Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly

How to juggle the demands of your job & your life ~ Guest Deb Crowe



Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Work Life Balance is possible! Life is passing us by at the speed of light and with the increased presence of technology people are always on and not unplugging enough. Life is about progression not perfection. You can make a choice to get down off the ladder of hypervigilance and not feel the generational pressure to be the best, adhere to perfection, etc. Tomorrow is always a new day full of potential and the ability to want to change and have a better life and to stop burning the candle at both ends and put ourselves on the backburner of life. As a professional mentor for individuals and businesses, Deb Crowe can show you the discovery of imbalance and that is the best place to start. Join Beyond Speech Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she and Deb discuss finding the balance that works for you! “Work Life Balance is not a trend, it’s a lifestyle”. You can receive a free e-book when follow Deb on Twitter @MamaDebCrowe mam