancy may seem like an overwhelmingly long waiting game to meet your baby, and as a result you might consider an early elective delivery.An early elective delivery is a non-medical procedure performed to deliver your baby on a specific date two or three weeks prior to your pregnancy's full term.According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, doctors have been warning against early elective delivery since 1979. However, some women do not want to wait the full 40 weeks and decide on an early elective delivery at 37-38 weeks.Even though it doesn't seem harmful to induce labor before the full term, there are some major risks for both you and your baby.One of the most significant risks is that your baby is still growing and developing organs up until the last week of your pregnancy. Your baby's lungs, brain and liver are among the last organs to develop at the end

  • A Degenerative Illness: Understanding Parkinson’s Disease


    Roughly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease annually. Do you know the early symptoms?Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disease that affects motor movement. Parkinson's typically starts off with muscle stiffness, loss of balance or a small tremor, causing you to lose partial control of your hands or other limbs. Over time, the symptoms get worse.It is estimated that three out of 100 people in the U.S. will have Parkinson's disease by age 70, making it the second most common neuro-degenerative disease.Although the condition usually develops after the age of 65, approximately 15 percent of those diagnosed are under age 50.What are some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease?The disease affects patients in different ways. What one patient may experience, another may not. For example, progression can be quick in some patients, whereas other patients may experience symptoms slowly over time.Unfortunately, Parkinson's disease cannot be detected by an MRI or a CT Scan and is diag

  • Adult Kidney Transplants: How Long Do You Have to Wait?


    There are many who need a kidney transplant, but there are simply not enough donors.A kidney transplant is needed when one (or both) of your kidneys is infected and needs to be replaced by a healthy kidney from another person. A kidney transplant can come from a living or deceased donor.According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, there are 100,602 patients who are currently waiting for a kidney transplant.Unfortunately, the supply does not meet the demand; there are simply not enough donors. The trouble is finding an eligible donnor -- someone either living or deceased who matches your blood type.How long do you typically have to wait for a kidney transplant?Many people have Type A blood, so there are more Type A donors than there are Type B or Type O. If you have Type A or Type AB, your wait time could be a three months to a year. Unfortunately, if you have a Type O blood, you can be waiting for three to seven years.Where you live and your age also plays a major role in who can donate and your waiting

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