My Life My Choice



Life Is A Choice:Have you ever done something you didnt want to do and did it in the name of love, or because you were told its your duty, or for a promotion or to keep your current job or because they would like you the best or to fulfill your need to belong or fit in? You are not alone.This radio show takes a candid look at our choice making skills, where our choices have lead us. It evaluates where we place ourselves in our choice making process. Its also takes a poignant look at the impact our choices have on our successes, perceived failures, health, wealth, relationships and happiness. I'm Dr. Wendy Dearborne Holistic Life Coach and I'm your host and with my experience as a life coach and a holistic healing practitioner I will help you to create the life you want to live through the power of conscious personal choice.


  • Is The Desire For Plenty Wrong?

    09/04/2014 Duración: 01h48min

    We have been indoctrinated socially, religiously, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically psychologically etc, to believe that having the desire for plenty is wrong.  Well, it’s not wrong to desire plenty. In fact, it’s part of our spiritual DNA. However, there is a spiritual caveat that is attached to having plenty.  All of the wealthiest and most prosperous people in life understand this Universal law and live within this law.  Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and expressions coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we explore the intricacies whether the desire for plenty is wrong.

  • What’s Your Body Telling You?

    02/04/2014 Duración: 01h34min

    Our bodies talk to us incessantly, just like a child calling, "Mummy over and over and over and over again."  One of the biggest travesties that we perpetrate against ourselves is not listening to self!    The body, your body is a barometer for where you are in your life.  It provides you with explicit directives on what pathway you should take.  So what’s your body telling you?  This show will give you insight into how to interpret what you are telling you.  And it truly is amazing. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and expressions coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we explore how the body speaks.

  • What Is Your Plan For Spiritual Growth?

    26/03/2014 Duración: 01h28min

    Your spiritual growth is an intimate and personal relationship with self.  Far too often you give your power away to the latest guru or televangelist telling you what they will do for you and your spiritual growth.  I have found in my professional career as a choice expert that spiritual growth is one of the top three concerns that people have. Are you in this percentile?     Are you growing in spirit the way that you want to?  Can you recognize the signs that are telling you that you have grown?  If you don’t know the signs how can you know if you are growing or not?  What does a clear plan for your spiritual growth look like?   Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and expressions coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we explore the intricacies of your spiritual growth. .

  • How To Use Your Wrecking Ball To Built Your Life

    19/03/2014 Duración: 01h11min

    Sometimes you need to break it down so you can build it up the way in which you want it.  And sometimes you just need to break it down and walk away taking with you the knowledge that this is not a foundation or architectural design that you will ever use in your life again.  Your wrecking ball is one of the tools in your golden tool box.  It’s used for create new foundations or new beginnings. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and expressions coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we explore the use of your wrecking ball.

  • How Did I Get Back Here Again?

    12/03/2014 Duración: 01h03min

    How did you get back there again?  Evidentially, you choose it!  Whether it’s bad relationships, ill health, financial distress, broken bank account, broken relatives and friends, drugs, addictions, back sliding, broken down vehicles, foreclosures, and the list goes on…that’s right, you choose it.  Let’s not focus on where you are, let’s give all our attention to where you want to go and what it looks like to get there. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and expressions coach and artist Olivia Lashley for this no holes barred episode of My Life My Choice.

  • 3 Reasons Why You Need A Mastermind Group?

    05/03/2014 Duración: 01h29min

    You, me and everyone who is in business, or an entrepreneur or have things they are wanting to achieve in life, must, and I repeat, must actively and consciously engage in a mastermind group.  Why?  The answer to that is simply. A mastermind group supports you in achieving attaining the success you are wanting in life. It helps you to clarify what you are wanting.Clarity allows you to make accurate decisions to achieve your goal. And who doesn’t want to make the right choices for their life?    Many of you are already in an active mastermind group and don’t even realize it. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and expressions coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we discuss the need for belonging to or creating a mastermind group and how to leverage the naturally occurring groups that you are already in.

  • Is Fate Or Destiny Controlling My Choices And My Life?

    26/02/2014 Duración: 01h07min

    Is fate or destiny in the driver’s seat of your life?  This is the billion dollar question.  If it’s fate or destiny how much control or ownership even responsibility do you have for your actions?  There is much to be said for the timing, contrast and parallels that destiny and fate bring into our lives.  Destiny and fate are tools in our golden spiritual tool box that will support us in achieving our desires. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we explore the potential of both fate and destiny.

  • Creating Your Spiritual Tool Box

    19/02/2014 Duración: 01h12min

    We all come into this life with everything that we need and or the spiritual tools to get what we need.  Today’s show is about becoming aware of your spiritual tool and the uniqueness of them.  It’s about how to use your tools effectively and efficiently so YOU can and will create the life that you want to live.  And do so with less fear, angst and stress.  This will free up that energy for you to move forward into the life that you want to live in ways that you cannot imagine.  People, places and things will erupt harmoniously into your life bring all that you need to achieve your heart’s desire. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we take a sneak peek at some of the standard spiritual tools that we all have in our golden tool box and how to find ones that are unique to what we want to create in life.

  • The Time To Live Your Life Is Always N.O.W!

    12/02/2014 Duración: 01h25min

    You’ve heard that old adage strike while the iron is hot?  Because when it cools you will be unable to form it into what you want.  You will have to conform to it.  The time is N.O.W!  This is what life is all about, being in and realizing your N.O.W.  We go through life not recognizing the power of N.O.W!  The most powerful thing in your life at any given time is YOU and being in the present and acting N.O.W!  Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we reveal the meaning of the acronym N.O.W.

  • What Does It Take To Move Forward In My Life?

    05/02/2014 Duración: 01h19min

    What Does It Take To Move Forward In My Life?  This is a question that you may have asked yourself more than once in your life time, and I have every belief that you will ask yourself many time more.  Cast your mind back to the last time you asked yourself this question. "What Does It Take To Move Forward In My Life?"   Now, tell me, what was the first thing you did after your emotional out pouring was over?  I can guarantee you, the first thing you did was to make a CONSCIOUS choice, in full awareness of what you wanted to do.  Be mad, glad, happy or sad.  Moving forward in life has many challenges; however the rewards far outweigh the fears that tend to bind us.  So what will it take for you to move forward in your life? Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we look at forward momentum and you.

  • Am I Contractually Bound To My Choices In Life?

    29/01/2014 Duración: 01h15min

    In a single word: YES!  Your life is a contractual agreement that is created by your choices.  The most empowering thing you can do for yourself in this life is have clear understanding what choice and your choice making process is all about.   If you don’t get a handle on this, you will be living a life that you don’t want.  This radio show, My Life My Choice and everything else that I do, is built on the foundation and belief that we create our lives based upon the conscious and in most cases semi-conscious choices that we make.  Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we look at choice you and your life.

  • Enough! No More Excuses For Your Life Choices

    22/01/2014 Duración: 01h29min

    Enough! No More Excuses.  An excuse is a permit issued by self (YOU) - giving YOU permission to self, to choose a pathway of non-accountability, non-ownership and irresponsibility.  In short an excuse is a license not to make changes where changes need to be made.  Is there such a thing as an excuse?  When you make an excuse you have declared a choice that you are making. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we look at you and your excuses.

  • What Is Eclipsing Your Ability To Succeed?

    15/01/2014 Duración: 01h25min

    It’s time to take a serious look at YOU and what YOU are allowing to eclipse your ability to move forward in your life.  Many of you can give heart wrenching stories of things that have happened to you; horrible, unconscionable and heinous events, perpetrated against you by people, places and things.  Each event seems to have left YOU feeling broken, ravaged, hopeless and lifeless; creating an eclipse in your life.  The key word or the operating system that we are dealing with happens to be YOU.  Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we look at what is eclipsing your life.

  • Where Are You In Relation To You?

    08/01/2014 Duración: 01h21min

    The theme for My Life My Choice radio show this year is “YOU!”  This year is all about you and experiencing “YOU” from a different perspective.  This year is about stopping the madness and using the tools and skills that you have, to get what you need, to create with total conscious awareness the life that you say you want to live.  This year is all about not waking up one morning to ask yourself that soul inspiring questions..."Oh My God!  How did I get here?"  So, as we move into 2014 my question to you is this, “where you are relation to you?”    Today’s question isn’t an exploration of who you were or even who you want to become.  This question is all about where YOU are in relation to your existence.  So where are you? Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we look at the fascinating subject of YOU.

  • Is time Our Most Precious Commodity ?

    18/12/2013 Duración: 01h59min

    There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year.  That is 525,600 minutes in a year.  That’s a whopping 1440.00 minutes in a day with 24 hours per day and of course, 60 minutes in an hour.  I could ask the question, “What have you done with the last 525,600 minutes of your life?”  As a choice expert, I believe that is counterintuitive.  The question to ask is, “What are you wanting to do with the next 525,600 minutes of your life?”  Time is the most precious commodity that we have.  Having a conscious understanding of this fact allows us to look at our lives through a new view finder lens. Join me, choice expert Dr. Wendy Dearborne and expression coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we look at time, you and what’s to come for the New Year.

  • A Discourse On The Potporurri Of Life

    11/12/2013 Duración: 01h49min

    Join me, choice expert, Dr. Wendy Dearborne and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we begin to wrap this year up by having a talk about the potpourri of our lives. Today, we'll explore life by discussing a variety of subjects, from the metaphysical aspects of life to the power of your conscious choice and any and everything in between. 

  • Life After Surviving A Life Shortening Illness

    04/12/2013 Duración: 01h49min

    If you have ever been told that you are not going to make “it”…but have, and you are now wondering where “do I” go from here, then this show is for you.  If you have a loved one that had been told by the medical powers to be that they are not going to make it, but they have, then this show is for you too.  If in the back of your mind you feel that one day your diagnosed illness will return, with a vengeance…then this show is for you too!  In fact it’s for all of you.    Today, we’ll explore what it takes to stay healthy after surviving a terminal illness.  Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, Choice Expert and Expression Coach & Artist Olivia Lashley.

  • Being Thankful Is All We Got

    27/11/2013 Duración: 01h08min

    Being thankful is all we got.  At the end of the day when all the dust settles, when your emotions stop raging, when the tears are gone, when the fears have been chased away; what you are left with is…you.  And YOU get to choose what you do with the “WHAT’S LEFT.” Simple in theory, yet has a complexity that sometime obscures our ability. Being thankful is a state of mind that creates a state of being!  And you create that state of mind. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and expression coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we explore the power of being thankful.

  • Discipline: Who Needs It The Parent or The Child?

    20/11/2013 Duración: 02h00s

    When it comes to raising a happy healthy and socially integrated child and being a happy parent too, there is without a doubt one tool that can support you in achieving both goals.  When you mention the word discipline in the same breath as children, most people think in terms of punishment.   There is so much more to that word than punishment.    Parenting expert coach, author, lecturer, teacher educator and trainer Heather Criswell will be joining us today to share her thoughts on “How To Raise A Happy Child & Be Happy Too.”  Coach Criswell is also the recipient of both the Mom’s Choice Award and Creative Child Magazine’s; Book of the Year Award.  So, join me choice expert Dr. Wendy Dearborne and expression coach and artist Olivia Lashley and Parenting Coach Heather Criswell as we look at the powerful role discipline plays in raising your child.

  • Understanding Your Yes or No!

    13/11/2013 Duración: 01h25min

    Understanding the  power of your yes and no and which power base you come from is can denotes the trajectory of your life. Where have your Yes's and NO's taken you...more importantly where do you want them to take you. Join me Choice Expert, Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach & Artist Olivia Lashley as we look at letting your yes be yes and your no be no...NOW

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