Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle



Cristy CodeRed Nickel, author of The Code Red Revolution, is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete.In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time.Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red


  • Don't Sleep One More Night with the Frogs

    07/02/2024 Duración: 32min

    The Book of Exodus in the Bible tells the story of how God used Moses to free the Israelites from centuries of enslavement in Egypt. Egypt's ruler, Pharaoh, refused to let God's people go, so God sent plagues into Egypt. The second of those plagues was frogs. EVERYWHERE. Frogs in their houses, in their bedrooms, in their beds, in their servant's houses, and even ON the Egyptians and their servants! Can you imagine? (I can't imagine touching one frog, much less having wall-to-wall frogs in my house, in my bed, and hopping all over me!) But this is the part of the story that always gets me. When Moses went to Pharaoh and asked him when he should remove the frogs, you know what Pharaoh said? "Tomorrow." Uh…what??? WHY would Pharaoh want his people to spend even one more night with the frogs? It seems weird, but how often in life do we wait around in rotten situations, like Pharaoh did with the frogs, instead of starting NOW? If you still haven't taken your life back with Code Red...or you're figuratively "sleepi

  • No, weight loss is NOT all MENTAL!

    31/01/2024 Duración: 30min

    Almost every day, I hear someone say something that just isn't true: "Weight loss is all mental." If weight loss was ALL mental, you could sit around and think your way to goal weight (without having to address what you're doing that's causing your weight problem in the first place). Does mindset have a place? Oh, absolutely! The right mindset makes everything easier. But weight loss is not "all" mental. That's like saying getting your car out of the garage and into the grocery store parking lot is ALL mental. Unless you're telekinetic, no, it isn't!

  • Learning it vs Living it

    24/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    It was 2016, and I was sitting across the table from a lady who'd put on some weight. I didn't say a word about her weight, but she knew what I did and opened up to me. I asked if she'd thought about doing a custom program with me. "Look, I know what to do," she said. Andrea Dell, my Director of Coaching and a Code Red Certified Coach, heard a speaker at a summit in 2019 point out that just because you learn something doesn't mean you can LIVE it. We're SO conditioned to think that learning something is enough to be able to DO it. If your goal is to memorize information so you can pass a test or win on Jeopardy, then yeah, learning is enough. But if you want to transform, just learning what to do won't cut it. People get caught in this cycle of thinking that all their problems will be solved if they just find the right "new information." To hear why that kind of thinking is destroying your ability to get and keep the transformation you want--like losing weight and keeping it off--join me and Andrea for this e

  • From 350 to 150 in 18 months with Lory Stobart

    17/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    Can you imagine losing over 200 pounds? Lory doesn’t need to imagine it, because a year and a half ago she weighed 355 pounds. She vividly remembers how often she traveled at that size and the challenges that came with it, like slogging through airports drenched in sweat... Like making sure she wasn't bumping into people as she boarded and got off the plane... Like hoping she wasn't seated next to someone who was as big as she was, because they’d be "spilling over" onto each other. (That did happen a few times, and it was super uncomfortable.) The armrests cut into her thighs and she wanted to leave them up, but didn't because she didn't think it wasn’t fair to the other passengers. She got tired of asking for the seat belt extender, so ordered her own off Amazon. At work conferences, she'd sit all day in seats that didn’t fit and bit into her legs, so she'd always try to find the widest chair possible. Travel anxieties like these are just a fraction of the extreme hardships Lory found relief from after losin


    10/01/2024 Duración: 22min

    Sometimes we forget about the little things that make a big difference. That's why, in this podcast episode, I'm sharing five simple strategies you can use to enhance your results with the Code Red Lifestyle™. Maybe you forgot about them or maybe you just never knew, but any one of them could be a game-changer for you. Tune in to get these five little strategies that can make a BIG difference! AVC MAKING A LIST TAKING PROGRESS PHOTOS & MEASUREMENTS INFUSING YOUR WATER DRINKING YOUR WATER HOT HONORABLE MENTION: TAKING SALT PILLS ---- Become a Code Red VIP ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click Below to join the challenge! ---- Connect with Cristy: Instagram


    03/01/2024 Duración: 48min

    I get these questions all the time: "Cristy, what supplements do you offer?" and "Which supplements should I take?" In this week's episode, Cari and I sit down to talk you through which supplements Code Red currently offers and what they do for you. If you've ever looked at Code Red supplements and been curious, but unsure which ones to take (or what they do), then tune into this week's podcast and get a full breakdown. Code Red supplements are safe and absorbable because they're made with bioavailable components. There’s no junk, no crazy pharmaceuticals, and no addictive drugs. If you’re getting crap multivitamins from big box stores you’re getting little to no benefit from them. (You may as well eat your money and poop that out.) You're also getting all the fillers and additives, which can inflame your body. Pretty backwards thing to have happen with a nutritional supplement that's supposed to HELP your body. If you decide Code Red supplements aren't for you, that's fine. But before you decide either way (

  • Skin in the GAME

    27/12/2023 Duración: 38min

    This podcast episode is about why success is next to impossible without enough skin in the game. People message me all the time and say, "I bought a Home Study program for my nephew, and he never even did it," or "I bought a Home Study program for my mom, and she never lost any weight with it." This is sad, but it doesn't surprise me at all, because I’ve NEVER seen anybody succeed when they don't have skin in the game. Meaning, they’re not going to value something they get for free because people do not value free (especially if someone else forces it on them, even with good intentions). It's the same if you buy something for your kids vs. if you make them purchase part of it themselves. If they help buy it, they will appreciate it more. (Same deal with their time. If they help choose and cook breakfast, they'll be more invested in eating it.) It's not about the money (or even the time) itself. It’s about the fact that most people aren't invested enough if they don't trade something of value to them in order

  • The FIGHT gets HARDER

    20/12/2023 Duración: 33min

    In this episode we’re talking about yo-yo dieting. My mom said something funny but true about losing weight: The more you yo-yo, the harder the "yo" gets. In other words, the more your weight bounces up, the harder it is to get it back down. I'm not trying to discourage you if you've fallen off the wagon. I get it and Code Red is here for you! What I'm saying is that yo-yoing brings physical and psychological problems that get worse the more you do it. To be clear, that doesn't mean all hope is lost. It DOES mean that you can make things easier on yourself by stopping the yo-yo NOW. In this episode I'll dive into yo-yoing and how you can put a stop to it. Some of what I say is gonna surprise you. (The Cristy of six years ago would NEVER have said it!) Tune in and get motivated to end the yo-yo! ---- Become a Code Red VIP ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click Below to join the challenge! http://bit.

  • You don't get to hit the PAUSE button!

    13/12/2023 Duración: 32min

    This episode is probably gonna ruffle some feathers, and in true Cristy form, I'm leaning into it! Here's the deal. We all wanna hit the pause button on life sometimes. The problem with that is, in life you're always moving in one direction or another, even when it "feels like" you're pausing. For example, people wanna pause their fitness routine (if you’re into that) or their healthy eating over the holidays. They wanna pause walking their dog twice a day, or pause posting on social media to grow their business. What they don't realize is that they aren't "pausing" anything. Instead, they've pivoted from moving toward something to moving away from it. It really begs the question: Why does pausing something we know is important come so easily, while staying in momentum feels like a grind...and why is the urge to pause much worse during the holidays? That's exactly what I'm gonna cover in this episode. If you're struggling to stay committed to something, or just want momentum to build on your commitment, tune


    06/12/2023 Duración: 35min

    Most people want change without having to change. The thing is, change is inevitable. You can wait around for it to strike in the form of disaster, or you can design it yourself and have some control over it. Training a dog is a great example of this. A trained dog is easier to control than an untrained dog. The catch is, you've gotta design how you want your dog to behave, and then train it to meet that design. You can also leave your dog to its own'll do what dogs do...and it'll probably turn into a "disaster" of a dog. Same with anything in your life. Your relationships, your finances, your health, how you spend your time... You can either design it into what you want it to be...or you can wait around for it to turn into a disaster. And while you can't control every little thing that happens, I guarantee you have more impact on your own life (and health) than you think. So for tips on how to design what you desire (instead of suffer with disasters), tune into this episode. ---- Become a Code R

  • You're doing TOO MUCH!

    29/11/2023 Duración: 24min

    In this week’s episode we’re talking about doing TOO much to get a result you want (like weight loss). It's pretty easy to get sucked into thinking you need "all the bells and whistles"....even though they won't do jack squat to move the needle in whatever result you're working to get for yourself. Case in point: I once bought an Oura Ring and paid over $300 for it. It’s a beautiful ring that looks like a wedding ring, and it measures all sorts of metrics in your body, including core temperature, heart rate variability, and tons of other stuff. In other words, it had all the bells and whistles. But I ended up just selling it, all because it measured TOO MUCH stuff that I didn’t understand or care about...stuff that wasn't going to move the needle for me. A lot of people fall prey to complicated bells and whistles that promise you everything but the kitchen sink...while simultaneously ignoring the non-negotiable basics that actually move the needle. That's why, in this week's new podcast episode, Cari and I ar


    22/11/2023 Duración: 38min

    This episode is all about navigating the holidays when you’re on a weight loss/health journey. There's a lot to love about the holidays...but the holidays can also be so incredibly tough. There's the stress and pressure of all the extra obligations..of feeling lonely...of missing loved ones you either don't get to see or who are gone. And if you're on a health journey, it adds yet another layer of challenges. Many Rebels go into the holidays feeling massive anxiety about it. First, the Halloween candy moves in. And then it’s on clearance for 80% off and it’s hard to turn down. And then they have candy and cookies and other sweets at the bank, the doctor’s office, the pharmacy, and even the gym (seriously???). For nearly four months you're bombarded. That's a third of the year! It's no wonder the average American gains 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's. So what do you do if you're feeling conflicted because there are parts of the holidays you love, but parts you don't? And what can you do when you


    15/11/2023 Duración: 35min

    Have you gone from program to program to program to lose weight? If you're like most people, the answer is YES. Maybe you've even been successful with Code Red and swore up and down you were "never going back"... And then you DID go back. Maybe you even joined some other program thinking IT would be the magic fix you need to stop regaining weight. Either way, tune into this episode , where I'm joined by my sister, Cari, to talk about program switching. Specifically, we'll dive into why program switching is probably hurting you more than you realize... Especially if you're doing it because you're looking for something you think "isn't restrictive." (Wait 'til you hear our take on's really gonna open your eyes!) Get ready for another dose of no-B.S. truth to set yourself FREE! ---- Become a Code Red VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose y


    08/11/2023 Duración: 29min

    This might sound crazy, but a surprising number of people are scared of goal weight. What's more, people who struggle with this don't expect to struggle with it. But as they get close to goal weight, they start "stalling" and think it's because they're close to goal. As in, "Does it get harder to lose weight the closer you get to goal?" No, it doesn't. And yet, some people experience weight loss stalls as they get close to goal...not because their body starts to resist dropping the weight, but because of what's going on between their ears. In this episode, I'm diving into what's going on when you get close to goal and then "stall." If you're scared of goal weight, if you're stalled out a few pounds above gaol weight, or if you just wanna know why this happens with some people so you can get out in front of it, tune into this episode about what to do if you're scared of goal weight. ---- Become a Code Red VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platform


    01/11/2023 Duración: 33min

    I live my life out loud. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And often that shows up on episodes of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle, including this week's episode. For this one, I gathered up your most asked questions for 2023. Join me for this raw, transparent episode and get my answers to these five questions people keep asking me: Why did you start THE SHIFT? What is the difference between Code Red and SHIFT? Will you compete again in bodybuilding? What happened to Cari? Does she still work for Code Red? Are you and Brad dating? (Yes, people keep asking me #5.


    25/10/2023 Duración: 35min

    I get asked this question all the time: "Cristy, how do I build more confidence?" It always shocks me how little confidence most people have. Next to self-worth, it's probably the biggest thing people struggle with. I think it’s pretty well known that I’ve got loads of confidence. I’m 47. I’ve lived a lot of life, and I’ve done a lot of things. But I know a lot of people my age who don’t have a lot of confidence, so it’s not just an age thing. So why is it that I have so much confidence, even in things that I don’t know how to do, including in things I’m not skilled at and in situations I’ve never been in? Why won’t you see me freak out, get all embarrassed, hide my face, and start laughing nervously or talking bad about myself, even when doing something I don't know how to do (and am not very good at)? And how can you restore your confidence (and even take it to all new heights)? Find out in this podcast episode. I really think the world would be so much better if people had more confidence. Tune into this e

  • WATCH your MOUTH

    18/10/2023 Duración: 33min

    This episode is all about how you could be sabotaging yourself with your words...and not even realize it. I learned about the power of words when I was very young. I would say, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t,” a lot because I believed that I couldn’t. Then my mom caught me saying it and told me, “You are NOT, ‘Cristy, I can’t!’ You are, ‘Cristy, I can!'” I believed her, and it totally shifted what I believed I could do in life. You cannot be successful if your words aren't right. You’ve got to watch your mouth! Thoughts become things, but words give our thoughts power. And you can create OR destroy just from what you say. Tune into this episode to hear more examples of how and why to "watch your mouth" if you actually wanna get and stay successful with your goals (including your weight loss). ---- Become a Code Red VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lo

  • Fight the Demons

    11/10/2023 Duración: 26min

    I am always raw and unfiltered with you, and this week’s podcast episode is no exception. I'm getting vulnerable and letting it all hang out as I face and fight some demons. If you're fighting demons, too, tune in and hear my story. Maybe it'll give you some hope, some comfort, some courage, and especially, a reminder that you are not alone in struggling against darkness. Not everyone's gonna love my use of the word demons, and that's okay. If you don't, you probably also won't like me saying that the spiritual realm is even more real than the physical realm. (It’s hard for us to wrap our heads around that. I get it.) Either way, join me for this episode as I share the lessons I've learned from digging into the darkness to face and fight the demons so I can heal...including how you can apply what I've learned to YOUR battles against darkness. ---- Time to make a shift: ---- Become a Code Red VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other socia

  • The MISSING component!

    04/10/2023 Duración: 01h19min

    In this week's podcast episode, Brad and I are sharing how The SHIFT can help you create the life of your dreams (including a healthy body). You've heard me talk about The SHIFT, a new company I co-founded with Brad Pickett. The SHIFT focuses on mind, body, AND spirit, so for a lot of people, it's the missing component they need to be successful (including in weight loss). What I didn't realize for a long time is that for a surprising number of people, just the THOUGHT of success can be daunting. It might be success at weight loss, financial success, relationship success - pretty much anything. For some, it’s a self-worth issue. They don't believe they deserve success. For others, the success they want is so different from anything they've ever known that they don't believe it's possible. Whatever the reason, it makes it challenging to set and pursue goals because you keep thinking, "What if I'm not successful?" Or worse, "What if I AM successful? What will I have to give up?" Listen, you deserve a great life

  • You don't get to CHOOSE how someone loves you w/ Brad Pickett

    27/09/2023 Duración: 47min

    This week’s topic isn't directly related to weight loss, health, or nutrition. But it could be impacting your ability to stay on track. I know because this topic is something I didn't actually wanna get into. I felt resistance and I didn’t wanna know the truth. At the same time, I DO want to learn, because when it comes to relationships, I don't wanna make the same mistakes I've already made. To help me help you with this, too, I invited special guest Brad Pickett onto the podcast to talk about choosing how someone loves us. As in, when it comes to love, we want to CHOOSE how other people love us. We want to change them to be who WE think they should be. When it's clear they aren't gonna change (or if they do, it's just to get us to shut up about it, so they resent us while only pretending to change), we get mad at THEM... When really, we're the ones who put these expectations on another person that they didn't ask for. Listen, there's nothing wrong with asking for what you want. But expecting someone to chan

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