Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness

Ep. 18 - Sheepdog Shawn Shares Secrets To Losing 30 Pounds in 9 Weeks!



I sat down with one of our Calvert Fitness coaching members, Shawn, yesterday to share what's working so well for him en route to losing 30 pounds in 9 weeks. This guy is Type A crazy busy, works part-time as a police officer while running a cold brew coffee company (Sheepdog). He realized he had nothing left to give at the end of the day and needed someone to step in to help him learn some new skills and relearn some old ones (that's me!) In the past he'd try to rush the process before summer, relying on cardio and starvation to shed quick weight, only to gain it back and then some. We've got him off that roller coaster, 30 pounds down the right way, with considerable improvements in sleep and overall mood. (2:20) - What made him decide to hire a coach3:05 - Talks about his two biggest breakthroughs from the program so far (5:33) - He reveals how much money he's saved being in the program (6:53) - How does he navigate wing night and make it fit? (7:55) - His reasoning for choosing u