Hay House Live!® Podcast



Enjoy insightful and inspiring lectures from Hay House Live!® live events featuring leading experts in the fields of alternative health, nutrition, intuitive medicine, psychology, spirituality, success and personal development. This podcast program will help you get motivated to live your best life possible and open your mind to some new ideas. Hay House, founded by Louise Hay, is an international leader in self-help and transformational publishing and offers books, audios, videos, online courses and live events worldwide. Visit www.hayhouse.com for additional resources in self-development.


  • Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

    02/03/2017 Duración: 30min

    Rewire your brain by taking a journey in brain evolution using scientifically proven neurophysiological principles. Dr. Joe Dispenza not only teaches people the science of change, he shows the results through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. You Are the Placebo by Joe DispenzaYour reality is created by thoughts and feelings, and the beliefs and perceptions that they catalysed. Every time you have a thought, you make a chemical that turns on circuits in your brain which give you feelings to match your thinking. The cycle of think-feel, feel-think, think-feel continues, creating a state of being, until you change. In this keynote lecture, Dr. Dispenza will empower you with his results showing people healing themselves from chronic illness. Perhaps even more exciting, he shows the results of people having interdimensional, and other realm, experiences. Learn the fundamentals behind what it takes do the uncommon, to become supernatural, – and then create t

  • Mike Dooley - The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You - Ft. Lauderdale

    23/02/2017 Duración: 44min

    Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind NOTES FROM THE UNIVERSE, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. The Top Ten Things that Dead People Want to Tell You by Mike DooleyThis afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance. Mike Dooley is the New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities and scribe behind Notes from the Universe smf will share the actual mechanics behind   manifestations, metaphysically and physically. You’ll learn the true ease and profound simplicity of the unfailing winds of the Universe in a journey you yourself now chart – and how to catch them to propel you f

  • Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age - Ft. Lauderdale

    16/02/2017 Duración: 39min

    Have you ever lied about your age? Used it as an excuse? Our culture teaches us that it’s all downhill after age 40, and your worth is between the ages of 18 and 29. Yet it takes half a lifetime for most of us to know what’s important and to “kick to the curb” what’s not important. After the age of 50 is when we are most in touch with the dictates of our souls—with the Divine Goddess energy within. Dr. Christiane Northrup says that if women want to know where their real power is, they need to look to the areas they’ve been taught to dread. Aging is one of these. Allow your life to be youthful!

  • davidji - The Secrets of Inner Peace

    09/02/2017 Duración: 28min

    Do really know how to meditate? Are you getting the most out of it? The relentless swirl of thoughts, daily pressures, items on our to-do list, emotional baggage, and conditioned behaviors can often overwhelm us, challenge us, confuse us, and paralyze us. In this transformational session, you will: The Secrets of Meditation by davidji • Experience present-moment-awareness • Stay grounded, calm, and centered • Awaken your inner healer • Understand what happens when you meditate • Learn tools, tips, & techniques to de-stress in the middle of a crisis Find deeper peace of mind! As the Dean & Lead Educator of the Chopra Center refor more than a decade, davidji has taught hundreds of thousands of people around the world to connect to their most divine expressions.

  • Mastin Kipp - Bring Your Purpose to Life

    06/02/2017 Duración: 33min

    What’s the one thing holding you back from the life of your dreams? Courageous action. Mastin teaches you how to face your fear, eliminate limiting beliefs and become the person you were meant to be. That person who actually embodies all the wisdom that you’ve watched, read and listened to. It’s time to go from consuming personal growth material to doing it. Let’s find your courage, take action and bring your purpose to life. Mastin Kipp’s “The Daily Love” has quickly become the fastest growing inspirational Twitter account, inspiring 600,000 people a day. and email list on the internet. Mastin has been featured on Oprah’s Lifeclass twice and The Daily Love has a content syndication deal with The Huffington Post.

  • Kris Carr - From Surviving to Thriving: Creating a Crazy Sexy Life

    27/01/2017 Duración: 34min

    "Happy Valentine’s Day, you have cancer.” Kris Carr got the wakeup call of her life in 2003 when she learned she had an incurable stage IV cancer. With no traditional treatment options to fall-back on, Kris became both an advocate for herself and a voracious student of mind/body medicine. She embarked on a healing adventure that not only transformed her life, but created a global wellness revolution. In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. Each of us receives some sort of a wake-up call. Answer yours today and let your obstacle become your catalyst for a healthier and more meaningful life. Join the courageous and hilarious Kris Carr, author of the brand-new Crazy Sexy Juice cookbook, as she gives you an honest and intimate look into her life as she’s transitioned from a daily struggle to survive into a world filled with health, radiance and joy. Kris is living proof that a diet based on organic, natural

  • Gregg Braden - Human: By Design - Fort Lauderdale

    20/01/2017 Duración: 35min

    Why You're "Wired" for Extraordinary Powers of Deep Intuition, Pre-cognition, Super Healing and More! We live our lives, choose our relationships, and solve our problems based upon the way we answer a single question: Who Am I? New discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to this timeless question. Now we know that we’re absolutely “wired” to be extraordinary and understanding our personal wiring is the key. The best science of today paves the way to do just that, and leads us directly to extraordinary experiences that have been considered rare and mystical in the past. These include expanded states of deep intuition and direct knowing, pre-cognition (knowing future events before they happen), dialing the “hot-line” into healthy subconscious beliefs, creating a super-enhanced immune system, the triggering of anti-aging hormones and much, much more!

  • Cheryl Richardson - The Magic of Ordinary Life

    13/01/2017 Duración: 34min

    Slow down. Breathe. Live in the moment. These simple messages, when put into practice, can help us find the extraordinary in everyday life. They require a willingness to say no more often than yes, to be loyal to the desires of the soul, and to commit to a daily practice of presence that keeps us tuned in to beauty. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will share the story of what happened in her own life as she began to honor these messages and document the magic found in ordinary days.

  • Brendon Burchard - The Motivation Manifesto - Philadelphia

    05/01/2017 Duración: 33min

    Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.

  • Sandra Anne Taylor - Creating New Codes for a Fabulous New Life!

    23/12/2016 Duración: 31min

    Are you tired of running into the same obstacles over and over again? You may be carrying some self-sabotaging codes that you aren't even aware of--projecting your energy in a direction you don't desire. But you do have the power to change these codes and redirect your energy to new and successful outcomes. In an amazingly easy yet powerful technique called the Quantum Breakthrough Code, you can shift even deeply help negative patterns and create dynamic new energy patterns that are absolutely irresistible to the Universe! This incredibly simple technique will help you to: • Decode harmful blocks and energies--and code healthy, beneficial, and successful patterns; • Ignite powerful breakthrough forces that will completely reroute the direction of your life; • Energetically accelerate your affirmations and visualizations into wonderful results: and • Discover the power to manifest your dreams forever! Join the thousands of people who have used this technique to release fears, self-doubt, addictions, and other

  • Robert Holden, Ph.D. - Life Loves You - Philadelphia

    23/12/2016 Duración: 34min

    Robert shares his experience of writing with Louise Hay their new book Life Loves You. The words, life loves you, make up one of Louise Hay’s best-loved affirmations. They also represent a fundamental philosophy – called Basic Trust by psychologists – that is the basis for genuine self-love, for spiritual healing, and real abundance. Basic trust states, life doesn’t just happen to you; it happens for you. It states that all manner of help and inspiration will rush to your side when you make authentic choices, commit to healing, and follow your joy. It is the key to healing your life and being more of who you really are. Robert Holden’s work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens!, and in two major BBC-TV documentaries called The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy, shown in 20 countries to over 30 million television viewers. His corporate clients include Dove and The Real Beauty Campaign. He is author of Shift Happens!, Authentic Success

  • Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age - Philadelphia

    15/12/2016 Duración: 34min

    Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Vitality, Wellbeing, and Radiance Want  some  really good news? Growing older need not be associated with deterioration and poor health - no matter what you've seen and heard all around you your whole life. As Dr. Mario Martinez, founder of the Biocognitive Institute says, "Getting older is inevitable. Aging is optional". Research  on  hundreds of healthy centenarians around the world--people who are joyfully living happy and productive lives at 100 and beyond - has demonstrated that all of these people have a certain consciousness, a way of thinking and living that we can all learn to emulate. And this consciousness gets translated right into their cells and states of health. These individuals don't have any special gene pool either-- most have parents who died in their 70's. You too can learn the secrets of regeneration and rejuvenation at any age and any stage. And this all begins with uncovering the beliefs and behaviors that are running your biology in the

  • Gabrielle Berstein - Miracles Now

    08/12/2016 Duración: 34min

    Do you get excited when you experience synchronicity and flow? For instance, just as you think of someone, they call you—or you hum a song in your head, and then it comes on the radio. These moments are reminders that you are connected to an inner guidance system; you’re on the right track. The flow of synchronicity always leads you to healing and growth.

  • John Holland - Power of the Soul - Philadelphia

    01/12/2016 Duración: 32min

    Did you know we all have the ability to tap into one of the most powerful forces in the Universe -YOUR SOUL! Your soul is constantly trying to get your attention – but many of us don’t recognize the signs. In this lecture: Discover and access the full power of your soul Open yourself to a guiding higher-consciousness Tap into your intuitive abilities Understand the nature, function, and purpose of the soul Learn that as a ‘soul’ you are and always will be connected to the souls of your loved ones that have passed on and learn how they connect with us here. No matter what your walk of life, this powerful keynote helps you follow your own spiritual journey.

  • Gregg Braden - Human: By Design

    23/11/2016 Duración: 32min

    Why You’re “Wired” to Heal Life’s Hurt, Transcend Life’s Crises, Master Life’s Mysteries and Ignite Your Immortal Cells! The better we know ourselves, the better equipped we are for whatever life brings our way. It’s this simple fact that lies at the core of this new program: Human By Design. We live our lives, choose our relationships, and solve our problems based upon the way we think of ourselves. New discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to the way we see ourselves in the world. Now we know that we’re intentionally “wired” for extraordinary capabilities that have appeared rare and mystical in the past. We also know that each person has a unique key that unlocks their personal code of abilities. The best science of today paves the way to do just that, and leads us directly to deep intuition and direct knowing on-demand, pre-cognition (knowing future event

  • Cheryl Richardson - The Magic of Ordinary Life

    17/11/2016 Duración: 39min

    Slow down. Breathe. Live in the moment. These simple messages, when put into practice, can help us find the extraordinary in everyday life. They require a willingness to say no more often than yes, to be loyal to the desires of the soul, and to commit to a daily practice of presence that keeps us tuned in to beauty. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will share the story of what happened in her own life as she began to honor these messages and document the magic found in ordinary days.

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

    10/11/2016 Duración: 31min

    Dr. Joe Dispenza has traveled the world teaching people the science of change. He’s chronicled his student’s progress through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. In this keynote lecture, Dr. Dispenza will present his findings which show people healing themselves from chronic illness, having interdimensional experiences, and interacting in other realms. The world is changing. This is a time in history where it’s not enough to know, this is a time in history to know how. In this lecture you’ll learn the fundamentals behind what it takes do the uncommon, to become supernatural, and create the life you want.

  • Kris Carr - From Surviving to Thriving: Creating a Crazy Sexy Life

    03/11/2016 Duración: 30min

    "Happy Valentine’s Day, you have cancer.” Kris Carr got the wakeup call of her life in 2003 when she learned she had an incurable stage IV cancer. With no traditional treatment options to fall-back on, Kris became both an advocate for herself and a voracious student of mind/body medicine. She embarked on a healing adventure that not only transformed her life, but created a global wellness revolution. In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. Each of us receives some sort of a wake-up call. Answer yours today and let your obstacle become your catalyst for a healthier and more meaningful life. Join the courageous and hilarious Kris Carr, author of the brand-new Crazy Sexy Juice cookbook, as she gives you an honest and intimate look into her life as she’s transitioned from a daily struggle to survive into a world filled with health, radiance and joy. Kris is living proof that a diet based on organic, natural

  • Anita Moorjani - Being Myself: Loving myself for who I am, not who the world wants me to be!

    31/10/2016 Duración: 18min

    Anita Moorjani only had to die to learn to love herself unconditionally! It was while she was in a coma during the end stages of the cancer that was supposed to take her life that she realized the truth of the importance of loving yourself like your life depends on it – because it does! In her captivating workshop, Anita addresses the challenges of truly being our self in a world that does not seem ready for us to express ourselves authentically, and freely shares some very practical tools, tips and exercises that she has learned, in order to truly feel empowered in culture that judges us for loving ourselves. She will share some step-by-step processes that can help you develop love, respect, and value for yourself, so that you can feel empowered about your own life. She will also address what having a healthy dose of self-love looks like in relationships, and will also speak on what life looks like when we don’t love ourselves.

  • Barbara De Angelis - Soul Shifts: Transforming Your Life from the Inside Out

    20/10/2016 Duración: 20min

    Imagine if you could find the courage to make the changes you need to make, the healing to release the past, the energy to live with renewed purpose, and the wisdom to understand your life’s path. To do this, what is needed is not simply change, but profound accelerated transformation from the inside out. You are ready for Soul Shifts! In this inspiring presentation, Dr. Barbara De Angelis offers a radical re-visioning of the journey of personal and spiritual growth that invites you to go from trying to manage yourself and control your life to, instead, operating from inner Mastery by learning how to make what she calls Soul Shifts-- profound shifts in understanding, emotions and consciousness that will transform you from the Soul Level. She will introduce you to her exciting teaching of Vibrational Mastery--how to change your actual energetic vibration, and stop “short-circuiting” your spiritual and emotional power. You will learn tools for Practical Spirituality, how to shift beyond ‘positive thinking’, to

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