Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

From 350 to 150 in 18 months with Lory Stobart



Can you imagine losing over 200 pounds? Lory doesn’t need to imagine it, because a year and a half ago she weighed 355 pounds. She vividly remembers how often she traveled at that size and the challenges that came with it, like slogging through airports drenched in sweat... Like making sure she wasn't bumping into people as she boarded and got off the plane... Like hoping she wasn't seated next to someone who was as big as she was, because they’d be "spilling over" onto each other. (That did happen a few times, and it was super uncomfortable.) The armrests cut into her thighs and she wanted to leave them up, but didn't because she didn't think it wasn’t fair to the other passengers. She got tired of asking for the seat belt extender, so ordered her own off Amazon. At work conferences, she'd sit all day in seats that didn’t fit and bit into her legs, so she'd always try to find the widest chair possible. Travel anxieties like these are just a fraction of the extreme hardships Lory found relief from after losin