Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness



Welcome to Mansformation with Mitch, where we discuss the best fat loss strategies for dudes with worse genes than Chris Farley


  • Ep. 23 - [Part 2 of 2] How to live until you're 100! (Gracefully*)

    01/06/2023 Duración: 06min

    We're back with part 2 of how to live longer and better and THRIVE! (And it starts by laying the foundation in your younger years) The principles of these two podcasts should help you live longer without living in misery the last quarter of your life... That's what Dr. Peter Attia claims in his book Outlive. Today, we focus on what the science recommends you do in terms of nutrition to extend quality and length of life. Just 3 key principles...

  • "Lose 10 Pounds in June" Masterclass Replay

    31/05/2023 Duración: 46min

    On demand replay of our "Lose 10 Pounds in June" Masterclass last night! In it you will learn: - Dispel the 3 COMMON fat loss myths that are holding you back! - Discover the perfect 30-minute workouts for middle age. - Unveil the secret cardio plan that doesn't involve spin classes or cardio circuits. - Find out the missing link to staying mentally locked in to your fat loss plan! [00:57]: Agenda [2:29]: The unconventional path from fat to fit [3:49]: 3 fat loss myths to avoid [10:00]: The Fast Way - Lose 10 Pounds in Next 30 Days [11:16]: Nutrition guidelines for rapid fat loss [13:03]: The cardio guidelines for rapid fat loss [14:07]: The strength training guidelines for rapid fat loss [14:56]: How to reduce hunger when dropping fat fast [16:25]: How to avoid a weight rebound [17:00]: The better more sustainable way (if you're willing to be patient) [17:18]: The 4M Method [17:48]: First "M" [18:50]: Second "M" [22:28]: Third "M" (most important) [24:40]: F

  • Ep. 22 - [1 of 2] How to live until you're 100!

    30/05/2023 Duración: 08min

    The principles of these two episodes should help you live longer without living in misery the last quarter of your life... That's what Dr. Peter Attia claims in his book Outlive. Today, we focus on what the science recommends you do in terms of exercise to extend quality and length of life...

  • Ep. 21 - How to NOT fall off the wagon two weeks in

    25/05/2023 Duración: 07min

    In today's episode we talk about two missing links to TRUE transformation. Sticking it out boils down to identity change + connection. You don’t need a babysitter, you need a system, support and connection to a community that builds you up, not break you down. Accountability is not a one-way street but two or more people teaming up and bringing value to the table. Once you do that, you become truly accountable. Listen in to see how to foster these two shifts so you don't fall off the wagon next time!

  • [4 of 4] The origins of Calvert Fitness - Finale from 2015 to Present Day!

    21/05/2023 Duración: 10min

    We're back and getting close to wrapping this up! (lol) Last episode, we left things off on the upswing in 2015... I had around 20 PT clients on the side … On top of my 9-5 demands promoting personal training and gym memberships by day at the Rady. And I was dipping my toe in the writing waters with regular articles in Men's Health and others. I got busier, and busier, and busier. ..All squeezed in the early AM and late PM around my day to day work demands. So I figured something would have to give eventually … That's when it all came to a head. This episode dives into how I made it out alive.

  • [3 of 4] The origins of Calvert Fitness - How I almost quit the business (several times)

    20/05/2023 Duración: 05min

    In the previous episode in this 4 part series, I shared the rocky road my fat loss journey took until I figured things out long enough to lose 60ish pounds and keep it off. Now I want to take you on the roller coaster that was building this coaching practice (it was a rougher ride LOL) Fast forward to 2011 and I was four years into a career in communications, first as a sports reporter and now in PR pushing papers. And I wasn’t fulfilled. Fitness kept calling. I figured I got myself in shape and kept it off, could count to 10, and had already perfected the essential personal trainer photo pose of crossed arms and a sullen stare just off camera. I had trained some friends of friends and got a few success stories under my belt largely by accident. So what more could I need to become the next big thing?Turns out...A lot.

  • [2 of 4] The origins of Calvert Fitness - My big fat wake-up call in 2008

    19/05/2023 Duración: 04min

    Hey, I'm back with part 2 of my 4 part trip down memory lane. So, I finished off the last one teasing my big wake-up call...It's best shared with a quick story. We've all been there. A night out, followed by the morning after waking up to notifications on your phone. “You’ve been tagged in a photo” Gulp. I faced this dire situation on Nov. 1, 2008. It wasn’t the fact I was dressed up in this ridiculous genie costume that was so humiliating… (although that’s pretty bad in retrospect) But the fact I looked so bloated and red faced. And this was years after my 60-lb weight loss transformation. I can’t find the photo now, but I likely hired some hacker to make it disappear. I vowed to never let myself get to that point again. And the big lesson learned? Listen in to find out...

  • James' Biggest Lessons from Losing 60 Pounds

    18/05/2023 Duración: 21min

    Calvert Fitness member James Blatz celebrates 60 pounds lost in Calvert Fitness and shares the keys to his success. Mitch sat down with James to talk about his biggest breakthroughs, and the misconceptions and mindset shifts he's overcome along the way. We'll also outline how we plan to ensure he keeps it off for life. [0:00] - Intro [1:30] - Spark that got him going [2:40] - First big breakthrough with Calvert Fitness [3:52] - His new understanding of nutrition [6:40] - The biggest wins from dropping 60 pounds [8:48] - The recent compliment that came out of left field! [10:37] - Who would or wouldn't you recommend coaching for [13:41] - Our game plan to help him keep the weight off for life! [17:34] - How he's still losing with 400 more calories a day [19:40] - How we "cured" his carb phobia and getting results with 150g/day!

  • [1 of 4] The origins of Calvert Fitness: My rock bottom moment in high school

    17/05/2023 Duración: 06min

    I’m taking this week to go right back to the start of my fitness journey now that Calvert Fitness is officially 11 years old this June… And share every painful detail, the good, the bad and the ugly because I think you'll avoid a lot of my mistakes if you read it.... Today, we start at the beginning. Because, well, that’s usually where stories start. So here goes...

  • Ep. 19 - Jayson Lowe shares our 3M method while down in Mexico!

    16/05/2023 Duración: 04min

    Down 26lbs and on the way to 2023 goal! Simple 3M strategy that worked so well for Jayson... ✅ Movement = 8,000 - 10,000 steps most days ✅ Muscle = strength training 3x weekly to add new muscle tissue ✅ Meals = nailing my daily calories and protein most days (feeding my FUTURE self). I use MyFitness Pal app to track it. Simple. ✅ 3 litres of water everyday Credit to my Coach Mitch Calvert for the roadmap, accountability and great content, no nonsense simple approach. All you’ve got to do is the work. And no I don’t deprive myself of any of the things I enjoy I simply enjoy them differently.

  • Ep. 18 - Sheepdog Shawn Shares Secrets To Losing 30 Pounds in 9 Weeks!

    11/05/2023 Duración: 18min

    I sat down with one of our Calvert Fitness coaching members, Shawn, yesterday to share what's working so well for him en route to losing 30 pounds in 9 weeks. This guy is Type A crazy busy, works part-time as a police officer while running a cold brew coffee company (Sheepdog). He realized he had nothing left to give at the end of the day and needed someone to step in to help him learn some new skills and relearn some old ones (that's me!) In the past he'd try to rush the process before summer, relying on cardio and starvation to shed quick weight, only to gain it back and then some. We've got him off that roller coaster, 30 pounds down the right way, with considerable improvements in sleep and overall mood. (2:20) - What made him decide to hire a coach3:05 - Talks about his two biggest breakthroughs from the program so far (5:33) - He reveals how much money he's saved being in the program (6:53) - How does he navigate wing night and make it fit? (7:55) - His reasoning for choosing u

  • Ep. 17 - From Brampton to Belfast - Andrew Martin joins the show with off-season fitness tips for beer league hockey players

    09/05/2023 Duración: 22min

    Mitch is joined by fellow fitness coach and Canadian Andrew Martin (@martystrength_hockey) for a chat on how middle-aged beer league hockey players can make the most of their summers to stay (or get lol) in shape. Andrew talks about his playing career taking him from U Mass to Toledo, to a line brawl in Belfast, and a brief stint at Detroit Red Wings' camp. Injuries ultimately cut his career short and that helped inspire him to become a strength and conditioning coach in the first place. Questions include: What would be the first piece of advice for someone who's probably 20 pounds overweight and wants to continue playing well into their 40s and 50s? What kind of workouts are best for adding speed and avoiding injury? What are the most common training mistakes middle aged hockey players make in the gym? What healthy habits make all the difference to be a role model for your kids and stay fit enough for the sport they love? Tune in if you want to make the most of your summer to set you up for more goa

  • Ep. 16 - Chat with my first ever client from 10 years ago!

    04/05/2023 Duración: 11min

    Where is he now?! I started as a blog documenting my fitness journey in June 2012. ​ I was pumped I lost those 60 pounds and kept it off, and wanted to document and share my process with others. ​I remember meeting up with my tech buddy Andrew and registering the website from a Starbucks patio on south Pembina. I didn’t trust myself to get my first “online” client signed on until nearly a year later, in May 2013, after finishing my certifications with PN and CSCS. He answered my random kijiji ad and we met at a Tim Horton's in St. Vital to close the deal. Interestingly enough, he’s now our program coordinator, Jeremy! From a random kijiji ad to a transformation of his own and now a job on the team for the last few years. ​ The rest is history...​ And to celebrate this anniversary, I want to extend something special… We’re offering bonus months to all new members with our 1-1 coaching programs this week only! Accountant Mike hates when I do this as it F***s up monthly P&L and he

  • Do you have crabs in your bucket? Big takeaway from Houston!

    03/05/2023 Duración: 03min

    I want to talk proximity is power. So I just got back from Houston. Part of a mastermind with other fitness coaches all over the world who think at a higher level than if I was just to stay in my local community.So I invested in putting myself in the right rooms around the right people to elevate my skill set, systems and ultimately, you know, become a better, more impactful coach. The theme of the event was to surround yourself with the right people.So one of the speakers I think it was Steve Eckert. Talked about, you know, look through your phone, who are the last five people that you texted, are they People that are exemplifying the life you want to live? Are they pulling you up? Or keeping you down now, of course, you can't choose your family and maybe you have long lasting friends.So you don't eliminate these relationships. But you have to put yourself around people that you want to become. They're gonna help push you to the next level. It's the whole crabs in the bucket mentality. Bed

  • 8 Books You Must Read To Succeed

    25/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    In the latest episode of the Winnipeg Weight Loss show, we go in a different direction and reveal the 8 books you must read to unlock your full potential and achieve lasting success. These books helped me go from a broke, overweight, struggling teen with no direction in life to someone much further along life's journey :) I've read these books countless times, and they've been massively influential at different stages in my life - because I took action and applied what I learned to my life. If you've got limiting beliefs around achievement, making money and getting fit, you NEED to read these.

  • Ep. 13 - Six Secrets to a Summer Six Pack

    21/04/2023 Duración: 29min

    Summer is 60 days away even if it doesn't feel like it in Winnipeg… But summer bodies are built now! I’m going to reveal six secrets to help you go from low energy and lacking confidence… To having abs, energy and dripping with confidence in time for summer! We'll show you the 10% of actions that lead to 90% of results!(And a few next level hacks that'll be icing on the cake you definitely haven't heard of before)​​ WITHOUT... - Crazy fad diets that make eating feel like a chore so you eat healthy without compromising taste. - Long circuit workouts (you won’t need a gym unless you prefer) spending hours at a time on exercises that don’t move the needle. - The need for expensive machines like Peloton bikes, Tonals, rowing machines, crazy circuits etc… All it involves is working out 30 mins 3-4x per week with easy to follow exercises that anyone can do. So you still have time and energy to do the other things you love, like hang with the family or enjoy other hobbies. And then we'll show you

  • Ep. 12 - I Used to DREAD Summer...

    20/04/2023 Duración: 02min

    "I Burn Easily” At least that’s what I used to tell people while I sat in the pool with my shirt on... 260 lbs soaking wet. Growing up, I always had this anxiety around summer. It's supposed to the best time of the year, but it meant I no longer had a reason to wear a sweater vest to hide my moobs! And if somehow I ended up in a “shirtless” scenario, I’d pull out the “I burn easily” comment above to cover (literally) my butt. I was just so unhappy with the way I looked and felt on the beach that I couldn't get out of my own head and enjoy it. I'd sit there and admire others for being so carefree and relaxed. I realized this insecurity was going to be in my way forever if I let it... So I DECIDED to take action. (No, I couldn’t just “own it” with the self love messaging popular these days, sorry) I knew I had to get fit to build the unshakeable SELF CONFIDENCE to enjoy these moments to the fullest. It wasn’t so much the finished product… but the feeling of earning that self respect! Sure, losi

  • How To Help Prevent Dementia

    14/04/2023 Duración: 05min

    1 in 14 adults over 65 gets dementia and that number is increasing at an alarming rate. Here's what we know to help reduce your risk. Both in what you avoid and what to add to your life to drop your risk factor by 40%.

  • Why I'm selling my prized possession

    13/04/2023 Duración: 04min

    Buying this 4 years ago made me realize a childhood dream, but it was only a nightmare.

  • Ep. 10 - You must BURN THE BOATS to BURN THE FAT :)

    12/04/2023 Duración: 04min

    You must BURN THE BOATS to win. At anything. The idea of going into something with one foot out the door sets you up to fail. Leaving an escape route prevents us from putting our whole ass into the effort (and half asses don't look good in yoga pants!) An alternative diet; an alternative training program; an alternative mentorship program; an alternative partner; an alternative job etc. etc. You can't win half into things. So what's this all about? I’m sure you know the legendary story from 1519, Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arriving in the “New World” with 600 men and 11 ships to conquer the great treasures of the Aztecs and claim Mexico on behalf of Spain.Outnumbered by an army much larger than his own, what would Cortés do (after 6 centuries of defeat) to succeed where others have failed?Out of the blue he uttered three words that changed everything – BURN THE BOATS! “If we’re going home, we’re going home on their boats.” With that Cortés and his men burned their own boats.When the altern

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