Wall St For Main St



Wall St for Main St is a start up investor education, financial education, research and consulting company. We provide alternative financial information, research, education and consulting to Main Street investors using uncommon wisdom like the Austrian School of Economics. Our goal is teaching people how to fish for themselves instead of trusting their financial adviser for everything. We interview top investors, traders, money managers, financial commentators, economic experts, authors, CEOs and newsletter writers from around the world to discuss the latest events in the global economy and financial markets.


  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 20: Federal Reserve Serves Main St? WTF? Propaganda Clownshow!

    22/05/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and managing editor of The News Doctors http://thenewsdoctors.com/ and independent financial journalist, Eric Dubin are back for Episode #20 of their Welcome to Dystopia podcast show. To start off the episode, Jason asks Eric what's been going on in the gold and silver markets the last week and about the most recent jobs report. Eric talks about the massive amount of new short contracts the commercials (bullion banks) are issuing and how phony the jobs numbers truly are. Jason then asks Eric why the stock market hasn't crashed yet? Jason and Eric discuss inflation that's still in asset prices and in the global economy. Jason and Eric discuss whether communism, socialism or fascism have infected the US for 100 years. Jason says the communists and socialists don't care about owning the means of production as long as they can tax everything more every year and also create inflation to help redistribute wealth. Jason and Eric also discuss the current news on the upcoming 2

  • May 2016: Reviewing Our January 2016 Report

    22/05/2016 Duración: 52min

    Jason Burack and Mo Dawoud of Wall St for Main St did a review of how 2016 is playing out and how accurate their report they released in January 2016 is. Jason and Mo discuss value investing, investing in resource stocks and also what's really going on in the global economy. If you would like to donate fiat, Bitcoin or Bitgold please go to our website!

  • Erik Townsend: What We Have Now Isn't Capitalism

    21/05/2016 Duración: 53min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, Erik Townsend. Erik is a former software entrepreneur who is now a hedge fund manager. He also hosts the new Macro Voices podcast http://www.macrovoices.com/ Listeners may also remember Erik from the past being on both the Peak Prosperity podcasts with Chris Martenson and also the Financial Sense Newshour with Jim Puplava. During this 40+ minute interview, Jason starts off the interview by asking Erik about his background. Erik talks about how he built a successful technology company and then sold it before the technology bubble popped. Erik then, unfortunately, lost a lot of his money after trusting Wall Street with his money. He then started to learn about investing on his own and how to manage his money himself. Jason and Eric talk about some of the problems with Wall St and the hedge fund industry. Next, Jason asks Erik if he thinks central banks are trapped? Erik thinks all the major central banks like the US, Japan, ECB, etc are trapped bu

  • John Rubino: Does The Federal Reserve Know What They Are Doing?

    20/05/2016 Duración: 46min

    Wall St for Main St welcomed back John Rubino, who is the editor of The Dollar Collapse and co-author of The Money Bubble. In this podcast, we discussed the feds next move as the economy continues to struggle. Does the feds know what they are doing or are they clueless? Also, we discussed the best way to invest in the gold and silver market and how technology has been easier for people to move money outside the banking system. Finally, we touched on Obama's recent press conference on the state of the economy. He is pushing to raise minimum wage in effort to stimulate the economy. This is called the Keynesian multiplier effect and guess what.....it doesn't work! Otherwise, the government stimulus programs should have dug us out of this recession. Plus much more!

  • Dr. Mark Thornton: We Are A "Santa Claus" State

    03/05/2016 Duración: 32min

    Wall St for Main St welcome back Dr. Mark Thornton, who is a Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute. In this podcast, we discussed the rise of socialism in the U.S. and why it has become a popular ideology among the young voters in this election. We also discussed why capitalism has become less popular and what we can do to show the benefits of free market capitalism. In the next part of our podcast, we discussed the federal reserve decision not to raise the interest rate. Can the Feds raise rates without the economy falling apart? Finally, we talked about the ongoing war on drug and why the government is on the losing side of the war.

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 19, Part 2. Featuring Bill Murphy: GATA Vindicated BUT Deutsche Bank a Limited Hangout

    28/04/2016 Duración: 29min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and independent financial journalist and managing editor of The News Doctors, Eric Dubin, are back for episode #19 of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast. The special guest on this podcast is Gold Anti-Tust Action Committee (GATA) http://www.gata.org/, President Bill Murphy. Bill has decades of experience trading commodities and also writes a popular newsletter at Le Metropole Cafe. During this episode, Jason congratulates Bill and GATA for being vindicated with Deutsche Bank (DB) admitting manipulation of gold and silver and now agreeing to turn in evidence and help implicate its other co-conspirators. Eric and Jason ask Bill many questions about the gold and silver markets. Bill says US investment banks still haven't been named yet for their role but hopefully this will change soon. GATA has also not been contacted about testifying about the manipulation occurring. After the interview with Bill is finished, Jason and Eric discuss why the Japanese Yen has been strengtheni

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 19, Part 1. Featuring Bill Murphy: GATA Vindicated BUT Deutsche Bank a Limited Hangout

    28/04/2016 Duración: 39min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and independent financial journalist and managing editor of The News Doctors, Eric Dubin, are back for episode #19 of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast. The special guest on this podcast is Gold Anti-Tust Action Committee (GATA) http://www.gata.org/, President Bill Murphy. Bill has decades of experience trading commodities and also writes a popular newsletter at Le Metropole Cafe. During this episode, Jason congratulates Bill and GATA for being vindicated with Deutsche Bank (DB) admitting manipulation of gold and silver and now agreeing to turn in evidence and help implicate its other co-conspirators. Eric and Jason ask Bill many questions about the gold and silver markets. Bill says US investment banks still haven't been named yet for their role but hopefully this will change soon. GATA has also not been contacted about testifying about the manipulation occurring. After the interview with Bill is finished, Jason and Eric discuss why the Japanese Yen has been strengtheni

  • Welcome to Dystopia Episode 18: Forget Panama Papers, Sprott Scarfing Down More Silver!

    28/04/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and managing editor of The News Doctorshttp://thenewsdoctors.com/ and independent financial journalist, Eric Dubin are back for episode #18 of the Welcome to Dystopia podcast. BIG NEWS IN THE PRECIOUS METALS MARKETS IS THE SPROTT PHYSICAL SILVER TRUST OR PSLV IS BUYING $75 MILLION WORTH OF MORE PHYSICAL SILVER! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sprott... Jason and Eric discuss what this purchase means for the silver market and that a lot of silver supply could be offline in the next few years because of low base metal prices. A lot of the annual silver production (more than 60%) is from base metal mines as by-product. French investment bank, Societe General (Soc Gen) predicts silver supply will fall by 9% in 2016 and by 13% in 2017 due to low base metal prices. Eric and Jason also discuss gold and silver mining share. Next, Jason and Eric discuss the Panama Papers leak and what motives are really behind it? Eric suggests listeners read this article: http://thenewsdoctors

  • David Morgan: Sprott Silver Purchase Perfect Timing?

    28/04/2016 Duración: 43min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, the silver guru, David Morgan of The Morgan Report http://www.themorganreport.com/. TheMorganReport.com [Get the Free Report 'Riches in Resources'] David has decades of market experience working in the financial industry and investing and trading markets. David has also written 2 books about silver, the Skinny on Silver and his new book, Silver Manifesto. David is also the CEO of a new precious metals royalty and streaming company, Lemuria Royalty. Purchase the Silver Manifesto here: http://www.amazon.com/Silver-Manifest... http://www.audible.com/pd/Business/Th... During this 35+ minute interview, Jason asks David about the recent announcement from the Sprott Physical Silver Trust (PSLV) that they are buying approximately 5 million oz of physical silver to add to the trust. Jason asks David if the timing of the announcement was perfect to counter the negative commitment of traders (COT) reports on gold and silver? David thinks Sprott t

  • Carol Roth: Entrepreneurship Is Not For Everyone

    12/04/2016 Duración: 31min

    Wall St For Main St welcome Carol Roth, who is an entrepreneur, small business advocate, New York Times best selling author and radio host. She is also a judge on TBS America's Greatest Makers which had their season premiere last week.Go to her web site at www.carolroth.com to find out more about her work! In this podcast, we looked at how small business owners and entrepreneurs has fared since the 2008 financial crisis. Small business is the backbone of the economy and many argued that it has not picked up since the recovery. We also discussed why the 2016 presidential candidates do not give enough attention to the small business owners. Instead, they are giving them a hard time with regulations and taxes.Finally, Carol will share her insight to why entrepreneurship is not as glamorous as people think it is and not everyone should become one. But just in case you do decide to become an entrepreneur, she will also tell us her advice. Plus much more!

  • Dr. Marc Faber: Federal Reserve Won't Stop Printing Money

    06/04/2016 Duración: 37min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, editor & publisher of the Gloom Boom Doom Report http://www.gloomboomdoom.com/, Dr. Marc Faber. Marc has decades of experience investing in global financial markets and he has wrote the book, Tomorrow's Gold- Asia's Age of Discovery. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason opens the interview by asking Marc about how he thinks China will deal with the massive debt problems its state owned banks and municipalities have? Marc jokes about Jason asking the Chinese government instead of him. Jason then asks Marc about what Kyle Bass is saying about China. Marc says the US mainstream financial media and Federal Reserve are talking about how bad things are in China and Europe to deflect attention from the US' debt problems. Next, Jason asks Marc how much global central banks are coordinating their policies and doing market manipulations and market manipulations together? Marc says he thinks there's no such thing as currency wars and that the US, UK

  • Jim Willie: More US Vote Rigging Coming as US Debt Problem Looms

    06/04/2016 Duración: 01h18min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, editor of the Hat Trick Letter at http://www.goldenjackass.com/, Jim Willie. During this hour+ interview, Jason asks Jim 6 important questions about the global economy and the upcoming US presidential election. Here's the questions Jason asked Jim: 1) Do you think many central banks are colluding and coordinating behind the scenes to manipulate markets, interest rates and currency exchange rates? How much more "monetary cocaine and heroine" can the global financial system take before all control is lost?2) What do you think governments and central banks gain from implementing NIRP? Is this a main part of the cashless society and totalitarian control plan?3) Was this recent bear market rally in oil and base metals done so banks wouldn't have to write off many billions in bad loans? Is that tsunami of loan defaults still coming soon?4) Is it even possible for the GLD to get its hands on over 100 tons of physical gold in a week or two?5) Do you thi

  • James Rickards: Global Financial System Needs Golden Anchor?

    30/03/2016 Duración: 37min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, best selling author and Chief Global Strategist at the West Shore Funds, Editor of Strategic Intelligence, a monthly newsletter, and Director of The James Rickards Project, an inquiry into the complex dynamics of geopolitics + global capital, James Rickards. http://www.jamesrickardsproject.com/During this 30+ minute interview, Jason first asks Jim why do you think so many people on Wall St don't understand or hate gold? Jim says there's been over 40 years of conditioning, brainwashing, etc in schools in the US that's anti-gold and that people in other countries understand gold's role in a diversified investment portfolio far better. Jason and Jim discuss Warren Buffett's view on gold and the erroneous view that gold caused the Great Depression of 1929. Jim says that gold is money and doesn't need a yield. Next, Jason asks Jim why Russia and China are accumulating so much physical gold? Jim says China is doing it to hedge its paper US Treasury ho

  • Dan Collins: Why the U.S. Can't Have Nice Things Like China Does

    29/03/2016 Duración: 30min

    Wall St for Main St welcomed back Dan Collins, who is the Editor of The China Money Report. We bring on Dan to provide insights on what is going on in China since he lives and owns a business in China unlike some of the pundits on CNN and MSNBC where the closest they have been to China is Panda Express ;)In this podcast, we discussed the propaganda war going on in the mainstream media on the Chinese economy. Are they blowing things out of proportion? Also, we talked about the volatile Chinese stock market , Trump's proposal to increase tariff on Chinese imports, China gold buying spree and much more!

  • Tuur Demeester: Why Goldbugs Should Own Some Bitcoin

    27/03/2016 Duración: 49min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, Austrian School Economist, author and investor, Tuur Demeester. His articles are posted on his Twitter handle @Tuurdemeester and he writes for popular Bitcoin and block chain websites. Tuur Demeester is an independent investor and commentator. He has a background in Austrian economics, the school that specializes in the study of boom-and-bust cycles in the economy. He first discovered Bitcoin on a research trip in Argentina, and started recommending it as an investment at $5 in January 2012. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks Tuur about the state of the global economy. Tuur grew up in Europe, moved to the US and then moved to Latin America. He says emerging markets are used to problems and difficulties more than Americans are and that they are more resilient and more likely to adapt.Tuur says Bitcoin has dynamic growth in many African countries right now and that Bitcoin will help protect citizens of countries like China from devaluati

  • Michael Lebowitz: NIRP & Central Banks Driving People to Gold

    27/03/2016 Duración: 42min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest, former portfolio manager and founder of 720 Global http://www.720global.com/, Michael Lebowitz. Michael's articles frequently appear on Zero Hedge. His firm 720 Global writes institutional research. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks Michael about the Federal Reserve and Janet Yellen announcing this week that they will not try to aggressively raise interest rates and if they are trapped and have to go to negative interest rate policy (NIRP) asap?Michael says the Fed probably won't increase interest more than at most once more in 2016 before they start reversing their interest rate hikes into rate cuts back towards zero and NIRP. Michael says central bank policies from the US, Japan, China and the ECB are driving people into gold along with the threat of NIRP. Michael thinks gold has probably bottomed and will continue to go higher long term as long as central banks keep making desperate policy decisions. Next, Jason asks Michael if he is su

  • Phil Kennedy: Get Out of Debt ASAP To Survive The New Depression

    18/03/2016 Duración: 38min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, Philip Kennedy of Kennedy Financial http://www.philipkennedy.com/home.html.Phil is a Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and his is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) candidate. His full bio can be found here: http://www.philipkennedy.com/about.htmlPhil started his volunteer based non-profit Kennedy Financial to help military and middle class families in the US get out of debt and also to start saving and investing. Phil has also written a new book, Financial Judo: Leverage The Crash to Your Advantage, which is free to download as an e-book in exchange for an email address on his website. Phil also has a new YouTube channel with a lot of good interviews to check out. During this 25+ minute interview, Jason asks Phil about his background and how he found the Austrian School of Economics? Phil talks about how he worked hard to get through school and to get all of his certifications and how after he graduated he and his wife wa

  • Welcome to Dystopia 17-Smaulgld on Shifty PM Data: Louis Dissects CPM Group, Gold/Silver

    18/03/2016 Duración: 01h12min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and managing editor of The News Doctors http://thenewsdoctors.com/ and independent financial journalist, Eric Dubin welcome special guest Louis Cammarosano of Smaulgld https://smaulgld.com/ to Episode #17 of their Welcome to Dystopia podcast. Louis a a precious metal and real estate expert who also has been a teacher, worked on Wall St, worked in Silicon Valley and has been a lawyer for Wall St. During this hour+ episode, Jason asks Louis about the precious metals market. Louis thinks CPM Group and the Silver Institute use incorrect data. He says CPM doesn't count investment demand in their demand calculations and that the Silver Institute doesn't properly account for silver ETF holdings. Louis thinks the physical silver market has been in a major deficit for years. Eric then asks what will cause the silver price to rise? Louis says investment demand and/ot industrial demand for physical metal will force paper prices higher (if the manipulators allow it). Eric follows up ab

  • Don Durrett: Gold Will Soar When Stocks Roll Over

    18/03/2016 Duración: 42min

    Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, mining stock expert http://www.goldsilverdata.com/ and author of How to Invest in Gold and Silver: A Complete Guide with a Focus on Mining Stocks, Don Durrett. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks Don why Gold's fundamentals are improving and why big money managers on Wall St are suddenly buying gold?Don talks about how the US economy is getting worse and how the threat of negative interest rate policy and the stock market rolling over is causing the fear trade to explode. Don says the fear trade is fueling investors to go into cash and gold. Next, Jason asks Don about the big move in gold stocks and if the bull market has returned?Don doesn't think the gold and silver bull market has returned until gold clear overhead resistance levels of 1280 and 1308 for gold. Jason and Don discuss the pitfalls of investing in gold and silver companies and the latest news about the industry.

  • Brent Johnson: If You Believe In Math, Buy Gold

    14/03/2016 Duración: 41min

    Wall St for Main St continue their week long series on precious metals by interviewing Brent Johnson, who is the CEO of Santiago Capital and a precious metals investor. In this podcast, we discussed why Brent left Wall St after the 2008 financial crisis and how he got interested in the precious metals market. We also talked about the recent comment made by former Fed chairman on how the Feds used "heroin and cocaine to create a wealth effect", the volatility in the stock market and it means for investors. Finally, we discussed the precious metals market and the recent surge in prices.

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