

Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you feel like you are living life half asleep? Are you missing out on experiencing moment to moment joy and peace? Are you living in reaction to your environment? Are you at the effect of your opinions and ego? What if there was a different possibility? What if there was a way to not only wake up to your life but accelerate this process? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest TJ Woodward as they share discoveries on how watching our language and shifting our perspective can accelerate the awakening process. About our guest: TJ Woodward is an awakening coach, inspirational speaker and spiritual author who helps people profoundly change the way they live. He is the founder and minister of Awakened Living  spiritual community in San Francisco and the host of Awakened Living TV  and  Awakened Living Radio. TJ’s latest book is “Conscious BEING: Awakening To Your True Nature.” Both inspiring and enlighteni