Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle



Cristy CodeRed Nickel, author of The Code Red Revolution, is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete.In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time.Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red


  • Parking At The POINT Of Your PAIN

    13/01/2021 Duración: 27min

    At what point does your past STOP defining you? If you park at the point of your pain and never move past it, you'll never show up for your true self and help others. When you park at the point of our pain and don't get past it, you hinder the light inside you from showing. You don't show up and end up robbing yourself and your loved ones of your light, your joy, and all the good that you bring to the world. The world needs you to show up, but you can't show up while you are parking at the point of your pain. No matter what happened to you, and we are cognizant of the fact that many traumatic things happen to people who never asked for them or ever deserved them, but we can't allow them to define us. Cari and I have had bad things happen to us, but we didn't park there. We didn't allow these experiences to define us. Remember, nobody can steal your joy. Don't let what happened to you be an excuse for not reaching your goals. Are you struggling to let go of the past and are still parking at the point of your p

  • Setting The TONE Of Your HOME

    06/01/2021 Duración: 37min

    People say, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." But that is the reality. So ladies, how do you set the tone of your home? Guest mother and grandmother Carole Terherst (and yes, my mom) gives sound advice and a little tough love to wives & mothers from all walks of life. As a mother, you are responsible for setting the tone of your home. However, this doesn't give you a free pass to make everyone's life miserable because you let your frustrations get the better of you. This is not to say it will always be easy, but you can make an effort to control it. With only 7% of communication being verbal, there's so much energy that a mom can put out to her household, even without saying anything. You don't have to yell for your children to obey you. You have the magic wand to control the mood, temperature, and status of your home. As you'll be hearing my mom explain, parenting is mostly about setting rules and boundaries. You are the mom and the ultimate decision-maker. You are going to establish the non-neg

  • Why Are You Waiting???

    30/12/2020 Duración: 26min

    People always say, "I'll start Monday" or "I'll start after my son's wedding..." and I just can't wrap my head around why someone would be sick longer than they have to. How much longer do you want to live in this misery. Be willing to start NOW. There's always going to be something else coming up. If you are serious about taking your life back, you will start today. You won't wait for the perfect timing because it will never come. You'll only find excuses every time. Based on our experiences in Code Red, waiting just postpones the inevitable. And we can only question your motivation and commitment if you are waiting. Rather than wait, you are better off learning how to work around whatever is coming up because there will always be a birthday party, a wedding, an anniversary, etc. When you wait until after the upcoming one to start, you are going to wait for the next. The months and years will roll by, and you'll still be fat and sick. There's no switch that you will flip to magically lose weight. You have to

  • I Can't With The Word CAN'T!

    23/12/2020 Duración: 31min

    This is a word that needs to be eradicated from your vocabulary. Never say, "I can't..." whether it be "I can't afford" or "I can't find the time" or "I can't find the energy..." it's all bullcrap. You can, but you choose not to. Change your mindset around that contraction, "I CAN'T." Because it's creating a LACK mentality. When we say we can't, we take away our own power and ability. It is a defeatist mentality that disempowers us, and nothing good can come from it. Don't take away your power with this way of thinking. You have the ability to make it work! You will never achieve something great if you keep using 'I can't.' These words and the mentality permeates your whole life. We hear it all the time with our custom programs. People will say they can't afford it, yet they go ahead spend their money on fast food and other crap. It all comes down to what you consider important. If you want it badly enough, you'll find the money, the time, and the energy to do it. And this applies to almost everything in life

  • Being Faithful With LITTLE

    16/12/2020 Duración: 32min

    So many people dream of big things: Running a big company! Having millions of dollars! Owning a Lamborghini! And I'm all for having big dreams (I have them myself), But you won't even take care of the beat up car you own now. You won't even treat your 2 employees with respect, so how are you supposed to have 100 employees? If you aren't faithful with little, why should you be trusted with MUCH? The bible in the book of Luke says He who is faithful in the little will also be faithful in much. Those people that can take care of the little they have, end up getting more and more because they have proven they can handle it. It may not seem like much, but the small stuff really matters. Things like making your bed in the morning, being clean and organized, treating everybody with kindness. We should be responsible in the small things and teach our children to be as well. It all starts with the little; nobody just jumps in and becomes famous and a big celebrity. You must be faithful with the little you have and gro

  • Meet The MEN Of CODE RED

    09/12/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    With 93% of our Code Red community being female, you never hear about the MEN of Code Red. But I promise you - they're out there! And their lives have been drastically changed. Hear their stories! First off, we have DJ, a husband, a father, and active duty Air Force. His wife Leisha joined Code Red and had massive success losing 115 pounds. This and surgery on a leg injury were his turning point. He joined a 10-Pound Takedown Challenge and went on to lose 52 pounds. Next up, we have John Gallagher, a husband, father, and active duty Coast Guard. At 253 pounds, his weight started affecting his work. He'd be out of breath and got physically exhausted just doing basic things. At the risk of falling out of compliance with weight standards and losing his career, he joined Code Red and found extraordinary success. Just imagine being 55 years old and in a career where the life expectancy is 57, being way overweight at 300 pounds, and coming from a family with a history of blood pressure and heart disease? That's the

  • Your WEIGHT Is Not The Problem

    02/12/2020 Duración: 28min

    People look at their weight and think that’s the problem. But in reality, your weight is the result of a BIGGER PROBLEM. Your weight is a symptom of the actual problem. You’ll find so many people struggling to lose weight all the time and even regaining it all back. This is because the bioaccumulation of body fat is not the problem; it is a symptom and a result of a bigger problem in your life.  The question you need to ask yourself is, what’s going on in your life that is causing the accumulation of excess body fat? From our experience dealing with the thousands of people who come through our programs, some of the bigger problems are sleep deprivation, not drinking enough water, and eating chemically processed crap food. Being overweight is not healthy. It is an indication of bigger problems and means you are not practicing self-care. If you take the time to look at the bigger issues and take care of them, the weight will certainly go off. It is not about the numbers on the scale but about your health and yo

  • Pay NOW Or Pay LATER - But You WILL PAY

    25/11/2020 Duración: 29min

    Everyone loves being catered to; someone to cook for you, serve you, wait on you, and clean up afterward. But someone has to pay the bill. And I promise you - they're not doing it from the goodness of their hearts. You will get the bill, and YOU WILL PAY. The same goes for weight loss. It seems like it's just one donut or one pizza. But the bill comes in the form of eczema, IBS, medications, migraines, or weight gain. Don't lie to yourself; everything you indulge in right now will have to be paid back at some point. If you indulge in unhealthy foods, the time to pay will surely come, and you will have to do it. When you go to a fancy restaurant and enjoy a fine dining experience, somebody pays the bill. The same case with our health, when we indulge, I promise you that you'll have to pay for it. Those calories are gonna show up somewhere in your body. You can pay now or pay later buy pay you will. There's no running away from it. Commit today to a healthy lifestyle such as the Code Red Lifestyle that is based

  • Goals Don't STOP On The Weekends!

    18/11/2020 Duración: 22min

    You wonder why you can't lose weight when you're eating clean Monday through Friday and then going OFF THE RAILS on Saturday and Sunday! That's not how this works. Goals don't stop on the weekends. If you're serious about your weight loss and health, you commit to a healthy lifestyle ALL 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK. Often a time, we see people commit halfway to a healthy lifestyle. For some days, they are committed to eating real food, water, and sleep and exercising but fall off the rails during the weekend or during a vacation, or during some other time. That's now how living a healthy lifestyle works; you need to remain fully committed all the time. Your health goals don't change based on how you feel. Lifestyle diseases don't take a break during the weekends. People try to justify this by saying it's just a cheat meal once in a while or during the weekend. The problem with this mentality is that once you get used to it, it becomes easier and easier to keep cheating on your health plan. This mentality compounds its

  • Stop Apologizing!

    11/11/2020 Duración: 31min

    People apologize for the wrong reasons! They apologize for how they're parenting, how messy their house is, and they apologize for their weight loss. They're acting SORRY that they're on a health journey, and it doesn't fit into the social norm. So they feel like they're putting others out, which is NOT TRUE! Chronic apologizing, even for things that you shouldn't be apologizing about, indicate a lack of confidence or insecurity. It is a bad habit that we all should eliminate from our lives. As we talked about in an earlier episode, you should be okay with being in uncomfortable situations without the need to apologize. The problem with being a chronic apologizer is that your credibility goes down. People never believe you, even when you are genuinely sorry. They are used to you apologizing for stuff that doesn't even matter. This need to apologize comes from the need to justify everything we do. Certainly, you shouldn't be apologizing for your weight loss journey. You won't believe it, but we see so many peo

  • Blame Vs. Accountability - It's Much Easier To BLAME Than Take Responsibility

    04/11/2020 Duración: 25min

    It's so much easier to blame your family, your job, COVID, your kids, etc... for you getting off track and NOT taking care of yourself. It's time to stop blaming and start taking responsibility for your own actions. Do you know why it's easier to give excuses than take responsibility for your circumstances? Yeah, taking responsibility is hard, and many people are unable to do it. However, if you need to succeed in anything, you have to do it. You simply have to take responsibility without the need to give bullcrap excuses. If you want to be great at something and reach the top, you have to learn to take responsibility for everything that happens. Own up the problem, look for solutions, and fix it, then make sure that it never happens again. That is the formula for greatness. If you are placing blame on everything other than you, then you got to step back, take a hard look in the mirror and realize that ultimately, the buck stops with you. The bottom line is that it's nobody else's fault but you. You have to t

  • Don't Let Your AGE Dictate How Your Life Will Go

    28/10/2020 Duración: 25min

    So many times, we hear people limit themselves in their weight loss or going back to college or competing in a sport, etc. because they think they're too "old." I've never seen someone NOT hit goal weight because of their age. So why are you letting your age hold you back from ANYTHING? In many areas of our lives, age is not a determining factor in whether we can SUCCEED at something or not, and is definitely not the case when it comes to weight loss. In the thousands of Code Red programs we have written, we have never seen someone who couldn't hit their goal weight because of their age. Most people use age as an excuse to not do something that they know they should be doing. Don't be one of those people who lead an excuse driven life around age, always using excuses not to move forward in your life. Being young doesn't give you an excuse to do what you want, and being middle-aged doesn't give you an excuse not to do what you should be doing. If there's something you've always wanted to do, your age should no

  • Instagram Q & A - October 2020

    21/10/2020 Duración: 34min

    It's always fun to get questions directly from the listeners! So thank you for submitting your questions from chopping wood to pregnancy to choosing goal weight to our favorite sister moment! Every once in a while, we do an Instagram Q&A, and we always get some great questions that we are happy to answer. To start us off, we have a few questions about our custom program. The question is, how do you decide on someone’s goal weight? We have a proprietary formula that we use to determine your goal weight based on 25 years of experience and tens of thousands of people who have come through the program. Another question we get asked a lot is about pregnancy and Code Red. Should someone who is pregnant be in the lifestyle? We believe that everybody should be eating real food, water, and sleep. We don't want pregnant women to lose weight, but they can benefit a lot and give their baby a good start by eating real food, water, and sleep. However, we are not giving medical advice; we recommend you talk with your do

  • How Do You Find Stability In An Unstable World?

    14/10/2020 Duración: 24min

    We seem to be living in quite unstable times with what’s happening all over. We have the pandemic, the riots, the markets, politics, and everything in between. But this is not a one-off situation, there seems to always be some instability at any one time. The key is to learn how to find stability in an unstable world, that’s why I’m sharing my 3 step process for finding stability in an unstable world.  My first tip is figuring out what you can control. This may sound simple, but you have way more control than you think. Many of us go about life just giving in so easily in an attempt to please everybody. We end up doing what everybody wants without sticking for ourselves. Remember, stick up for yourself because no one else will. The second tip to finding stability in an unstable world is finding what you can be thankful for. Gratitude goes a long way in helping us find stability. There’s so much to be thankful for, we can easily get so hung up on small problems that don’t actually matter. Find gratitude in thi

  • Find Your Tribe

    07/10/2020 Duración: 25min

    This week, we are having a staff retreat. Hear what we have learned and noticed being around like-minded people. We had no idea how powerful this has been. Being around people that lift you up and make you better than you are is very important if you are trying to achieve something. It gets so much easier to reach and maintain your goals when you are around such uplifting people who have the same goals as you. You feel their energy, which then inspires you to get better. It’s almost like a church camp experience. During our staff retreat, besides having a good time, we learned a lot from each other and how the Code Red way of living and lifestyle has an impact on people’s lives. Surrounding yourself with your tribe gives you the strength to conquer your fears. Some other observations we made from being around our tribe is the positive outlook everybody in the tribe has and the kindness. We are nonjudgmental because we have all been there; we struggled with weight but took our lives back. Now, you may be think

  • Turning Your MESS Into Your MESSAGE

    30/09/2020 Duración: 29min

    Don't waste a crisis! Take the crappy parts of your life and turn them into a message to help others. As the saying goes, a smart person learns from his mistakes, but a wise person learns from the mistakes of others. Taking your mess and turning it into a message for other people to learn from and avoid their own mess is a great service to humanity. Listen to Cristy's incredible story as she takes us through her life and how she turned around her mess into her message. Before she was 40, she acknowledges she didn't do much with her life and didn't contribute much to society. She had a few high moments, but she didn't contribute to changing people's lives. All this changed when she launched Code Red, where she has transformed regular people's lives in a big way.  Cristy says whatever mess she went through in the past is what made her and the Code Red Lifestyle into what it is now. Code Red wouldn't have come about if all those messes hadn't happened to her.  Cristy's story inspires everyone out there that you

  • BONUS EPISODE: Cristy And Billy Together In Studio

    25/09/2020 Duración: 28min

    GNC owner and Chippendale dancer Billy Jeffery has been in the health & fitness industry for over 20 years (Cristy says Billy is her "spirit animal"). After watching fellow Idahoans suffer greatly from the lockdown in 2020, they team up to help listeners get past this slump and get healthy. Cristy and Billy advise people that they can change their lives and start getting healthier by just nailing the basics. It is better to do something, however small than nothing at all. At the end of the day, it's you vs. you. You are fighting to be a better version of yourself every day by your choices.  We would rather see you pick one thing and nail it every day consistently than overcomplicate it and fail to do anything. Put in the work every day, and you'll see your life change. Just focus on the next thing you need to do to get closer to your goals.  During these times we are living in, with the pandemic and all the stress and uncertainties, it becomes even more important to make healthier choices. Billy suggests

  • Success Stories w/ Dan, Brittany, Yvonne & Debbie

    23/09/2020 Duración: 44min

    Week after week, you all hear me talk about the life-changing benefits of proper nutrition, hydration, and sleep. But I don't want you to just take my word for it! Hear these incredible testimonies from these four REBELS on the brink - a lifetime of obesity, sickness, pain, and suffering only to be reversed with Code Red. Dan, Debbie, Yvonne, and Brittany have had tremendous health healing and success living the Code Red lifestyle. I want to take a moment and highlight and mention that while weight loss was something each of them experienced, it was far down on the list of the benefits they experienced from taking their lives back.  At 56 years old, Dan, a Navy veteran, a husband, a father, and was dealing with serious prostate problems, and his weight was ballooning even on his strict vegan diet. Debbie was humiliated on a plane. She was 305 pounds, trying to fit into an airplane seat and couldn't get the seat belt to buckle. And that was her start to losing 155 pounds on Code Red. Yvonne lost her brother to

  • F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real

    16/09/2020 Duración: 34min

    So many people are living life controlled by fear. The days turn into years and pretty soon, you find you have wasted your life because you were too afraid to step out. I want you to start living a BRAVER life! Do it AFRAID if you must. Often a time, fear is bigger in our minds that it is in actual life. Once we overcome our fears, we wonder why we were even afraid in the first place. What this fear does to us is that it not only robs us our opportunities but also messes our self-confidence. You’ve probably heard of the phrase ‘paralyzed by fear’ This is when we let fear control our mind to the point that we can’t do anything. Whenever you catch yourself wondering what will happen if you fail, turn it around and ask, what if I don’t.   Once you decide to face your fears, you’ll realize that you have way more control than you knew. Whatever the situation you are in, just know you can turn it around. It is not as scary as you might be tempted to think. The amazing thing about facing your fears is that it grows

  • Psoriatic Arthritis - A Living HELL - Part 2 W/ Jade Gallagher

    09/09/2020 Duración: 41min

    At age 26, military wife, mother of 4, and entrepreneur Jade Gallagher was getting chemo infusions and picking out wheelchairs for her future. Depressed, in massive pain, and having no future, Jade contemplated suicide. But after reading my book, she started implementing the lifestyle. And within a few short months, Jade was off all medication, pain-free, and had lost 80 lbs. Hear her captivating story of beating the odds, defying the medical community, and saving her life through real food, water, and sleep. The traditional medical community is more inclined to prescribe a pill for every ill. They never look at your diet or even propose addressing it. Often, diet is the root cause of so many of our health problems. That’s why in Code Red, we talk of the proper human diet, food water, and sleep. In this two-part series, we have compelling evidence that the proper human diet can totally change your life. Key Takeaways How Psoriatic Arthritis took over her body and made her close her thriving business (06:35)

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