My Life My Choice

Creating Your Spiritual Tool Box



We all come into this life with everything that we need and or the spiritual tools to get what we need.  Today’s show is about becoming aware of your spiritual tool and the uniqueness of them.  It’s about how to use your tools effectively and efficiently so YOU can and will create the life that you want to live.  And do so with less fear, angst and stress.  This will free up that energy for you to move forward into the life that you want to live in ways that you cannot imagine.  People, places and things will erupt harmoniously into your life bring all that you need to achieve your heart’s desire. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and educator and expression coach Olivia Lashley as we take a sneak peek at some of the standard spiritual tools that we all have in our golden tool box and how to find ones that are unique to what we want to create in life.