Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly



Inspired Choices Network How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations, and interpersonal relations that seem to be stale, lifeless and lack spontaneity? Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark? Lauren Polly


  • Letting Go of Control


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How much of a control freak are you? Do you override the joy of creation that is possible in favor of controlling each detail? Do you play with the energy of your life or do you control it out of existence? What does control give you that creation doesn’t? A false sense of safety? Predictability? Sense of power? What if letting go of control of yourself, others and the world around you was a more easeful and generative way to be in the world? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on letting go of control and embracing the unpredictability of creation!

  • Creating Ease in Your Body with Dr. Christina Meakim


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you and your body have an easeful Relationship? Or is there a battle, miscommunication and/or radio silence? Do you have chronic body issues that you are struggling with? Are you frustrated with the lack of change you have been able to create with your body? The battle dynamic cuts out the possibility of communication and co-creation with the body. The push and force we impel at our body doesn’t create change – just a lot of judgement and upset. Change with the body is more easily created through communication. By opening up the space to LISTEN to your body and gifting it what it desires change can be easeful and dynamic. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Dr. Christina Meakim as they share discoveries on giving up the fight and relaxing into ease with your body.

  • The Interplay with Perceiving and Receiving; Guest – Monica Gilliam


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How perceptive are you?  Do you allow yourself access to the breadth of sensations, awarenesses and energies that are present in each moment?  Or do you erect walls to keep them out?  How many filters of judgments do you have that keep receiving all you perceive difficult and uncomfortable? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Monica Gilliam to explore the interplay between what you perceive and what you allow yourself to receive.

  • Beyond Death Communication


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Is communication beyond death possible? If so how? What does it look like? How can you learn how to do it? And why would you want to? Spirits, dead and alive, share the same first language – energy. Growing your natural ability to communicate with spirits can improve your energetic awareness, energetic communication skills and bring more ease to all of your interactions – both with the living and the dead. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host and Certified Talk to the Entities Facilitator Lauren Polly to explore a new facet of truly limitless communication.

  • Moving Beyond Infertility


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  What is infertility? Why is it so difficulty for some to conceive and for others not? What are the road blocks – energetic, emotional, sexual and mental – that we can clear to assist with creating new life? What gifts are our bodies to this process? What do all the beings involved know and would they like to communicate and contribute? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Cara Conlon Wright as they share discoveries on moving beyond infertility and into creation.

  • The Kindness of “No”


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Were you taught that saying ‘no’ was bad, mean or wrong? Do you have a hard time saying no and/or feel guilty afterwards? Were you taught that it was kinder to do for others then it was for yourself? Is this really creating more choice for you? Or is it keeping you in a subservient role in your own life? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how saying ‘no’ can be a true kindness for yourself and for others.

  • The Awakened Life with TJ Woodward


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you feel like you are living life half asleep? Are you missing out on experiencing moment to moment joy and peace? Are you living in reaction to your environment? Are you at the effect of your opinions and ego? What if there was a different possibility? What if there was a way to not only wake up to your life but accelerate this process? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest TJ Woodward as they share discoveries on how watching our language and shifting our perspective can accelerate the awakening process. About our guest: TJ Woodward is an awakening coach, inspirational speaker and spiritual author who helps people profoundly change the way they live. He is the founder and minister of Awakened Living  spiritual community in San Francisco and the host of Awakened Living TV  and  Awakened Living Radio. TJ’s latest book is “Conscious BEING: Awakening To Your True Nature.” Both inspiring and enlighteni

  • Confidence in the Workplace with guest Danielle M Griffith


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you confident in your skill set and profession? Do you allow yourself to display this and utilize it to your advantage? Does your confidence get mistaken for cockiness or superiority? If so, how do you deal with it? Some of us have learned to turn down our confidence in the workplace due to judgements. We apologize for our brilliance or tip toe instead of speaking to what we know. Others tend to push their confidence onto others which causes an abrasive interaction style which can hinder communications and teamwork. Where is the line? Where is the sweet spot to be in your confidence AND be invitational to others? Join us as we discuss this and more with guest Danielle M. Griffith - Trial Attorney, Network Marketing Professional and Co-Author of 2 books on Beyond Speech Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly. About our guest: Ms. Griffith is a trial attorney in San Diego, California and a co-author of 2 books. In addition to bein

  • Problem Solver to Possibility Creator! Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you a problem solver or a possibility creator? Where does your energy and focus go on a daily basis – to your problems or your possibilities? Towards fixing or towards creating? What could you create if your energy was put towards creating possibilities not solving problems? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on turning your energy and choices towards possibilities and away from problems.

  • Being Your Own Playmate ~ Guest Emily Evans Russel


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Being your own playmate is about creating a sense of intimacy with yourself and others. Most of us look towards external sources for enjoyment, pleasure, companionship and guidance. But what if you could find that in yourself? What if you could revel in your own company? What if putting yourself first was the greatest gift you could give to others? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Emily Evans Russell for an hour of play, possibilities and fun in discovering and building your most important relationship in life – the one with yourself. Emily Evans Russell is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator & Body Process Facilitator, Yoga Teacher, Social Media Maven, Speaker, Mama of 2 little girls, and Lover of Having Fun. She integrates over 15 years experience studying, teaching, and working with people and their bodies to create more ease and possibilities in their lives. Always ready to learn so

  • The Power of Listening ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How much power lies in the listening? Do you only feel in control or like you are participating in the communication if you are speaking? Do you feel like listening is passive or taking a backseat? What if listening was a key in creating a dynamic that brings about true change for you and for your communication partners? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on the power for change, awareness, presence and choice that lies in the listening.

  • Marketing with Magic ~ Guest Megan Walrod


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you a business owner? Got the entrepreneurial spirit? If so, this show is for you! The words you use to describe what you do determine whether or not your ideal clients say YES to working with you. Which words do you use to attract your ideal clients? Which words do you avoid using so you stop repelling your ideal clients? Join us for this lively and interactive call as we explore not only the WORDS to use, but also the ENERGIES that you can play with to market with magic. Imagine: more clients, more cash, more fun, more ease, all while being YOU and sharing your gifts with the world.

  • Move into Action! Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you take action in your life? Or do you sit on the sidelines and let possibilities pass you by? Can you spot the moments where there is an opening to step forward with ease? Or do you use force and effort to push your way through? Action is required to create anything in life. Have you been willing and ready to take it? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on the creative power of action. What steps could you take to create the life you desire?

  • How to juggle the demands of your job & your life ~ Guest Deb Crowe


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Work Life Balance is possible! Life is passing us by at the speed of light and with the increased presence of technology people are always on and not unplugging enough. Life is about progression not perfection. You can make a choice to get down off the ladder of hypervigilance and not feel the generational pressure to be the best, adhere to perfection, etc. Tomorrow is always a new day full of potential and the ability to want to change and have a better life and to stop burning the candle at both ends and put ourselves on the backburner of life. As a professional mentor for individuals and businesses, Deb Crowe can show you the discovery of imbalance and that is the best place to start. Join Beyond Speech Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she and Deb discuss finding the balance that works for you! “Work Life Balance is not a trend, it’s a lifestyle”. You can receive a free e-book when follow Deb on Twitter @MamaDebCrowe mam

  • A Discussion with Your Self ~ Guest Rich Perry


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Have you ever asked yourself, “What do I truly want?” How did you respond? If you ask most people, they will give a general answer or they will respond how they think they should but not necessarily how they really want to respond. Some people don’t know what they want because they’ve never asked themselves while others are afraid to respond truthfully because they maintain incongruent thoughts and beliefs within themselves. Either way, this shows poor communication of self. In this episode we will discuss how to open proper channels for self-communication, promote positive self-talk, and work towards achieving the goals we truly desire.

  • Turning Your No into Yes ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How frequently do you tell yourself no? How often do you talk yourself out of taking a chance, a risk or creating something new and different? How many limiting viewpoints do you have that keep you from saying YES to what you would truly like to create and how you would truly like to live? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to stop stopping yourself with no and finding the yes to create the life you desire.

  • Releasing the Anger Monsters ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How many suppressed and repressed anger monsters do you have? Do you ever seethe under the surface of a smile? Do you have latent anger that is expressing itself at inopportune times and at random people? How much of that anger is killing possibilities in your life and relationships? What if there was a way to release the anger monsters and utilize that energy for creation? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on revealing and releasing your anger monsters and how to re-direct that energy for creation!

  • Vulnerability with Nature Spirits ~ Guest Cara Wright


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  What if you could let down your walls, barriers and filters and be present with nature spirits all the time? What gift could that be to you, your body and in the creation of your life? What if being vulnerable with them opened up the space for the lines of communication to flourish and gifting/receiving to occur? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and special guest Cara Wright as they share discoveries on how being vulnerable with nature spirits can increase their presence in your life and true contribution to occur.

  • 3 Part Harmony Communication ~ Guest Marta Maria


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  3 Part Harmony Communication – Embracing Embodied Presence, Personal Boundaries, and Empowered Communication to live an authentic lifestyle. What if there was a way to live fully expressed and receive more of what you desire from interpersonal relationships with family, friends, and co workers. Many of us get lost in family system beliefs or cultural norms as our roadmap to getting our needs met. We have access to information today like never before and let’s just say as evolving people we can always learn something new. We are empowered with choice and integrative tools. We get to step away from habits, limiting concepts, and align ourselves with new ways of being. During this show you will leave feeling invigorated and hopeful knowing you now have a new roadmap to take you to your next desired destination. And not only do you have the road map but you are the conscious driver navigating your world. So turn on the radio, drive that car, an

  • Breaking the Rules of Engagement! Lauren Polly’s BOOK Title


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How were you taught to engage with the world? Were you told to be nice, polite, pleasing, and quiet? Were you taught to hold your tongue if what you had to say would upset others? Were you told to be appropriate, not to rock the boat or only speak when spoken to? These “rules of engagement” served as guidelines when we were young. Unfortunately most of us weren’t taught anything beyond this. These rules don’t allow us to grow into more expansive and creative interactions as we age and engage with others on a deeper level. They don’t allow us to show up as us. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on throwing out the rule book and reclaiming authentic communication. If you were being you how would you engage with the world?

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