Hay House Live!® Podcast

Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age - Philadelphia



Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Vitality, Wellbeing, and Radiance Want  some  really good news? Growing older need not be associated with deterioration and poor health - no matter what you've seen and heard all around you your whole life. As Dr. Mario Martinez, founder of the Biocognitive Institute says, "Getting older is inevitable. Aging is optional". Research  on  hundreds of healthy centenarians around the world--people who are joyfully living happy and productive lives at 100 and beyond - has demonstrated that all of these people have a certain consciousness, a way of thinking and living that we can all learn to emulate. And this consciousness gets translated right into their cells and states of health. These individuals don't have any special gene pool either-- most have parents who died in their 70's. You too can learn the secrets of regeneration and rejuvenation at any age and any stage. And this all begins with uncovering the beliefs and behaviors that are running your biology in the