Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

The MISSING component!



In this week's podcast episode, Brad and I are sharing how The SHIFT can help you create the life of your dreams (including a healthy body). You've heard me talk about The SHIFT, a new company I co-founded with Brad Pickett. The SHIFT focuses on mind, body, AND spirit, so for a lot of people, it's the missing component they need to be successful (including in weight loss). What I didn't realize for a long time is that for a surprising number of people, just the THOUGHT of success can be daunting. It might be success at weight loss, financial success, relationship success - pretty much anything. For some, it’s a self-worth issue. They don't believe they deserve success. For others, the success they want is so different from anything they've ever known that they don't believe it's possible. Whatever the reason, it makes it challenging to set and pursue goals because you keep thinking, "What if I'm not successful?" Or worse, "What if I AM successful? What will I have to give up?" Listen, you deserve a great life