Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness

[2 of 4] The origins of Calvert Fitness - My big fat wake-up call in 2008



Hey, I'm back with part 2 of my 4 part trip down memory lane. So, I finished off the last one teasing my big wake-up call...It's best shared with a quick story. We've all been there. A night out, followed by the morning after waking up to notifications on your phone. “You’ve been tagged in a photo” Gulp. I faced this dire situation on Nov. 1, 2008. It wasn’t the fact I was dressed up in this ridiculous genie costume that was so humiliating… (although that’s pretty bad in retrospect) But the fact I looked so bloated and red faced. And this was years after my 60-lb weight loss transformation. I can’t find the photo now, but I likely hired some hacker to make it disappear. I vowed to never let myself get to that point again. And the big lesson learned? Listen in to find out...