Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly



Inspired Choices Network How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations, and interpersonal relations that seem to be stale, lifeless and lack spontaneity? Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark? Lauren Polly


  • Kindness in Communications


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How much kindness is present in our communications and interactions?  How much kindness is present in this world?  How do you be kind to others without being unkind to yourself?  What is kindness?  And what if it doesn’t look like you think it does… Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to allow kindness of yourself and others in your interactions.  What if there were a different way to be in this world?

  • Vulnerability in Social Media with Emily Russell


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you willing to show up as you in social media?  What’s the face you are showing the virtual world?  Is it true to you or are you putting on an image of what you think people want?  Are you willing to be vulnerable with your audience?  Are you willing to be vulnerable with yourself? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Emily Russell as they share discoveries on embracing the potency of vulnerability and being the unique invitation you truly are. About Our Guest Emily Evans Russell is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator & Body Process Facilitator, Yoga Teacher, Social Media Maven, Speaker, Mama of 2 little girls, and Lover of Having Fun.  She integrates over 15 years experience studying, teaching, and working with people and their bodies to create more ease and possibilities in their lives. Always ready to learn something new, Emily went from not owning a smart phone to creating social me

  • Great Expectations


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Ever notice how expectations always seem to lead to disappointment?  Ever notice how they shut down possibilities?  Ever notice how hard it is to NOT expect anything from anyone?  Expectations create a contracted space in interactions… They create walls and ceilings around you and the people you are engaging with.  What’s possible beyond all of that? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on stepping out of the contracted space of expectations and into the open expanse of possibilities.

  • Exploring the Male/Female Dynamic –How to Have Ease Delivering What You Require with Dr. Andrew Gardella


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How is it that communication between the genders break down so easily and so frequently?  Ever notice how the simplest of conversations can go awry?  How does the opposite sex see and interact with the world?  And would having more awareness on that simply your communications and create more for both of you? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Dr. Andrew Gardella as they explore the male/female dynamic and how to have ease delivering what you require.

  • Is Your Business talking to you? With Guest Lisa Murray


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  We've been taught to only listen to the words people speak - as if that is real and nothing else is. What if we could learn to listen to the molecules of everything that desires to speak to us? Our creations have awareness and information for us. Our business desires to contribute its knowing to us. The planet gifts us ideas non-stop... and yet, we persist in holding onto the most limited version of communication available - words! What's beyond words? I'll be discussing this intriguing topic with writer and universe whisperer Lisa Murray from Creativity Lab. About Lisa Murray As founder of Creativity Lab, Lisa Murray is an unconventional business coach, a prolific writer and a non-stop creator of unexpected ways to nurture your ideas into life. She’s multi-creative and she invites you to collectively create a future to be inspired by, via her live events and online programs globally. If you desire to make your life and the world greater th

  • Creating with Social Communication


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you enjoy being social?  Or does the idea of chit chat, small talk and listening to people’s stories make you want to yawn, cringe or run away?  What if there was a different way to communicate socially?  A way that invites people to greater possibilities, grows your business and doesn’t include giving you up in the process? Come join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on spreading your wings as a social butterfly.  What could you create if you were willing to engage socially with the world?

  • Choosing 50/50 in Communications


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Take a look at your relationships.  Are you 49% of the relationship?  49% is the less then, the back seat driver, the follower, the ‘not as good as’…  Or are you 51% of the relationship?  51% is the better half, the last word, the leader by domination, the one who takes control and is responsible for carrying the load…  What does the 49/51 dynamic create in your relationships and communications?  What if you were able to step UP or DOWN to 50%?  And were willing to invite your conversation partners to be 50% as well?  Would that change anything? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how choosing to be 50% in your relationships and communications can create greater for everyone.  It’s time for 50/50 baby!

  • Communicating with the Earth with Guest Pam Houghteling


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  What if a communication with the earth was a possibility?  What if a gifting and a receiving of energetic contribution was available on both sides of that communication?  How does the earth communicate with us?  Have you heard the whispers of the earth trying to get your attention?  What does it require of you?  What information and awareness would it like to give to you? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and special quest Pam Houghteling as they share discoveries on how to communicate with the earth.  What could opening up the lines of communication with this amazing planet gift to everyone?

  • The Space Between the Words


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Is communication just verbal?  Do you believe that if you are not speaking then you are not communicating, not connecting and not being present with the other person?  Are you overlooking the creative space between your verbalizations?  Are you aware of the energy that is creating between you all even when you aren’t talking?  What can be created between you and your communication partners in the space between the words? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on exploring the creative space between spoken words – where true communication and connection lie.

  • The Lie of Truth


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication Radio Show with Lauren Polly  What is truth?  Most people’s definition of the truth is their fixed points of views – things they have decided are right for them and will hold on to for dear life.  How much of your creation of living is locked up in the lie of truth?   What if creating with what is true for you opened up more possibilities then living by the truth?  And what if what is true for you is different than the truth you have decided it is? Join Beyond Speech Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on dismantling the lie of truth and allowing what’s true for you to be revealed.  

  • Are you willing to engage?


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication Radio Show with Lauren Polly  How often are you engaging in your own life?  Do you sit on the side lines or let other people dictate who you are and what you do?  Does your hesitation to engage fully keep you from being present and being the creator of your own life?  Does it prevent you from living fully? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discovers on being willing to engage in your own life and how that can lead to a freedom to be like nothing else.  

  • The Lost Art of Conversation


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication Radio Show with Lauren Polly  How adept are you at the art of conversation?  Has this skill been lost or never truly formed in your world?  It’s amazing to me how we are never taught how to converse with one another.  We are never taught that conversations can CREATE and how to utilize that to our advantage.  What could change in your relationships, businesses and interactions if you were able to regain the lost art of conversation that allowed creation to thrive? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on regaining the lost art of conversation.  What if conversations from presence, awareness and contribution could change the way this world and planet are created?  

  • The Ease of Submission


    What if submission wasn’t a bad thing?  What if submitting didn’t mean you were weak?  What if you could give up the fight, the need to defend and the need to push things into existence?  What if there was more ease in living if you submitted to yourself, your awareness and what if true for you?  What have you been fighting for so long that if you submitted to it would give you all of you? Join Beyond Speech Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how submitting to your awareness and your true self can lead to more easeful living and creation.  

  • Coming Out of Your Mind and Into Your Awareness


    Where does your mind lead you?  Do your cognitive patterns, linear thoughts and endless rationalizations create more possibilities?  Or does it lead you to chasing your tail and never moving forward?  What if going beyond the mind was a more expansive way to live? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on coming out of your mind and into your awareness.  

  • End of Life Communications


    What needs to be communicated at the end of someone’s life? What needs to be expressed so that the person’s wishes are fulfilled and respected? How can you say goodbye and move on in a way that honors everyone? And what if those communications didn’t have to be hard or sorrowful? What if a perspective shift was all that was required to allow the life/death transition to be easeful? Are you willing to be that different? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares what she has discovered while working with end of life communications in the hospital – with a totally different perspective.  

  • The Language of Energy


    Do you know that energy is the first language?  Most of us aren’t taught how to communicate with or through energy.  We’ve only been taught how to communicate through our words.  What if that was a huge limitation?  Energetic communication is an innate gift we all have, unfortunately it gets shut down when it is not acknowledged or engaged with. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to re-connect to your first language – energy.  

  • Where’s the escape hatch?


    Are you living your life with one foot in and one foot out? Are you always looking for a back door or a backup plan to escape if need be? How much of that is a way to keep yourself from committing to you, your life and what you are creating? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to close the back doors and commit to being you.  

  • Coming Out of Fantasy with guest Julia Sotas


    Do you live in fantasy land?  Are you trying to live and act out your favorite fairy tale story?  Do you communicate and create from a place of disconnection and rosy colored glasses instead of seeing what is?  How often are you unable to create the relationship, business or life you desire because these stories are in the way of allowing you to see clearly? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Julia Sotas as they share discoveries on how to come out of the fantasy and start creating a life that is true for you.  

  • The Assault of Awareness


    Do you ever feel like your awareness is attacking you? Do you get over stimulated easily or describe yourself as sensitive?  How often are you in reaction to your awareness, the environment and the people around you?  What would it take to be you regardless of what was occurring around you? Come join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to stop being at the effect of others and your environment.  

  • Creating from Clarity


    Clarity of self is paramount and primary in communicating and creating a life, business and relationships that work for you.  Any blockages energetically, behaviorally or cognitively can block that clarity.  As a result knowing who you are and what you would truly like to create or how to create it is difficult. Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to find that clarity in yourself to see where the clear paths to creation lies.  

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