Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle



Cristy CodeRed Nickel, author of The Code Red Revolution, is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete.In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time.Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red



    20/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    On this week's episode, special guest Brad Pickett is back to talk about what we're calling “the most misunderstood word.” It is absolutely hands down NOT what you think! Understanding this word will help you break free if you're in circumstances where you feel powerless, such as: I can't make more money because my boss won't give me a raise I can't be happy because my spouse isn't happy I can't lose weight because of my genetics Taking your life back, like we do on Code Red, is about so much more than "losing weight." It's about understanding and owning how much power you actually have in your life, regardless of your current circumstances or what other people are doing. Tune into this week's podcast episode to learn "the most misunderstood word" and how to use it to take your power back and start getting the results you want in your life, no matter what's going on around you. ---- Time to make a shift: ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our n

  • Code Red vs OZEMPIC

    13/09/2023 Duración: 34min

    This week's episode features one of the most requested topics we’ve ever had: Code Red vs. Ozempic. Ozempic is a weekly injection that helps lower blood sugar by helping the pancreas make more insulin. It's not "officially" approved for weight loss, but when doctors noticed that people taking Ozempic were losing weight, they found ways to prescribe it to people who need to lose weight...even if those people are not diabetic. Because Ozempic's been bastardized and abused, we’re seeing a LOT of side effects, including stuff as serious as pancreatitis. What happens to food in the stomach of those taking Ozempic can also be pretty scary. To hear Cari and I break down ALL the details about how Ozempic works in the body, the side effects no one tells you about, and how it compares to Code Red for weight loss, check out this week's episode! You'll also hear us disagree on Ozempic’s uses, so tune in to hear exactly what we disagreed about (and why we ended up on the same page by the end of the episode). ---- Become a

  • Voting for your FUTURE with Brad Pickett

    06/09/2023 Duración: 48min

    Brad Pickett joins me again for this week's podcast, and we'll be talking about voting...but probably not in the way you're thinking. Yes, you go to the polls and vote for politicians. And any time you buy something, you're voting with your dollar (whether you realize it or not). But neither of those are the kind of voting Brad and I are talking about in this week's new podcast. We're talking about voting with your THOUGHTS. Seriously, did you know that with EVERY thought, you are voting for your future? Most people don’t realize it, but we CONSTANTLY have thoughts. (Some people call it "inner dialogue.") Some thoughts are pretty silly. Some are positive. Some are negative. And those negative thoughts can be a real problem. I first became aware of my thoughts back in 2016, when I met my first business coach, Natasha. She came into my office for weight loss and went on to lose 55.5 pounds in five months. Then she started helping me with my business and my mindset, and one of the first things we worked on were


    30/08/2023 Duración: 38min

    In this week’s episode, Andrea Dell, a Code Red Certified Coach and Code Red's Director of Coaching, joins me to talk about something anyone who's been at all successful with Code Red knows: That weight loss is not just weight loss. We go into weight loss THINKING that's all it'll be about. Our clothes will fit better, we can get around easier, we're less embarrassed at our appearance, and so on. But what ends up happening is that weight loss, while amazing, drops to the bottom of the list of benefits we started enjoying. Tune in to hear Andrea's story about how she discovered Code Red, why she decided to try it out, and especially, how and when she discovered that weight loss is MORE than weight loss... And why embracing that fact can transform not only your body, but your entire life! Use promo code, CODERED, for 85% off + Cristy’s Affiliate Income Secrets Bonus Training. ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other


    23/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    In this week's podcast, I'm joined by a special guest to talk about something SUPER controversial... Something that's raising a LOT of questions in our world and in health care...because the government (and pharmaceutical companies especially) don't want you to know about it. It has to do with the fact that, globally, we're expecting to see a 300% growth in metabolic syndrome in the next six years. Heck, a third of the U.S. is already diabetic, and it's getting worse all the time! Yet some very BIG corporations don't want you to know just how much power YOU have to dramatically improve your own wellness... And especially, to do it naturally, without their expensive medications (and the nasty side effects that come with them). Tune in for this week's podcast (especially if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, or are worried you might be) to hear what the government (and Big Pharma) doesn't want you to know about YOUR health. ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even


    16/08/2023 Duración: 40min

    In this week's episode, I welcome a special guest: Brad Pickett. Brad was born on a potato farm in Idaho. He grew up driving tractors and racing dirt bikes. After college, he went into real estate, but his real passions are: Mindset coaching Helping people Since mindset is something a lot of Rebels struggle with when it comes to their weight, I invited Brad onto this week's episode to talk about shifting your mindset in a way that will help you get and keep your weight off. Specifically, we're gonna talk about something that contributes, BIG TIME, to that urge to eat when you're not hungry: running from your problems. Seriously, when you feel uncomfortable, what do you do? Do you face the emotion? Or do you dive for any excuse you can NOT to face it? Look, we ALL have things that trigger us into not thinking straight. It doesn't make you a bad person or weak if you feel triggered into wanting to eat to cope with stuff. But it can be a huge problem, because it makes it SO much harder to stay on track. (Not imp


    09/08/2023 Duración: 36min

    If you’ve ever gotten to your goal weight, felt lost, and regained weight, this episode will help you understand what happened. Here’s the scoop. I boxed as a licensed professional fighter from 2002 to 2010. There was a lot of training, but I loved the feeling of knowing I could do hard things. After I retired from boxing, I felt lost. My identity was no longer "a fighter." To cope with that feeling, I immediately transitioned into another extreme sport: Cycling. And then I trained my butt off for that! Fast forward to this year, and I trained and got on stage for a bodybuilding competition at age 47. There are other really hard things I've sought out in my life, hiking Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon in climbing Mt. Whitney last year...and many others. What doing all these hard things has taught me is that when something is over that you really worked at, you can get depressed. You can feel lost and like you don’t have a purpose anymore... Kinda like when you finally get to goal weight


    02/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    This episode is about what it REALLY takes to lose the weight and keep it off. It’s not about foods or supplements, or anything else you might think. It’s about going the distance. Here’s what that means. I fought 15 pro fights all over the world during my boxing career, and in all that time, I was never knocked OUT, even fighting some of the toughest girls on the planet…because I could go the distance. See, one way you decide who to fight in boxing is by scouting the other fighters. As in, can she go the distance? Does she have the stamina to be able to last the whole fight? (A fighter that tires easily makes for a short, boring fight.) Getting what you want in life - like losing the weight and keeping it off for good - requires going the distance, too. You can start with something like the 10 Pound Takedown. That's exactly what I created it for - to help you START and see what you think. But at some point you've gotta decide you'll go the distance and stay in the fight. Because I want you to have what it ta

  • When they make you buy THEIR food!

    26/07/2023 Duración: 33min

    Ever tried a weight loss company's processed "weight loss" food? On the surface, it sounds like it’d be a great thing, doesn’t it? It's convenient, it's shipped right to you, and it takes the guesswork out of what to eat for weight loss...right? Well...MAYBE...but what happens when you don't wanna pay $400 a month for their "diet" frankenfood anymore? What happens when you go on vacation and don’t wanna drag their "diet foods" with you? HAVING to buy some company's processed diet foods to lose weight may sound great in theory... But there are some MAJOR pitfalls, and they can easily trick you into thinking you're "destined to be fat." To find out how and why, plus unravel (or prevent) brainwashing you may have been subjected to by companies that sell processed “diet foods”, check out this week's new podcast episode. We're diving into exactly why buying specialty processed diet foods ain't all it's cracked up to be, and why you do NOT need them to lose all the weight you want! ---- Become a VIP https://codered

  • What's wrong with being OBSESSED?

    19/07/2023 Duración: 34min

    When someone says to you, “You need to stop being so obsessed with your health,” you probably take it as an insult, right? "Obsession" has such a negative connotation that someone calling you obsessed about anything supposedly isn't "nice." But consider which is be obsessed with exercise and bodybuilding, or obsessed with drugs and alcohol? (We don't exercise for weight loss on Code Red, but you get my point.) Or how about this one...when you go on vacation, you can be obsessed about eating as much unhealthy food as you can get your hands on, or obsessed with healthy choices, getting your water in, and sleeping. And Katie bar the door if you choose real food, water, and sleep over "wine-thirty" and enough dessert to feed an entire small town! Suddenly you’re “obsessed” with your health and “no fun!” If someone's called you "obsessed" - and meant it as an insult - with your Code Red Lifestyle™, I recorded this episode for you. I have a totally different outlook on what it means to be obsessed, and i


    12/07/2023 Duración: 39min

    If you’re old school Code Red, you know the horrific story of my sister Cari's failed weight loss surgery. If you’re new to Code Red, buckle up for this one. Weight loss surgery is something that's pushed by the medical establishment (even though it's completely unnecessary to lose weight). People desperate to lose weight often see it as their "last hope" (even though it's not). If you're considering weight loss surgery instead of just living the Code Red Lifestyle™, make sure you check out this podcast episode first. If you've already had weight loss surgery, this episode will help you understand how and why YOU can still be successful with the Code Red Lifestyle™, even if you've gained back weight post-surgery (or still have more to lose). ---- Weightloss Surgery Survivors ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App www.code


    05/07/2023 Duración: 36min

    After my mom and I found I snake in her backyard recently - a LITERAL snake in the grass - I realized that when you’re on a weight loss or health journey, you have to navigate figurative “snakes in the grass” too. The Doritos in your pantry... The casserole Aunt Sally brings to the church potluck and says is "keto" (but how do you REALLY know?)... The "keto snacks" you see advertised on Instagram... They're all snakes in the grass, and to be successful at weight loss long-term (especially with all the "snakes in the grass" you'll encounter at summer barbecues, family reunions, camping trips, and potlucks), you've gotta know how to handle them. So tune into this episode where I'll shed light on how to make sure you don't get bitten by the "snakes in the grass" while you’re getting the weight off and TAKING YOUR LIFE BACK.   ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App www.codere

  • Code Red vs PHEN-FEN

    28/06/2023 Duración: 33min

    In this episode Cari and I continue our series comparing Code Red to different weight loss methods by tackling the diet pill Phen Fen. In case you’re not familiar with it, the PHEN in Phen Fen stands for phentermine, while the FEN stands for fenfluramine. It's a combination of two substances in one pill. So how does Phen Fen work? Why was it so popular in its heyday? And, most importantly, what are the side effects of using a pill to try and control your weight? Cari and I are covering all that and more in this episode. After hearing this episode, you might just decide that relying on pills to manage your weight ain't all it's cracked up to be. And, just like with our other episodes in this series, we're not holding back our opinions, but we're also bringing you the facts, so you can decide for yourself.   ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App

  • Code Red VS Beachbody

    21/06/2023 Duración: 30min

    This episode is the second in our series comparing Code Red with mainstream programs/options that claim to help you lose weight. For this episode, it’s Code Red vs. Beachbody! Tune in to hear what Beachbody does well, and where they fall short if you're looking to get AND keep your weight off. I'll also tell you the truth about their "coaches" (who I'm sure mean well, but there's more to being a coach than most people realize). You’ll learn how Code Red is different from Beachbody; plus, if you've ever tried Beachbody and it didn't work as well as you hoped, you'll learn a lot about why that is! ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click Below to join the challenge! ---- Connect with Cristy: Instagram ht


    14/06/2023 Duración: 33min

    This week's episode is the first in a series we’ve never done before. Cari and I are comparing Code Red with different weight loss programs, starting with Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers was founded in 1965, so it's been around a while. And there's actually some stuff they do well. But there's also stuff they do that I fundamentally disagree with, because it makes it impossible to get (or keep) your weight off. My sister, Cari, has done Weight Watchers three times, so you'll hear both her first-hand experience with it and how it compares to Code Red. Plus you’ll get my expert perspective as a weight loss coach. Check out this episode to see how Weight Watchers measures up to Code Red! ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click Bel


    07/06/2023 Duración: 40min

    One of the worst crimes in today's "social media" society can be summed up in one word: Disagreement. Seriously, someone not agreeing with your personal opinion is grounds for an online mob attack these days. Someone accidentally puts an angry face instead of a heart on your post, and it ruins your day. As if that wasn't bad enough, more and more people are getting SO offended that they sabotage their own lives. For example, people have actually left Code Red, regained their weight, and got sick again because Cari or I said something they didn't agree with. Put another way: getting offended caused them to retreat into emotional protection and HURT THEIR BODY AND MIND themselves by returning to foods and habits that packed the weight back on and fed their pain and disease. Is it REALLY worth getting SO offended that you can't even function? That you wallow in blame and self-pity for years? What kind of a life is that? And what are you missing out on because you refuse to navigate life without hiding in a cave


    31/05/2023 Duración: 30min

    For me, there's no question that I'm doing what I was put on this earth to do. We ALL have a purpose. We're all here for a reason. That's what I believe. What that purpose is, well, that can be hard to pinpoint...kinda like it was (at first) for Esther in the Bible. If you're familiar with the story, you know Esther was a typical Jewish woman who, through a series of pretty impossible circumstances, was made queen. God used her to save her people from an evil plot to wipe them out. It's what she was born to do. Your purpose may or may not be that grandiose, but either way, don't think for one second that it doesn't matter. To the people you impact, it can mean the world. Case in point: my sister Cari is an ICU nurse. She’s had patients the doctor tried to fix, but couldn't. She told me about a family who wanted a minister to come in and pray, but no one would, and it was heartbreaking. So, Cari offered to pray, and the relief on that family's face was instant. To them, that meant the world!! Make no mistake:


    24/05/2023 Duración: 29min

    I’m devoting this episode to answering the most common questions I'm getting about my bodybuilding comeback. In April of 2023 I set foot on the competitive bodybuilding stage for the first time in 20 years. I’m even having a documentary made about it. Just a few of the questions I'll answer in this episode: "How much weight did you lose?" "Will you be altering the Code Red program based on your bodybuilding experience?" "How did your training change after the show?" "Did your diet change after the show?" "Will you compete again?" To get answers to all those questions and more, tune into this episode! ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click Below to join the challenge! ---- Connect with Cristy: Instagr


    17/05/2023 Duración: 31min

    Why is it that some people do Code Red (or other programs they sign up for) and kick butt...while other people buy everything and still struggle? On ANY program on the planet, whether it’s weight loss or something else, a percentage of people do really well. Maybe they aren't perfect, but they get the result they're going for. Then you have people who kinda sorta try it once and disappear. Finally, you have people who go deep with the program, yet continue to struggle. So why does this happen? Why do some people try and try and still don't get where they wanna be? That's exactly what I'm gonna talk about in this episode podcast. Whether it's Code Red or another area of your life...if you keep on trying and can't seem to get where you wanna be, this episode will help you understand where you might be going wrong. ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App www.coderedlifestyle.


    10/05/2023 Duración: 27min

    "I gagged and threw up! I can't drink my water!" My sister, Cari, told me that back when she first started Code Red over 10 years ago. "Cari, don't make yourself throw up!" I told her. (Cari had failed weight loss surgery, by the way. She's been able to get her water in for over 10 years now.) Then she called me a few days later, while detoxing from not eating the crap foods she was addicted to, and told me, "Cristy, I am miserable—you’ve got to do something!” We've all been where Cari was. Maybe even dozens of times. When we change our eating to lose weight, to get healthier, or even to train for a bodybuilding comeback, like I did recently, we start missing "our favorite foods" because they comfort us, or remind us of people or experiences we love. We even personify foods, like we do with a lot of inanimate objects. Meaning, we assign human qualities to stuff, like the fridge that is "calling your name," or the bathroom scale that's your "nemeisis." The fridge isn't calling you anything. It's a bunch of cir

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